
William E. Weihl

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71EEWilliam E. Weihl: Beyond content delivery: applications to the edge. NOSSDAV 2004: 1
70EEAndy Davis, Jay Parikh, William E. Weihl: Edgecomputing: extending enterprise applications to the edge of the internet. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 180-187
69EEJohn Dilley, Bruce M. Maggs, Jay Parikh, Harald Prokop, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, William E. Weihl: Globally Distributed Content Delivery. IEEE Internet Computing 6(5): 50-58 (2002)
68EEMichael Burrows, Úlfar Erlingsson, Shun-Tak Leung, Mark T. Vandevoorde, Carl A. Waldspurger, Kip Walker, William E. Weihl: Efficient and Flexible Value Sampling. ASPLOS 2000: 160-167
67EELeslie Lamport, Sharon E. Perl, William E. Weihl: When does a correct mutual exclusion algorithm guarantee mutual exclusion? Inf. Process. Lett. 76(3): 131-134 (2000)
66 William E. Weihl: SIGOPS 2000 Annual Report. Operating Systems Review 34(4): 1-3 (2000)
65 William E. Weihl: Message from the Chair. Operating Systems Review 33(4): 1 (1999)
64EEPatrick Sobalvarro, Scott Pakin, William E. Weihl, Andrew A. Chien: Dynamic Coscheduling on Workstation Clusters. JSSPP 1998: 231-256
63EEJeffrey Dean, James E. Hicks, Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl, George Z. Chrysos: ProfileMe: Hardware Support for Instruction-Level Profiling on Out-of-Order Processors. MICRO 1997: 292-302
62 Jennifer-Ann M. Anderson, Lance M. Berc, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Shun-Tak Leung, Richard L. Sites, Mark T. Vandevoorde, Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl: Continuous Profiling: Where Have All the Cycles Gone? SOSP 1997: 1-14
61EEJennifer-Ann M. Anderson, Lance M. Berc, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Shun-Tak Leung, Richard L. Sites, Mark T. Vandevoorde, Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl: Continuous Profiling: Where Have All the Cycles Gone? ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 15(4): 357-390 (1997)
60 Marc H. Brown, William E. Weihl: Zippers: A Focus+Context Display of Web Pages. WebNet 1996
59EEUlana Legedza, William E. Weihl: Reducing Synchronization Overhead in Parallel Simulation. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1996: 86-95
58EEAdrian Colbrook, Eric A. Brewer, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, William E. Weihl: Algorithms for Search Trees on Message-Passing Architectures. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(2): 97-108 (1996)
57 Paul Wang, William E. Weihl: Scalable Concurrent B-Trees Using Multi-Version Memory. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 32(1): 28-48 (1996)
56 Patrick Sobalvarro, William E. Weihl: Demand-Based Coscheduling of Parallel Jobs on Multiprogrammed Multiprocessors. JSSPP 1995: 106-126
55 Deborah A. Wallach, Wilson C. Hsieh, Kirk L. Johnson, M. Frans Kaashoek, William E. Weihl: Optimistic Active Messages: A Mechanism for Scheduling Communication with Computation. PPOPP 1995: 217-226
54 Gary T. Leavens, William E. Weihl: Specification and Verification of Object-Oriented Programs Using Supertype Abstraction Acta Inf. 32(8): 705-778 (1995)
53EEGeorge Varghese, Roger D. Chamberlain, William E. Weihl: Deriving Global Virtual Time Algorithms from Conservative Simulation Protocols. Inf. Process. Lett. 54(2): 121-126 (1995)
52EEAlan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, William E. Weihl: Hybrid Atomicity for Nested Transactions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(1): 151-178 (1995)
51 M. Frans Kaashoek, William E. Weihl, Deborah A. Wallach, Wilson C. Hsieh, Kirk L. Johnson: Optimistic Active Messages: Structuring Systems for High-Performance Communication. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1994: 23-28
50 Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl: Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management. OSDI 1994: 1-11
49 Kavita Bala, M. Frans Kaashoek, William E. Weihl: Software Prefetching and Caching for Translation Lookaside Buffers. OSDI 1994: 243-253
48 Nancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl, Alan Fekete: Atomic Transactions Morgan Kaufmann 1993
47 Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl: Register Relocation: Flexible Contexts for Multithreading. ISCA 1993: 120-130
46 Wilson C. Hsieh, Paul Wang, William E. Weihl: Computation Migration: Enhancing Locality for Distributed-Memory Parallel Systems. PPOPP 1993: 239-248
45EEElliot K. Kolodner, William E. Weihl: Atomic Incremental Garbage Collection and Recovery for a Large Stable Heap. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 177-186
44 Sharon E. Perl, William E. Weihl: Performance Assertion Checking. SOSP 1993: 134-145
43 Eric A. Brewer, William E. Weihl: Developing Parallel Applications Using High-Performance Simulation. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging 1993: 158-168
42 Wilson C. Hsieh, M. Frans Kaashoek, William E. Weihl: The Persistent Relevance of IPC Performance: New Techniques for Reducing the IPC Penalty. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems 1993: 186-190
41 William E. Weihl: The Impact of Recovery on Concurrency Control. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 47(1): 157-184 (1993)
40EEAlan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, William E. Weihl: Hybrid Atomicity for Nested Transactions. ICDT 1992: 216-230
39 Wilson C. Hsieh, William E. Weihl: Scalable Reader-Writer Locks for Parallel Systems. IPPS 1992: 656-659
38 Elliot K. Kolodner, William E. Weihl: Atomic Garbage Collection. IWMM 1992: 365-387
37 William E. Weihl, Eric A. Brewer, Adrian Colbrook, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Wilson C. Hsieh, Anthony D. Joseph, Carl A. Waldspurger, Paul Wang: PRELUDE: A System for Portable Parallel Software. PARLE 1992: 971-973
36 Eric A. Brewer, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Adrian Colbrook, William E. Weihl: PROTEUS: A High-Performance Parallel-Architecture Simulator. SIGMETRICS 1992: 247-248
35 Eric A. Brewer, Adrian Colbrook, Wilson C. Hsieh, Paul Wang, William E. Weihl: Pipes: Linguistic Support for Ordered Asynchronous Invocations. SIGPLAN Workshop 1992: 80
34EEIrene Greif, Robert Seliger, William E. Weihl: A Case Study Of CES: A Distributed Collaborative Editing System Implemented In Argus. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(9): 827-839 (1992)
33EEMaurice Herlihy, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl: On the Correctness of Orphan Management Algorithms. J. ACM 39(4): 881-930 (1992)
32 William E. Weihl: Prelude: Tools for Building Portable Parallel Programs (Abstract). Operating Systems Review 26(2): 24 (1992)
31 Adrian Colbrook, Eric A. Brewer, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, William E. Weihl: An Algorithm for Concurrent Search Trees. ICPP (3) 1991: 138-141
30 Maurice Herlihy, William E. Weihl: Hybrid Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 43(1): 25-61 (1991)
29EEWilliam E. Weihl: Fault-tolerant parallel computing. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990
28 Gary T. Leavens, William E. Weihl: Reasoning about Object-Oriented Programs that Use Subtypes. OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990: 212-223
27EEAlan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, William E. Weihl: A Serialization Graph Construction for Nested Transactions. PODS 1990: 94-108
26EEWilliam E. Weihl, Paul Wang: Multi-version memory: software cache management for concurrent B-trees. SPDP 1990: 650-655
25EEWilliam E. Weihl: Linguistic Support for Atomic Data Types. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 12(2): 178-202 (1990)
24 Alan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl: Commutativity-Based Locking for Nested Transactions. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 41(1): 65-156 (1990)
23EEWilliam E. Weihl: The Impact of Recovery on Concurrency Control. PODS 1989: 259-269
22EEAlan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl: Commutativity-Based Locking for Nested Transactions. POS 1989: 319-340
21EEElliot K. Kolodner, Barbara Liskov, William E. Weihl: Atomic Garbage Collection: Managing a Stable Heap. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 15-25
20EEWilliam E. Weihl: Local Atomicity Properties: Modular Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 11(2): 249-283 (1989)
19EEAbdelsalam Heddaya, Meichun Hsu, William E. Weihl: Two Pase Gossip: Managing Distributed Event Histories. Inf. Sci. 49(1-3): 35-57 (1989)
18EENancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl, Alan Fekete: A Theory of Atomic Transactions. ICDT 1988: 41-71
17EEMaurice Herlihy, William E. Weihl: Hybrid Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types. PODS 1988: 201-210
16EEJames Aspnes, Alan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl: A Theory of Timestamp-Based Concurrency Control for Nested Transactions. VLDB 1988: 431-444
15 William E. Weihl: Commutativity-Based Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(12): 1488-1505 (1988)
14EEAlan Fekete, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael Merritt, William E. Weihl: Nested Transactions and Read/Write Locking. PODS 1987: 97-111
13 William E. Weihl: Distributed Version Management for Read-Only Actions. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(1): 55-64 (1987)
12 Irene Greif, Robert Seliger, William E. Weihl: Atomic Data Abstractions in a Distributed Collaborative Editing System. POPL 1986: 160-172
11 Barbara Liskov, William E. Weihl: Specifications of Distributed Programs. Distributed Computing 1(2): 102-118 (1986)
10EEDanny Dolev, Nancy A. Lynch, Shlomit S. Pinter, Eugene W. Stark, William E. Weihl: Reaching approximate agreement in the presence of faults. J. ACM 33(3): 499-516 (1986)
9EEWilliam E. Weihl: Linguistic Support for Atomic Data Types. Data Types and Persistence (Appin) 1985: 191-212
8EEWilliam E. Weihl: Linguistic Support for Atomic Data Types. Data Types and Persistence (Appin), Informal Proceedings 1985: 145-173
7 William E. Weihl: Distributed Version Management for Read-Only Actions (Extended Abstract). PODC 1985: 122-135
6EEWilliam E. Weihl, Barbara Liskov: Implementation of Resilient, Atomic Data Types. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 7(2): 244-269 (1985)
5EEWilliam E. Weihl: Atomic Data Types. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 8(2): 26-33 (1985)
4 William E. Weihl: Data-dependent Concurrency Control and Recovery. Operating Systems Review 19(1): 19-31 (1985)
3 William E. Weihl: Data-dependent Concurrency Control and Recovery (Extended Abstract). PODC 1983: 63-75
2 Danny Dolev, Nancy A. Lynch, Shlomit S. Pinter, Eugene W. Stark, William E. Weihl: Reaching Approximate Agreement in the Presence of Faults. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1983: 145-154
1 William E. Weihl: Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Pointers, Procedure Variables and Label Variables. POPL 1980: 83-94

Coauthor Index

1Jennifer-Ann M. Anderson [61] [62]
2James Aspnes [16]
3Kavita Bala [49]
4Lance M. Berc [61] [62]
5Eric A. Brewer [31] [35] [36] [37] [43] [58]
6Marc H. Brown [60]
7Michael Burrows [68]
8Roger D. Chamberlain [53]
9Andrew A. Chien [64]
10George Z. Chrysos [63]
11Adrian Colbrook [31] [35] [36] [37] [58]
12Andy Davis [70]
13Jeffrey Dean [61] [62] [63]
14Chrysanthos Dellarocas [31] [36] [37] [58]
15John Dilley [69]
16Danny Dolev [2] [10]
17Úlfar Erlingsson [68]
18Alan Fekete (Alan David Fekete, A. D. Fekete) [14] [16] [18] [22] [24] [27] [40] [48] [52]
19Sanjay Ghemawat [61] [62]
20Irene Greif [12] [34]
21Abdelsalam Heddaya [19]
22Monika Rauch Henzinger (Monika Rauch) [61] [62]
23Maurice Herlihy [17] [30] [33]
24James E. Hicks [63]
25Wilson C. Hsieh [35] [37] [39] [42] [46] [51] [55]
26Meichun Hsu [19]
27Kirk L. Johnson [51] [55]
28Anthony D. Joseph [37]
29M. Frans Kaashoek [42] [49] [51] [55]
30Elliot K. Kolodner [21] [38] [45]
31Leslie Lamport [67]
32Gary T. Leavens [28] [54]
33Ulana Legedza [59]
34Shun-Tak Leung [61] [62] [68]
35Barbara Liskov [6] [11] [21]
36Nancy A. Lynch [2] [10] [14] [16] [18] [22] [24] [27] [33] [40] [48] [52]
37Bruce M. Maggs [69]
38Michael Merritt [14] [16] [18] [22] [24] [33] [48]
39Scott Pakin [64]
40Jay Parikh [69] [70]
41Sharon E. Perl [44] [67]
42Shlomit S. Pinter [2] [10]
43Harald Prokop [69]
44Robert Seliger [12] [34]
45Ramesh K. Sitaraman [69]
46Richard L. Sites [61] [62]
47Patrick Sobalvarro [56] [64]
48Eugene W. Stark [2] [10]
49Mark T. Vandevoorde [61] [62] [68]
50George Varghese [53]
51Carl A. Waldspurger [37] [47] [50] [61] [62] [63] [68]
52Kip Walker [68]
53Deborah A. Wallach [51] [55]
54Paul Wang [26] [35] [37] [46] [57]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)