
Bernardo Lula Jr.

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7EECarlos Eduardo Caminha Lopes Rodrigues, Bernardo Lula Jr., Pablo Ribeiro Suárez: Using a script model to preserve the consistency within an UI design environment. TAMODIA 2005: 143-149
6EEEd Porto Bezerra, Ulrich Schiel, Bernardo Lula Jr.: LITO - A Logic For Indeterminate Temporal Objects. DEXA Workshops 2004: 940-944
5EEPablo Ribeiro Suárez, Bernardo Lula Jr., Marcelo Alves de Barros: Applying knowledge management in UI design process. TAMODIA 2004: 113-120
4 C. V. Serey Guerrero, Bernardo Lula Jr.: A Model-Guided and Task-Based Approach to User Interface Design Centered in a Unified Interaction and Architectural Model. CADUI 2002: 119-130
3 Marconi Luiz França, Bernardo Lula Jr.: Web User's Interfaces Layout. ICWI 2002: 491-494
2EEJ. H. Medeiros, L. M. Kafure, Bernardo Lula Jr.: TAOS: A Task-and-Action Oriented Framework for User's Task Analysis in the Context of Human-Computer Interfaces Design. SCCC 2000: 24-31
1 Bernardo Lula Jr., Eugène Chouraqui, Hélio de Menezes Silva: Automatic Generation of Graphical Interfaces in an Object-Logic Programming Environment. LPE 1994: 0-

Coauthor Index

1Marcelo Alves de Barros [5]
2Ed Porto Bezerra [6]
3Eugène Chouraqui [1]
4Marconi Luiz França [3]
5C. V. Serey Guerrero [4]
6L. M. Kafure [2]
7J. H. Medeiros [2]
8Carlos Eduardo Caminha Lopes Rodrigues [7]
9Ulrich Schiel [6]
10Hélio de Menezes Silva [1]
11Pablo Ribeiro Suárez [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)