
Reiner Eschbach

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12EERaja Bala, Reiner Eschbach: Spatial Color-to-Grayscale Transform Preserving Chrominance Edge Information. Color Imaging Conference 2004: 82-86
11EEGozde B. Unal, Gaurav Sharma, Reiner Eschbach: Efficient classification of scanned media using spatial statistics. ICIP 2004: 2395-2398
10EEReiner Eschbach: Image Reproduction: An Oxymoron. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 2-5
9EERaja Balasubramanian, Ricardo L. de Queiroz, Reiner Eschbach, Wencheng Wu: Gamut Mapping to Preserve Spatial Luminance Variations. Color Imaging Conference 2000: 122-128
8EEReiner Eschbach, James Bollman: Detection and Reduction of JPEG Artifacts Caused by Large Dynamic Range. PICS 2000: 251-253
7 Karen M. Braun, Raja Balasubramanian, Reiner Eschbach: Development and Evaluation of Six Gamut-Mapping Algorithms for Pictorial Images. Color Imaging Conference 1999: 144-148
6 Reiner Eschbach: Pseudo-Vector Error Diffusion Using Cross Separation Threshold Imprints. PICS 1999: 321-323
5 Raja Balasubramanian, Reiner Eschbach: Design of UCR and GCR StrategieS to Reduce Moiré in Color printing. PICS 1999: 390-393
4EERicardo L. de Queiroz, Reiner Eschbach: Segmentation of Compressed Documents. ICIP (3) 1997: 70-73
3EERicardo L. de Queiroz, Reiner Eschbach: Fast downscaled inverses for images compressed with M-channel lapped transforms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(6): 794-807 (1997)
2 Eli Saber, A. Murat Tekalp, Reiner Eschbach, Keith T. Knox: Automatic Image Annotation Using Adaptive Color Classification. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(2): 115-126 (1996)
1 Zhigang Fan, Reiner Eschbach: Limit Cycle Behavior of Error Diffusion. ICIP (2) 1994: 1041-1045

Coauthor Index

1Raja Bala [12]
2Raja Balasubramanian [5] [7] [9]
3James Bollman [8]
4Karen M. Braun [7]
5Zhigang Fan [1]
6Keith T. Knox [2]
7Ricardo L. de Queiroz [3] [4] [9]
8Eli Saber [2]
9Gaurav Sharma [11]
10A. Murat Tekalp [2]
11Gozde B. Unal [11]
12Wencheng Wu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)