
Amir Globerson

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19EEDavid Sontag, Amir Globerson, Tommi Jaakkola: Clusters and Coarse Partitions in LP Relaxations. NIPS 2008: 1537-1544
18EEDavid Sontag, Talya Meltzer, Amir Globerson, Tommi Jaakkola, Yair Weiss: Tightening LP Relaxations for MAP using Message Passing. UAI 2008: 503-510
17EEAmir Globerson, Terry Koo, Xavier Carreras, Michael Collins: Exponentiated gradient algorithms for log-linear structured prediction. ICML 2007: 305-312
16EEChoon Hui Teo, Amir Globerson, Sam T. Roweis, Alex J. Smola: Convex Learning with Invariances. NIPS 2007
15EEAmir Globerson, Tommi Jaakkola: Fixing Max-Product: Convergent Message Passing Algorithms for MAP LP-Relaxations. NIPS 2007
14 Amir Globerson, Gal Chechik, Fernando Pereira, Naftali Tishby: Embedding Heterogeneous Data Using Statistical Models. AAAI 2006
13EEAmir Globerson, Sam T. Roweis: Nightmare at test time: robust learning by feature deletion. ICML 2006: 353-360
12EEAmir Globerson, Tommi Jaakkola: Approximate inference using planar graph decomposition. NIPS 2006: 473-480
11EEKoby Crammer, Amir Globerson: Discriminative Learning via Semidefinite Probabilistic Models. UAI 2006
10EEAmir Globerson, Sam T. Roweis: Metric Learning by Collapsing Classes. NIPS 2005
9EEGal Chechik, Amir Globerson, Naftali Tishby, Yair Weiss: Information Bottleneck for Gaussian Variables. Journal of Machine Learning Research 6: 165-188 (2005)
8EEAmir Globerson, Gal Chechik, Fernando C. Pereira, Naftali Tishby: Euclidean Embedding of Co-Occurrence Data. NIPS 2004
7EEAmir Globerson, Naftali Tishby: The Minimum Information Principle for Discriminative Learning. UAI 2004: 193-200
6EEGal Chechik, Amir Globerson, Naftali Tishby, Yair Weiss: Information Bottleneck for Gaussian Variables. NIPS 2003
5 Amir Globerson, Gal Chechik, Naftali Tishby: Sufficient Dimensionality Reduction with Irrelevance Statistics. UAI 2003: 281-288
4EEAmir Globerson, Naftali Tishby: Sufficient Dimensionality Reduction. Journal of Machine Learning Research 3: 1307-1331 (2003)
3 Amir Globerson, Naftali Tishby: Most Informative Dimension Reduction. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 1024-1029
2 Amir Globerson, Naftali Tishby: Sufficient Dimensionality Reduction - A novel Analysis Method. ICML 2002: 203-210
1EEGal Chechik, Amir Globerson, M. J. Anderson, E. D. Young, Israel Nelken, Naftali Tishby: Group Redundancy Measures Reveal Redundancy Reduction in the Auditory Pathway. NIPS 2001: 173-180

Coauthor Index

1M. J. Anderson [1]
2Xavier Carreras [17]
3Gal Chechik [1] [5] [6] [8] [9] [14]
4Michael Collins [17]
5Koby Crammer [11]
6Tommi Jaakkola [12] [15] [18] [19]
7Terry Koo [17]
8Talya Meltzer [18]
9Israel Nelken [1]
10Fernando Pereira [14]
11Fernando C. Pereira [8]
12Sam T. Roweis [10] [13] [16]
13Alexander J. Smola (Alex J. Smola) [16]
14David Sontag [18] [19]
15Choon Hui Teo [16]
16Naftali Tishby [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [14]
17Yair Weiss [6] [9] [18]
18E. D. Young [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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