Volume 7, Number 1
- Prabuddha De, Arun Sen, Ehud Gudes:
A new model for data base abstraction.
1-12 BibTeX
- Daniel A. Menascé, Tatuo Nakanishi:
Optimistic versus pessimistic concurrency control mechanisms in database management systems.
13-27 BibTeX
- Umeshwar Dayal, Philip A. Bernstein:
On the updatability of network views-extending relational view theory to the network model.
29-46 BibTeX
- E. Neuwirth, L. Reisinger:
Dissimilarity and distance coefficients in automation-supported thesauri.
47-52 BibTeX
- Haran Boral, David J. DeWitt, W. Kevin Wilkinson:
Performance evaluation of four assiciative disk designs.
53-64 BibTeX
- Jacob Slonim, L. J. MacRae, Richard A. McBride, Fred J. Maryanski, E. A. Unger, Paul S. Fisher:
A troughput model: sequential vs concurrent processing.
65-83 BibTeX
Volume 7, Number 2
Volume 7, Number 3
Volume 7, Number 4
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:04:19 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)