
Ravi Malladi

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19 Thomas Deschamps, P. Schwartz, D. Trebotich, P. Colella, D. Saloner, Ravi Malladi: Vessel segmentation and blood flow simulation using Level-Sets and Embedded Boundary methods. CARS 2004: 75-80
18EEThomas Deschamps, Ravi Malladi, Igor Ravve: Fast Evolution of Image Manifolds and Application to Filtering and Segmentation in 3D Medical Images. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(5): 525-535 (2004)
17EERavi Malladi, Igor Ravve: Fast Difference Schemes for Edge Enhancing Beltrami Flow. ECCV (1) 2002: 343-357
16 A. Sarti, Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian: Subjective Surfaces: A Geometric Model for Boundary Completion. International Journal of Computer Vision 46(3): 201-221 (2002)
15 A. Sarti, Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian: Computing Missing Boundaries in Images. VIIP 2001: 495-500
14 Ron Kimmel, Ravi Malladi, Nir A. Sochen: Images as Embedded Maps and Minimal Surfaces: Movies, Color, Texture, and Volumetric Medical Images. International Journal of Computer Vision 39(2): 111-129 (2000)
13 Ron Kimmel, Ravi Malladi, Nir A. Sochen: Image Processing via the Beltrami Operator. ACCV (1) 1998: 574-581
12 Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian: A Real-Time Algorithm for Medical Shape Recovery. ICCV 1998: 304-310
11EENir A. Sochen, Ron Kimmel, Ravi Malladi: A general framework for low level vision. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(3): 310-318 (1998)
10EERon Kimmel, Ravi Malladi, Nir A. Sochen: Images as embedding maps and minimal surfaces: movies, color, and volumetric medical images. CVPR 1997: 350-361
9EERon Kimmel, Ravi Malladi, Nir A. Sochen: Images as Embedding Maps and Minimal Surfaces: A Unified Approach for Image Diffusion. ICIP (3) 1997: 368-
8 Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Ravi Malladi: From High Energy Physics to Low Level Vision. Scale-Space 1997: 236-247
7 Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian: Flows under Min/Max Curvature Flow and Mean Curvature: Applications in Image Processing. ECCV (1) 1996: 251-262
6 Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian: Image Processing: Flows under Min/Max Curvature and Mean Curvature. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(2): 127-141 (1996)
5EERavi Malladi, James A. Sethian: A unified approach to noise removal, image enhancement, and shape recovery. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(11): 1554-1568 (1996)
4EERavi Malladi, James A. Sethian, Baba C. Vemuri: Shape Modeling with Front Propagation: A Level Set Approach. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(2): 158-175 (1995)
3 Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian, Baba C. Vemuri: Evolutionary Fronts for Topology-Independent Shape Modeling and Recoveery. ECCV (1) 1994: 3-13
2EEBaba C. Vemuri, Ravi Malladi: Constructing Intrinsic Parameters with Active Models for Invariant Surface Reconstruction. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(7): 668-681 (1993)
1EEBaba C. Vemuri, Ravi Malladi: Surface griding with intrinsic parameters. Pattern Recognition Letters 13(11): 805-812 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1P. Colella [19]
2Thomas Deschamps [18] [19]
3Ron Kimmel [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14]
4Igor Ravve [17] [18]
5D. Saloner [19]
6A. Sarti [15] [16]
7P. Schwartz [19]
8James A. Sethian [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [12] [15] [16]
9Nir A. Sochen [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14]
10D. Trebotich [19]
11Baba C. Vemuri [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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