
Bahram Ravani

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14EEMichael Hofer, Helmut Pottmann, Bahram Ravani: From curve design algorithms to the design of rigid body motions. The Visual Computer 20(5): 279-297 (2004)
13EEJ. Wang, Bahram Ravani: Computer aided contouring operation for traveling wire electric discharge machining (EDM). Computer-Aided Design 35(10): 925-934 (2003)
12EEKenneth Sprott, Bahram Ravani: Kinematic Generation of Ruled Surfaces. Adv. Comput. Math. 17(1-2): 115-133 (2002)
11EERida T. Farouki, Hwan Pyo Moon, Bahram Ravani: Algorithms for Minkowski products and implicitly-defined complex sets. Adv. Comput. Math. 13(3): 199-229 (2000)
10EEMartin Peternell, Helmut Pottmann, Bahram Ravani: On the computational geometry of ruled surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 31(1): 17-32 (1999)
9EEHelmut Pottmann, Martin Peternell, Bahram Ravani: An introduction to line geometry with applications. Computer-Aided Design 31(1): 3-16 (1999)
8EEJames A. Schaaf, Bahram Ravani: Geometric continuity of ruled surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(3): 289-310 (1998)
7EEF. C. Park, Bahram Ravani: Smooth Invariant Interpolation of Rotations. ACM Trans. Graph. 16(3): 277-295 (1997)
6EEMichael G. Wagner, Bahram Ravani: Curves with rational Frenet-Serret motion. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(1): 79-101 (1997)
5 Qiaode Jeffrey Ge, Bahram Ravani: Geometric Design of Rational Bézier Line Congruences and Ruled Surfaces Using Line Geometry. Geometric Modelling 1996: 101-120
4 Helmut Pottmann, Wei Lü, Bahram Ravani: Rational Ruled Surfaces and Their Offsets. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 58(6): 544-552 (1996)
3 Chih Lee, Bahram Ravani, An Tzu Yang: Theory of contact for geometric continuity of parametric curves. The Visual Computer 8(5&6): 338-350 (1992)
2EEBahram Ravani, T. S. Ku: Bertrand offsets of ruled and developable surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 23(2): 145-152 (1991)
1EEMichael Kallay, Bahram Ravani: Optimal twist vectors as a tool for interpolating a network of curves with a minimum energy surface. Computer Aided Geometric Design 7(6): 465-473 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Rida T. Farouki [11]
2Qiaode Jeffrey Ge [5]
3Michael Hofer [14]
4Michael Kallay [1]
5T. S. Ku [2]
6Chih Lee [3]
7Wei Lü [4]
8Hwan Pyo Moon [11]
9F. C. Park [7]
10Martin Peternell [9] [10]
11Helmut Pottmann [4] [9] [10] [14]
12James A. Schaaf [8]
13Kenneth Sprott [12]
14Michael G. Wagner [6]
15J. Wang [13]
16An Tzu Yang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)