
Shrihari Vasudevan

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6EEArnau Ramisa, Shrihari Vasudevan, Davide Scaramuzza, Ramon López de Mántaras, Roland Siegwart: A Tale of Two Object Recognition Methods for Mobile Robots. ICVS 2008: 353-362
5EEShrihari Vasudevan, Roland Siegwart: Bayesian space conceptualization and place classification for semantic maps in mobile robotics. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(6): 522-537 (2008)
4EEShrihari Vasudevan, Roland Siegwart: A bayesian conceptualization of space for mobile robots. IROS 2007: 715-720
3EEShrihari Vasudevan, Stefan Gächter, Viet Nguyen, Roland Siegwart: Cognitive maps for mobile robots - an object based approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(5): 359-371 (2007)
2EEShrihari Vasudevan, Stefan Gächter, Ahad Harati, Roland Siegwart: A Hierarchical Concept Oriented Representation for Spatial Cognition in Mobile Robots. 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence 2006: 243-256
1 Roland Siegwart, Shrihari Vasudevan, Adriana Tapus: From Geometric to Cognitive Maps - A Key Element for Personal Robots. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions 2004: 755-760

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Gächter [2] [3]
2Ahad Harati [2]
3Ramon López de Mántaras [6]
4Viet Nguyen [3]
5Arnau Ramisa [6]
6Davide Scaramuzza [6]
7Roland Siegwart [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8Adriana Tapus [1]

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