
Y. C. Tay

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34EEMihai Lupu, Beng Chin Ooi, Y. C. Tay: Paths to stardom: calibrating the potential of a peer-based data management system. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 265-278
33EEY. C. Tay, Dinh Nguyen Tran, Eric Yi Liu, Wei Tsang Ooi, Robert Morris: Equilibrium analysis through separation of user and network behavior. Computer Networks 52(18): 3405-3420 (2008)
32EEMihai Lupu, Y. C. Tay: P3N: profiling the potential of a peer-based data management system. PVLDB 1(2): 1416-1419 (2008)
31EEDinh Nguyen Tran, Phung Chinh Huynh, Y. C. Tay, Anthony K. H. Tung: A new approach to dynamic self-tuning of database buffers. TOS 4(1): (2008)
30EESaumitra M. Das, Konstantina Papagiannaki, Suman Banerjee, Y. C. Tay: SWARM: self-organization of community wireless mesh networks. CoNEXT 2007: 53
29EEKyle Jamieson, Hari Balakrishnan, Y. C. Tay: Sift: A MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks. EWSN 2006: 260-275
28EEY. C. Tay, Min Zou: A page fault equation for modeling the effect of memory size. Perform. Eval. 63(2): 99-130 (2006)
27EEC. Thach Nguyen, Y. C. Tay, Louxin Zhang: Divide-and-conquer approach for the exemplar breakpoint distance. Bioinformatics 21(10): 2171-2176 (2005)
26EEY. C. Tay: What should computer science students learn from mathematics? SIGACT News 36(2): 131-143 (2005)
25EEY. C. Tay, Kyle Jamieson, Hari Balakrishnan: Collision-minimizing CSMA and its applications to wireless sensor networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(6): 1048-1057 (2004)
24EEY. C. Tay: A Comparison of Pixel Complexity in Composition Techniques for Sort-Last Rendering. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(1): 152-171 (2002)
23 Y. C. Tay, Kee Chaing Chua: A Capacity Analysis for the IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol. Wireless Networks 7(2): 159-171 (2001)
22EEJason W. H. Lee, Y. C. Tay, Anthony K. H. Tung: MOO: A Methodology for Online Optimization through Mining the Offline Optimum CoRR cs.DS/0003072: (2000)
21EEY. C. Tay, HweeHwa Pang: Load Sharing in Distributed Multimedia-on-Demand Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(3): 410-428 (2000)
20EEBin Lan, Stéphane Bressan, Beng Chin Ooi, Y. C. Tay: Making Web Servers Pushier. WEBKDD 1999: 112-125
19EERhandeev Singh, Y. C. Tay, W. T. Teo, S. W. Yeow: RAT: A Quick (And Dirty?) Push for Mobility Support. WMCSA 1999: 32-40
18EEAnthony K. H. Tung, Y. C. Tay, Hongjun Lu: BROOM: Buffer Replacement using Online Optimization by Mining. CIKM 1998: 185-192
17EELing Feng, Hongjun Lu, Y. C. Tay, Anthony K. H. Tung: Buffer Management in Distributed Database Systems: A Data Mining Based Approach. EDBT 1998: 246-260
16 Y. C. Tay: Some Performance Issues for Database Transactions with Firm Deadlines. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1995: 322-331
15 Y. C. Tay, W. Tim Loke: On Deadlocks of Exclusive AND-Requests for Resources. Distributed Computing 9(2): 77-94 (1995)
14 Y. C. Tay: What is a Deadlock? Decentralized and Distributed Systems 1993: 49-60
13EEY. C. Tay: On the Optimality of Strategies for Multiple Joins. J. ACM 40(5): 1067-1086 (1993)
12EEY. C. Tay: On the Optimality of Strategies for Multiple Joins. PODS 1990: 124-131
11EEY. C. Tay: Attribute Agreement. PODS 1989: 110-119
10EEY. C. Tay, Rajan Suri: Error Bounds for Performance Prediction in Queuing Networks ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 3(3): 227-254 (1985)
9EEY. C. Tay, Nathan Goodman, Rajan Suri: Locking Performance in Centralized Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 10(4): 415-462 (1985)
8EEY. C. Tay, Rajan Suri, Nathan Goodman: A Mean Value Performance Model for Locking in Databases: The No-Waiting Case J. ACM 32(3): 618-651 (1985)
7EEY. C. Tay, Rajan Suri, Nathan Goodman: A Mean Value Performance Model for Locking in Databases: The Waiting Case. PODS 1984: 311-322
6 Y. C. Tay: The Reliability of (k, n)-Resilient Distributed Systems. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1984: 119-122
5EEY. C. Tay, Rajan Suri: Choice and Performance in Locking for Databases. VLDB 1984: 119-128
4 Nathan Goodman, Y. C. Tay: A Characterization of Multivalued Dependencies Equivalent to a Join Dependency. Inf. Process. Lett. 18(5): 261-266 (1984)
3 Nathan Goodman, Oded Shmueli, Y. C. Tay: GYO Reductions, Canonical Connections, Tree and Cyclic Schemas, and Tree Projections. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 29(3): 338-358 (1984)
2EENathan Goodman, Rajan Suri, Y. C. Tay: A Simple Analytic Model for Performance of Exclusive Locking in Database Systems. PODS 1983: 203-215
1EENathan Goodman, Oded Shmueli, Y. C. Tay: GYO Reductions, Canonical Connections, Tree and Cyclic Schemas and Tree Projections. PODS 1983: 267-278

Coauthor Index

1Hari Balakrishnan [25] [29]
2Suman Banerjee [30]
3Stéphane Bressan [20]
4Kee Chaing Chua [23]
5Saumitra M. Das [30]
6Ling Feng [17]
7Nathan Goodman [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9]
8Phung Chinh Huynh [31]
9Kyle Jamieson [25] [29]
10Bin Lan [20]
11Jason W. H. Lee [22]
12Eric Yi Liu [33]
13W. Tim Loke [15]
14Hongjun Lu [17] [18]
15Mihai Lupu [32] [34]
16Robert Morris [33]
17C. Thach Nguyen [27]
18Beng Chin Ooi [20] [34]
19Wei Tsang Ooi [33]
20HweeHwa Pang [21]
21Konstantina Papagiannaki [30]
22Oded Shmueli [1] [3]
23Rhandeev Singh [19]
24Rajan Suri [2] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
25W. T. Teo [19]
26Dinh Nguyen Tran [31] [33]
27Anthony K. H. Tung [17] [18] [22] [31]
28S. W. Yeow [19]
29Louxin Zhang [27]
30Min Zou [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)