2009 |
32 | EE | Andrew Bragdon,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
Brian Williamson,
Timothy Miller,
Joseph J. LaViola Jr.:
GestureBar: improving the approachability of gesture-based interfaces.
CHI 2009: 2269-2278 |
2008 |
31 | EE | Joseph J. LaViola Jr.,
Anamary Leal,
Timothy S. Miller,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
Evaluation of techniques for visualizing mathematical expression recognition results.
Graphics Interface 2008: 131-138 |
30 | EE | Chuanjun Li,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
Timothy Miller,
Joseph J. LaViola Jr.:
Online recognition of handwritten mathematical expressions with support for matrices.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
29 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Timothy Miller,
Chuanjun Li,
Joseph J. LaViola Jr.:
MathPaper: Mathematical Sketching with Fluid Support for Interactive Computation.
Smart Graphics 2008: 20-32 |
28 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Andrew Bragdon,
Chu-Chi Liu,
Andrew S. Forsberg:
Lineogrammer: creating diagrams by drawing.
UIST 2008: 161-170 |
2007 |
27 | EE | Takeo Igarashi,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Sketch-Based Interaction.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(1): 26-27 (2007) |
26 | EE | Joseph J. LaViola Jr.,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
A Practical Approach for Writer-Dependent Symbol Recognition Using a Writer-Independent Symbol Recognizer.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(11): 1917-1926 (2007) |
25 | EE | Daniel F. Keefe,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
David H. Laidlaw:
Drawing on Air: Input Techniques for Controlled 3D Line Illustration.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(5): 1067-1081 (2007) |
2006 |
24 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Timothy Miller:
Fluid inking: augmenting the medium of free-form inking with gestures.
Graphics Interface 2006: 155-162 |
2004 |
23 | EE | Joseph J. LaViola Jr.,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
MathPad2: a system for the creation and exploration of mathematical sketches.
ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 432-440 (2004) |
22 | EE | Jason S. Sobel,
Andrew S. Forsberg,
David H. Laidlaw,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
Daniel F. Keefe,
Igor Pivkin,
George E. Karniadakis,
Peter Richardson,
Sharon Swartz:
Particle Flurries: Synoptic 3D Pulsatile Flow Visualization.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(2): 76-85 (2004) |
2002 |
21 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Joseph J. LaViola Jr.,
Daniel Acevedo Feliz,
Daniel F. Keefe:
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction.
VR 2002: 127-134 |
2001 |
20 | EE | Joseph J. LaViola Jr.,
Daniel Acevedo Feliz,
Daniel F. Keefe,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
Hands-free multi-scale navigation in virtual environments.
SI3D 2001: 9-15 |
19 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Timothy Miller,
Andrew S. Forsberg:
Pop through mouse button interactions.
UIST 2001: 195-196 |
2000 |
18 | EE | Jonathan M. Cohen,
John F. Hughes,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
Harold: aworld made of drawings.
NPAR 2000: 83-90 |
17 | | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Loring Holden,
Michael V. Capps,
Howard Abrams,
Timothy Miller:
Collaboration between Heterogeneous Stand-alone 3-D Graphical Applications.
Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000) |
1999 |
16 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Andrew S. Forsberg:
UniCam - 2D gestural camera controls for 3D environments.
SI3D 1999: 169-173 |
15 | EE | Jonathan M. Cohen,
Lee Markosian,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
John F. Hughes,
Ronen Barzel:
An interface for sketching 3D curves.
SI3D 1999: 17-21 |
14 | EE | Timothy Miller,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
The design of 3D haptic widgets.
SI3D 1999: 97-102 |
1998 |
13 | EE | Andrew S. Forsberg,
Mark Dieterich,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
The Music Notepad.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 203-210 |
12 | EE | Timothy Miller,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
An Insidious Haptic Invasion: Adding Force Feedback to the X Desktop.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 59-64 |
1997 |
11 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Andrew S. Forsberg,
Paul S. Strauss:
Two Pointer Input for 3D Interaction.
SI3D 1997: 115-120, 192 |
10 | EE | Jeffrey S. Pierce,
Andrew S. Forsberg,
Matthew Conway,
Seung Hong,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
Mark R. Mine:
Image plane interaction techniques in 3D immersive environments.
SI3D 1997: 39-44, 183 |
1996 |
9 | EE | Andrew S. Forsberg,
Kenneth P. Herndon,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
Aperture Based Selection for Immersive Virtual Environments.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1996: 95-96 |
8 | EE | Matthew Ayers,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
The Lego Interface Toolkit.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1996: 97-98 |
7 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Kenneth P. Herndon,
John F. Hughes:
SKETCH: An Interface for Sketching 3D Scenes.
SIGGRAPH 1996: 163-170 |
6 | EE | Matthias M. Wloka,
Robert C. Zeleznik:
Interactive real-time motion blur.
The Visual Computer 12(6): 283-295 (1996) |
1994 |
5 | EE | Marc P. Stevens,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
John F. Hughes:
An Architecture for an Extensible 3D Interface Toolkit.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1994: 59-67 |
1993 |
4 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
Kenneth P. Herndon,
Daniel C. Robbins,
Nate Huang,
Tom Meyer,
Noah Parker,
John F. Hughes:
An interactive 3D toolkit for constructing 3D widgets.
SIGGRAPH 1993: 81-84 |
1992 |
3 | EE | Kenneth P. Herndon,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
Daniel C. Robbins,
D. Brookshire Conner,
Scott S. Snibbe,
Andries van Dam:
Interactive Shadows.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1992: 1-6 |
2 | EE | D. Brookshire Conner,
Scott S. Snibbe,
Kenneth P. Herndon,
Daniel C. Robbins,
Robert C. Zeleznik,
Andries van Dam:
Three-Dimensional Widgets.
SI3D 1992: 183-188 |
1991 |
1 | EE | Robert C. Zeleznik,
D. Brookshire Conner,
Matthias M. Wloka,
Daniel G. Aliaga,
Nathan T. Huang,
Philip M. Hubbard,
Brian Knep,
Henry Kaufman,
John F. Hughes,
Andries van Dam:
An object-oriented framework for the integration of interactive animation techniques.
SIGGRAPH 1991: 105-112 |