Concurrency Control: Methods, Performance, and Analysis.
Alexander Thomasian:
Concurrency Control: Methods, Performance, and Analysis.
ACM Comput. Surv. 30(1): 70-119(1998)@article{DBLP:journals/csur/Thomasian98,
author = {Alexander Thomasian},
title = {Concurrency Control: Methods, Performance, and Analysis},
journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.},
volume = {30},
number = {1},
year = {1998},
pages = {70-119},
ee = {db/journals/csur/Thomasian98.html},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Standard locking (two-phase locking with on-demand lock requests and blocking
upon lock conflict) is the primary concurrency control (CC) method for centralized
databases. The main source of performance degradation with standard locking is
blocking, whereas transaction (txn) restarts to resolve deadlocks have a secondary
effect on performance. We provide a performance analysis of standard locking that
accurately estimates its performance degradation leading to thrashing. We next
introduce two sets of methods to cope with its performance limitations. Restart-oriented
locking methods selectively abort txns to increase the level of concurrency
for active txns with respect to standard locking in high-contention environments.
For example, the running-priority method aborts blocked txns based on the
essential blocking principle, which only allows blocking by active txns.
The wait-depth-limited (WDL) method further minimizes wasted processing by basing abort
decisions on the progress made by a txn. Restart waiting serves as a load-control
mechanism by deferring the restart of an aborted txn until conflicting txns have
left the system. These two methods have performance superior to other restart-oriented
methods and standard locking in high-contention environments. In two-phase
processing methods an aborted txn may continue its first phase of execution
in "virtual" mode, that is, without requesting any locks, prefetching data for its
second execution phase. The second execution phase is shorter since no disk I/O is
required, resulting in a lower effective degree of txn concurrency and less data
contention. This method is effective provided access invariance prevails; that is,
txns access the same set of objects in the second phase as they did in the first. The
optimistic die method is appropriate for the first phase and the optimistic kill
method for further phases. Lock preclaiming instead of the optimistic kill method
in the second phase prevents further restarts, which is a weak point of the
optimistic CC method due to the quadratic effect, that is, the probability of failed
validation increases as the square of txn size. Several two-phase processing
methods are described and shown to outperform restart-oriented locking methods
in high-contention environments provided adequate hardware resources are
available. This tutorial reviews CC methods based on standard locking, restart-oriented
locking methods, two-phase processing methods including optimistic CC,
and hybrid methods (combining optimistic CC and locking) in centralized
Its main goals are as follows: (i) succinctly specify CC methods of interest; (ii)
describe models for performance evaluation of CC methods, including new models
that alleviate some of the shortcomings of models used in earlier studies; (iii)
compare the performance of CC methods; (iv) list insights gained from analytic and
simulation studies; (v) review methods to relieve the level of lock contention:
special methods for indices and aggregate data; modified txn structures; and
relaxed levels of consistency for queries; (vi) survey performance evaluation studies
of CC methods; (vii) illustrate the applicability of basic analytic methods to
evaluating the performance of CC methods; and (viii) suggest areas of further
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