
Min Xie

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49EEHendry Raharjo, Min Xie, Aarnout Brombacher: On modeling dynamic priorities in the analytic hierarchy process using compositional data analysis. European Journal of Operational Research 194(3): 834-846 (2009)
48EEMin Xie, Haixun Wang, Jian Yin, Xiaofeng Meng: Providing freshness guarantees for outsourced databases. EDBT 2008: 323-332
47EEMin Xie, Martin Haenggi, Kai-Kit Wong: On the End-to-End Delay Performance of Spatially Correlated Wireless Line Networks. ICC 2008: 2946-2950
46EEMin Xie, Lixin Gao, Haiwa Guan: Ant Algorithm Applied in the Minimal Cost Maximum Flow Problem. ICIC (2) 2008: 201-208
45EEQuan Long, Min Xie, Szu-Hui Ng, Gregory Levitin: Reliability analysis and optimization of weighted voting systems with continuous states input. European Journal of Operational Research 191(1): 240-252 (2008)
44EEJason Cong, Min Xie: A Robust Mixed-Size Legalization and Detailed Placement Algorithm. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(8): 1349-1362 (2008)
43EEYuan-Shun Dai, Min Xie, Kim-Leng Poh: Availability Modeling and Cost Optimization for the Grid Resource Management System. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 38(1): 170-179 (2008)
42EEShaomin Wu, Min Xie: Warranty cost analysis for nonrepairable services products. Int. J. Systems Science 39(3): 279-288 (2008)
41EEQingjian Ji, Youren Wang, Min Xie, Jiang Cui: Research on Fault-Tolerance of Analog Circuits Based on Evolvable Hardware. ICES 2007: 100-108
40EEYuan Zhang, Youren Wang, Shanshan Yang, Min Xie: Design of a Cell in Embryonic Systems with Improved Efficiency and Fault-Tolerance. ICES 2007: 129-139
39EEMin Xie, Youren Wang, Li Wang, Yuan Zhang: Design on Operator-Based Reconfigurable Hardware Architecture and Cell Circuit. ICES 2007: 140-150
38EEMin Xie, Haixun Wang, Jian Yin, Xiaofeng Meng: Integrity Auditing of Outsourced Data. VLDB 2007: 782-793
37EEGregory Levitin, Min Xie, Tieling Zhang: Reliability of fault-tolerant systems with parallel task processing. European Journal of Operational Research 177(1): 420-430 (2007)
36EEYuan-Shun Dai, Min Xie, Quan Long, Szu-Hui Ng: Uncertainty Analysis in Software Reliability Modeling by Bayesian Analysis with Maximum-Entropy Principle. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(11): 781-795 (2007)
35EEChen Li, Min Xie, Cheng-Kok Koh, Jason Cong, Patrick H. Madden: Routability-Driven Placement and White Space Allocation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(5): 858-871 (2007)
34EEShaomin Wu, Min Xie: Classifying Weak, and Strong Components Using ROC Analysis With Application to Burn-In. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 56(3): 552-561 (2007)
33EEYuan-Shun Dai, Min Xie, Xiaolong Wang: A Heuristic Algorithm for Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Grid Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 37(2): 189-200 (2007)
32EEJason Cong, Min Xie: A robust detailed placement for mixed-size IC designs. ASP-DAC 2006: 188-194
31EETony F. Chan, Jason Cong, Joseph R. Shinnerl, Kenton Sze, Min Xie: mPL6: enhanced multilevel mixed-size placement. ISPD 2006: 212-214
30EEGregory Levitin, Tieling Zhang, Min Xie: State probability of a series-parallel repairable system with two-types of failure states. Int. J. Systems Science 37(14): 1011-1020 (2006)
29EETony F. Chan, Jason Cong, Michail Romesis, Joseph R. Shinnerl, Kenton Sze, Min Xie: mPL6: a robust multilevel mixed-size placement engine. ISPD 2005: 227-229
28EEYuan-Shun Dai, Xiaolong Wang, Min Xie: A Virtual Modeling and a Fast Algorithm for Grid Service Reliability. PRDC 2005: 219-226
27EEJason Cong, Joseph R. Shinnerl, Min Xie, Tim Kong, Xin Yuan: Large-scale circuit placement. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 10(2): 389-430 (2005)
26EEJason Cong, Jie Fang, Min Xie, Yan Zhang: MARS-a multilevel full-chip gridless routing system. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(3): 382-394 (2005)
25EEYuan-Shun Dai, Min Xie, Kim-Leng Poh: Modeling and analysis of correlated software failures of multiple types. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 54(1): 100-106 (2005)
24EEC. D. Lai, Min Xie, D. N. P. Murthy: Reply to "On Some Recent Modifications of Weibull Distribution". IEEE Transactions on Reliability 54(4): 563 (2005)
23EELirong Cui, Min Xie: On a generalized k-out-of-n system and its reliability. Int. J. Systems Science 36(5): 267-274 (2005)
22EEG. Q. Liu, Kim-Leng Poh, Min Xie: Iterative list scheduling for heterogeneous computing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(5): 654-665 (2005)
21EEChen Li, Min Xie, Cheng-Kok Koh, Jason Cong, Patrick H. Madden: Routability-driven placement and white space allocation. ICCAD 2004: 394-401
20 G. Q. Liu, Min Xie, Y. S. Dai, Kim-Leng Poh: On program and file assignment for distributed systems. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 19(1): 39-48 (2004)
19EEChin-Chih Chang, Jason Cong, Michail Romesis, Min Xie: Optimality and scalability study of existing placement algorithms. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(4): 537-549 (2004)
18EEJason Cong, Michail Romesis, Min Xie: Optimality and Stability Study of Timing-Driven Placement Algorithms. ICCAD 2003: 472-479
17EEJason Cong, Tim Kong, Joseph R. Shinnerl, Min Xie, Xin Yuan: Large-Scale Circuit Placement: Gap and Promise. ICCAD 2003: 883-890
16EEJason Cong, Michail Romesis, Min Xie: Optimality, scalability and stability study of partitioning and placement algorithms. ISPD 2003: 88-94
15EEKai Xu, Min Xie, Loon Ching Tang, S. L. Ho: Application of neural networks in forecasting engine systems reliability. Appl. Soft Comput. 2(4): 255-268 (2003)
14EEL. Y. Chan, C. D. Lai, Min Xie, T. N. Goh: A two-stage decision procedure for monitoring processes with low fraction nonconforming. European Journal of Operational Research 150(2): 420-436 (2003)
13EEMin Xie, Bo Yang: A Study of the Effect of Imperfect Debugging on Software Development Cost. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(5): 471-473 (2003)
12EEC. D. Lai, Min Xie, D. N. P. Murthy: A modified Weibull distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(1): 33-37 (2003)
11EEO. Gaudoin, Bo Yang, Min Xie: A simple goodness-of-fit test for the power-law process, based on the Duane plot. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(1): 69-74 (2003)
10EEY. S. Dai, Min Xie, Kim-Leng Poh, B. Yang: Optimal testing-resource allocation with genetic algorithm for modular software systems. Journal of Systems and Software 66(1): 47-55 (2003)
9EEJason Cong, Min Xie, Yan Zhang: An enhanced multilevel routing system. ICCAD 2002: 51-58
8EEY. S. Dai, Min Xie, Kim-Leng Poh: Reliability Analysis of Grid Computing Systems. PRDC 2002: 97-104
7 C. D. Lai, Min Xie, Kim-Leng Poh, Yuan-Shun Dai, P. Yang: A model for availability analysis of distributed software/hardware systems. Information & Software Technology 44(6): 343-350 (2002)
6EEBo Yang, Min Xie: Testing-Resource Allocation for Redundant Software Systems. PRDC 1999: 78-83
5EEMin Xie, G. Y. Hong, Claes Wohlin: Software reliability prediction incorporating information from a similar project. Journal of Systems and Software 49(1): 43-48 (1999)
4EEMing Zhao, Claes Wohlin, Niclas Ohlsson, Min Xie: A comparison between software design and code metrics for the prediction of software fault content. Information & Software Technology 40(14): 801-809 (1998)
3EEMin Xie, G. Y. Hong: A study of the sensitivity of software release time. Journal of Systems and Software 44(2): 163-168 (1998)
2 Min Xie: Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering, by Michael R. Lyu (Editor), McGraw-Hill and IEEE Computer Society, 1996 (Book Review). Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 7(1): 59-60 (1997)
1 Min Xie: Software Reliability Models: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 3(1): 3-28 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Aarnout Brombacher [49]
2L. Y. Chan [14]
3Tony F. Chan [29] [31]
4Chin-Chih Chang [19]
5Jason Cong [9] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [26] [27] [29] [31] [32] [35] [44]
6Jiang Cui [41]
7Lirong Cui [23]
8Y. S. Dai [8] [10] [20]
9Yuan-Shun Dai [7] [25] [28] [33] [36] [43]
10Jie Fang [26]
11Lixin Gao [46]
12O. Gaudoin [11]
13T. N. Goh [14]
14Haiwa Guan [46]
15Martin Haenggi [47]
16S. L. Ho [15]
17G. Y. Hong [3] [5]
18Qingjian Ji [41]
19Cheng-Kok Koh [21] [35]
20Tim Kong [17] [27]
21C. D. Lai [7] [12] [14] [24]
22Gregory Levitin [30] [37] [45]
23Chen Li [21] [35]
24G. Q. Liu [20] [22]
25Quan Long [36] [45]
26Patrick H. Madden [21] [35]
27Xiaofeng Meng [38] [48]
28D. N. P. Murthy [12] [24]
29Szu-Hui Ng [36] [45]
30Niclas Ohlsson [4]
31Kim-Leng Poh [7] [8] [10] [20] [22] [25] [43]
32Hendry Raharjo [49]
33Michail Romesis [16] [18] [19] [29]
34Joseph R. Shinnerl [17] [27] [29] [31]
35Kenton Sze [29] [31]
36Loon Ching Tang [15]
37Haixun Wang [38] [48]
38Li Wang [39]
39Xiaolong Wang [28] [33]
40Youren Wang [39] [40] [41]
41Claes Wohlin [4] [5]
42Kai-Kit Wong [47]
43Shaomin Wu [34] [42]
44Kai Xu [15]
45B. Yang [10]
46Bo Yang [6] [11] [13]
47P. Yang [7]
48Shanshan Yang [40]
49Jian Yin [38] [48]
50Xin Yuan [17] [27]
51Tieling Zhang [30] [37]
52Yan Zhang [9] [26]
53Yuan Zhang [39] [40]
54Ming Zhao [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)