
Tamar Flash

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11EEFelix Polyakov, Eran Stark, Rotem Drori, Moshe Abeles, Tamar Flash: Parabolic movement primitives and cortical states: merging optimality with geometric invariance. Biological Cybernetics 100(2): 159-184 (2009)
10EESigal Berman, Dario G. Liebermann, Tamar Flash: Application of motor algebra to the analysis of human arm movements. Robotica 26(4): 435-451 (2008)
9EETamar Flash, Amir A. Handzel: Affine differential geometry analysis of human arm movements. Biological Cybernetics 96(6): 577-601 (2007)
8EEArmin Biess, Mark L. Nagurka, Tamar Flash: Simulating Discrete and Rhythmic Multi-joint Human Arm Movements by Optimization of Nonlinear Performance Indices. Biological Cybernetics 95(1): 31-53 (2006)
7EEUri Maoz, Elon Portugaly, Tamar Flash, Yair Weiss: Noise and the two-thirds power Law. NIPS 2005
6 T. Gat-Falik, Tamar Flash: The superposition strategy for arm trajectory modification in robotic manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 29(1): 83-95 (1999)
5 Ishay Kamon, Tamar Flash, Shimon Edelman: Learning visually guided grasping: a test case in sensorimotor learning. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(3): 266-276 (1998)
4EEAmir A. Handzel, Tamar Flash: The Geometry of Eye Rotations and Listing's Law. NIPS 1995: 117-123
3EEEalan A. Henis, Tamar Flash: A Computational Mechanism to Account for Averaged Modified Hand Trajectories. NIPS 1991: 619-626
2EEShimon Edelman, Tamar Flash, Shimon Ullman: Reading cursive handwriting by alignment of letter prototypes. International Journal of Computer Vision 5(3): 303-331 (1990)
1 Tamar Flash, R. B. Potts: Discrete Trajectory Planning. I. J. Robotic Res. 7(5): 48-57 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Moshe Abeles [11]
2Sigal Berman [10]
3Armin Biess [8]
4Rotem Drori [11]
5Shimon Edelman [2] [5]
6T. Gat-Falik [6]
7Amir A. Handzel [4] [9]
8Ealan A. Henis [3]
9Ishay Kamon [5]
10Dario G. Liebermann [10]
11Uri Maoz [7]
12Mark L. Nagurka [8]
13Felix Polyakov [11]
14Elon Portugaly [7]
15R. B. Potts [1]
16Eran Stark [11]
17Shimon Ullman [2]
18Yair Weiss [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)