
Kenichi Arakawa

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15EEKyoko Sudo, Tatsuya Osawa, Hidenori Tanaka, Hideki Koike, Kenichi Arakawa: Online anomal movement detection based on unsupervised incremental learning. ICPR 2008: 1-4
14EEKyoko Sudo, Tatsuya Osawa, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Hideki Koike, Kenichi Arakawa: Estimating Anomality of the Video Sequences for Surveillance Using 1-Class SVM. IEICE Transactions 91-D(7): 1929-1936 (2008)
13EEKohtaroh Miyamoto, Kenichi Arakawa, Masakazu Takizawa: Integration of Caption Editing System with Presentation Software. HCI (5) 2007: 761-770
12EEIsao Miyagawa, Kenichi Arakawa: Motion and Shape Recovery Based on Iterative Stabilization for Modest Deviation from Planar Motion. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(7): 1176-1181 (2006)
11EEJun Shimamura, Kensaku Fujii, Kenichi Arakawa, Tomohiko Arikawa: 3D flow estimation using perspective and parallel projection images. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(7): 47-60 (2006)
10EEIsao Miyagawa, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Kenichi Arakawa: Planar motion and three-dimensional structure recovery from image sequences based on a fish-eye projection model. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(9): 32-46 (2006)
9EEKaori Kataoka, Tatsuya Osawa, Shiro Ozawa, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Kenichi Arakawa: 3D building facade model reconstruction using parallel images acquired by line scan cameras. ICIP (1) 2005: 1009-1012
8EEShingo Ando, Yoshinori Kusachi, Akira Suzuki, Kenichi Arakawa: Appearance based pose estimation of 3D object using support vector regression. ICIP (1) 2005: 341-344
7EEJun Shimamura, Kenichi Arakawa: Location-aware projection with robust 3-D viewing point detection and fast image deformation. ACM Multimedia 2004: 296-299
6EEYoshinori Kusachi, Akira Suzuki, Naoki Ito, Kenichi Arakawa: Kanji Recognition in Scene Images without Detection of Text Fields - Robust Against Variation of Viewpoint, Contrast, and Background Texture. ICPR (1) 2004: 457-460
5EEKensaku Fujii, Jun Shimamura, Kenichi Arakawa, Tomohiko Arikawa: Tangible search for stacked objects. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 848-849
4EETakashi Akutsu, Kenichi Arakawa, Hiroshi Murase: Shape from contour using adaptive image selection. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(11): 50-60 (2002)
3 Takashi Akutsu, Kenichi Arakawa, Hiroshi Murase: Active Viewpoint Control for Shape from Occluding Contours. ACCV (1) 1998: 321-328
2EEKenichi Arakawa, Takao Kakizaki, Shinji Omyo: A Method of Robust Seam Feature Detection from Profiles for Robotic Sealing. MVA 1998: 81-84
1 Kenichi Arakawa, Eric Krotkov: Fractal Modeling of Natural Terrain: Analysis and Surface Reconstruction with Range Data. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(5): 413-436 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Takashi Akutsu [3] [4]
2Shingo Ando [8]
3Tomohiko Arikawa [5] [11]
4Kensaku Fujii [5] [11]
5Naoki Ito [6]
6Takao Kakizaki [2]
7Kaori Kataoka [9]
8Hideki Koike [14] [15]
9Eric Krotkov [1]
10Yoshinori Kusachi [6] [8]
11Isao Miyagawa [10] [12]
12Kohtaroh Miyamoto [13]
13Hiroshi Murase [3] [4]
14Shinji Omyo [2]
15Tatsuya Osawa [9] [14] [15]
16Shiro Ozawa [9]
17Jun Shimamura [5] [7] [11]
18Kyoko Sudo [14] [15]
19Akira Suzuki [6] [8]
20Masakazu Takizawa [13]
21Hidenori Tanaka [15]
22Kaoru Wakabayashi [9] [10] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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