
B. Yang

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4EEY. Chen, B. Yang, A. Abraham, L. Peng: Automatic Design of Hierarchical Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Systems Using Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 15(3): 385-397 (2007)
3 S. Omar, B. Yang, T. Hung: Unified Messaging Application Based on CTI and Internet Technologies. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 966-969
2EEY. S. Dai, Min Xie, Kim-Leng Poh, B. Yang: Optimal testing-resource allocation with genetic algorithm for modular software systems. Journal of Systems and Software 66(1): 47-55 (2003)
1EEB. Yang, Wesley E. Snyder, Griff L. Bilbro: Matching oversegmented 3D images to models using association graphs. Image Vision Comput. 7(2): 135-143 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1A. Abraham [4]
2Griff L. Bilbro [1]
3Y. Chen [4]
4Y. S. Dai [2]
5T. Hung [3]
6S. Omar [3]
7L. Peng [4]
8Kim-Leng Poh [2]
9Wesley E. Snyder [1]
10Min Xie [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)