
Zoltan Kato

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21EECsaba Domokos, Zoltan Kato: Binary Image Registration Using Covariant Gaussian Densities. ICIAR 2008: 455-464
20EEZoltan Kato: Segmentation of color images via reversible jump MCMC sampling. Image Vision Comput. 26(3): 361-371 (2008)
19EECsaba Benedek, Tamás Szirányi, Zoltan Kato, Josiane Zerubia: A Multi-Layer MRF Model for Object-Motion Detection in Unregistered Airborne Image-Pairs. ICIP (6) 2007: 141-144
18EEZoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong: A Multi-Layer MRF Model for Video Object Segmentation. ACCV (2) 2006: 953-962
17EEPéter Horváth, Ian Jermyn, Josiane Zerubia, Zoltan Kato: A Higher-Order Active Contour Model for Tree Detection. ICPR (2) 2006: 130-133
16EEPéter Horváth, Ian H. Jermyn, Zoltan Kato, Josiane Zerubia: An Improved 'Gas of Circles' Higher-Order Active Contour Model and Its Application to Tree Crown Extraction. ICVGIP 2006: 152-161
15EEPéter Horváth, Ian Jermyn, Zoltan Kato, Josiane Zerubia: A higher-order active contour model of a `gas of circles' and its application to tree crown extraction CoRR abs/cs/0611115: (2006)
14EEZoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong: A Markov random field image segmentation model for color textured images. Image Vision Comput. 24(10): 1103-1114 (2006)
13 Zoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong, Song Guo Qiang: Unsupervised segmentation of color textured images using a multilayer MRF model. ICIP (1) 2003: 961-964
12EEXiaowen Ji, Zoltan Kato, Zhiyong Huang: Non-Photorealistic Rendering and Content-Based Image Retrieval. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 153-162
11 Zoltan Kato, Xiaowen Ji, Tamás Szirányi, Zoltán Tóth, László Czúni: Content-based image retrieval using stochastic paintbrush transformation. ICIP (1) 2002: 944-947
10EEZoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong, Song Guo Qiang: Multicue MRF Image Segmentation: Combining Texture and Color Features. ICPR (1) 2002: 660-663
9EEZoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong: A Markov Random Field Image Segmentation Model Using Combined Color and Texture Features. CAIP 2001: 547-554
8 Zoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong, John Chung-Mong Lee: Color image segmentation and parameter estimation in a markovian framework. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(3/4): 309-321 (2001)
7EETamás Szirányi, Josiane Zerubia, László Czúni, David Geldreich, Zoltan Kato: Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Field Model in Fully Parallel Cellular Network Architectures. Real-Time Imaging 6(3): 195-211 (2000)
6EEZoltan Kato, Josiane Zerubia, Marc Berthod: Unsupervised parallel image classification using Markovian models. Pattern Recognition 32(4): 591-604 (1999)
5 Zoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong, John Chung-Mong Lee: Motion Compensated Color Video Classification Using Markov Random Fields. ACCV (1) 1998: 738-745
4 Zoltan Kato, Marc Berthod, Josiane Zerubia: A Hierarchical Markov Random Field Model and Multitemperature Annealing for Parallel Image Classification. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(1): 18-37 (1996)
3EEMarc Berthod, Zoltan Kato, Shan Yu, Josiane Zerubia: Bayesian image classification using Markov random fields. Image Vision Comput. 14(4): 285-295 (1996)
2EEZoltan Kato, Josiane Zerubia, Marc Berthod: Unsupervised Parallel Image Classificiation Using a Hierarchical Markovian Model. ICCV 1995: 169-174
1EEMarc Berthod, Zoltan Kato, Josiane Zerubia: DPA: a deterministic approach to the MAP problem. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4(9): 1312-1314 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Csaba Benedek [19]
2Marc Berthod [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
3László Czúni [7] [11]
4Csaba Domokos [21]
5David Geldreich [7]
6Péter Horváth [15] [16] [17]
7Zhiyong Huang [12]
8Ian H. Jermyn (Ian Jermyn) [15] [16] [17]
9Xiaowen Ji [11] [12]
10John Chung-Mong Lee [5] [8]
11Ting-Chuen Pong [5] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [18]
12Song Guo Qiang [10] [13]
13Tamás Szirányi [7] [11] [19]
14Zoltán Tóth [11]
15Shan Yu [3]
16Josiane Zerubia [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [15] [16] [17] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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