
Kanji Ueda

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31EEKanji Ueda: Classification of Service Model and Value Creation. CEC/EEE 2007: 497-498
30EEKazuhiro Ohkura, Toshiyuki Yasuda, Yuichi Kawamatsu, Yoshiyuki Matsumura, Kanji Ueda: MBEANN: Mutation-Based Evolving Artificial Neural Networks. ECAL 2007: 936-945
29EENariaki Nishino, Sobei H. Oda, Kanji Ueda: A study on decision-making and institutional design in recycling system: An analysis of the market for collecting used units. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(8): 20-31 (2007)
28 Hiroshi Kuraoka, Nobutada Fujii, Kanji Ueda: Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma in a Network Environment Introducing Heterogeneous Information Distribution. IAS 2006: 463-470
27 Shintaro Suzuki, Takeshi Takenaka, Kanji Ueda: Co-creative Composition Using Multiagent Learning: Toward the Emergence of Musical Structure. IAS 2006: 479-486
26 Ryohei Takasu, Nobutada Fujii, Kanji Ueda, Motohiro Kobayashi: Lot Release Control Using Genetics Based Machine Learning in a Semiconductor Manufacturing System. IAS 2006: 497-504
25 Yohei Kaneko, Nariaki Nishino, Sobei H. Oda, Kanji Ueda: Analysis of Purchase Decision Making: Network Externalities and Asymmetric Information. IAS 2006: 515-522
24EELászló Monostori, Kanji Ueda: Design of complex adaptive systems: Introduction. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(3): 223-225 (2006)
23EEAttila Lengyel, Kanji Ueda: Correlations between emergent synthesis classes: Due date based control and planning of job shops. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(3): 289-300 (2006)
22EEToshiyuki Yasuda, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda: A homogeneous mobile robot team that is fault-tolerant. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(3): 301-311 (2006)
21EETakeshi Takenaka, Taiki Ogata, Kanji Ueda: Temporal co-creation between self and others with multi-sensory inputs. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(3): 321-333 (2006)
20EEMing Chang, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda, Masaharu Sugiyama: Modeling Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithms on Two-Bit Landscapes: Random Partnering. GECCO (1) 2004: 513-524
19EEYoshiaki Katada, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda: An Approach to Evolutionary Robotics Using a Genetic Algorithm with a Variable Mutation Rate Strategy. PPSN 2004: 952-961
18EEItsuo Hatono, Kenichi Kurotani, Kenya Murakami, Nobutada Fujii, Kanji Ueda: A decision support system for designing business strategies - an application to soft drink business. SMC (2) 2004: 1475-1480
17EEMing Chang, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda, Masaharu Sugiyama: Group selection and its application to constrained evolutionary optimization. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 684-691
16EEKanji Ueda: Emergent Synthesis. AI in Engineering 15(4): 319-320 (2001)
15EEKanji Ueda: Synthesis and emergence - research overview. AI in Engineering 15(4): 321-327 (2001)
14EEMikhail M. Svinin, Kazuaki Yamada, Kanji Ueda: Emergent synthesis of motion patterns for locomotion robots. AI in Engineering 15(4): 353-363 (2001)
13 Kazuhiro Ohkura, Yoshiyuki Matsumura, Kanji Ueda: Robust Evolution Strategies. Appl. Intell. 15(3): 153-169 (2001)
12EEYahya Rashid, Kanji Ueda, Itsuo Hatono: From static to sensor scheduling: distributed environment. IJMTM 3(6): 586-599 (2001)
11 Mikhail M. Svinin, Kanji Ueda, Masaru Uchiyama: On the Stability Conditions for a Class of Parallel Manipulators. ICRA 2000: 2386-2391
10 Yoshiyuki Matsumura, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda: Statistical Characteristics of Evolution Strategies. PPSN 2000: 119-128
9 Mikhail M. Svinin, Kanji Ueda, Makoto Kaneko: Analytical Conditions for the Rotational Stability of an Object in Multi-Finger Grasping. ICRA 1999: 257-
8EEKanji Ueda: Signed Area of Sectors between Spline Curves and the Origin. IV 1999: 309-314
7EEKazuhiro Ohkura, Yoshiyuki Matsumura, Kanji Ueda: Robust Evolution Strategies. SEAL 1998: 10-17
6EEAtsushi Iwasaki, Sobei H. Oda, Kanji Ueda: Simulating a N-person Multi-stage Game for Making a State. SEAL 1998: 309-316
5EESobei H. Oda, Kouhei Iyori, Miura Ken, Kanji Ueda: The Application of Cellular Automata to the Consumer's Theory: Simulating a Duopolistic Market. SEAL 1998: 454-461
4 Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda: An Extended Genetic Algorithm based on the Neutral Theory. BCEC 1997: 56-65
3 Kazuhiro Ohkura, Kanji Ueda: An Extended Framework for Overcoming Premature Convergence. ICGA 1997: 260-267
2 J. Vaario, Kanji Ueda: Biological concept of self-organization for dynamic shop-floor configuration. APMS 1996: 55-66
1 Kanji Ueda: A Concept for Bionic Manufacturing Systems Based on DNA-type Information. PROLAMAT 1992: 853-863

Coauthor Index

1Ming Chang [17] [20]
2Nobutada Fujii [18] [26] [28]
3Itsuo Hatono [12] [18]
4Atsushi Iwasaki [6]
5Kouhei Iyori [5]
6Makoto Kaneko [9]
7Yohei Kaneko [25]
8Yoshiaki Katada [19]
9Yuichi Kawamatsu [30]
10Miura Ken [5]
11Motohiro Kobayashi [26]
12Hiroshi Kuraoka [28]
13Kenichi Kurotani [18]
14Attila Lengyel [23]
15Yoshiyuki Matsumura [7] [10] [13] [30]
16László Monostori (Laszlo Monostori) [24]
17Kenya Murakami [18]
18Nariaki Nishino [25] [29]
19Sobei H. Oda [5] [6] [25] [29]
20Taiki Ogata [21]
21Kazuhiro Ohkura [3] [4] [7] [10] [13] [17] [19] [20] [22] [30]
22Yahya Rashid [12]
23Masaharu Sugiyama [17] [20]
24Shintaro Suzuki [27]
25Mikhail M. Svinin [9] [11] [14]
26Ryohei Takasu [26]
27Takeshi Takenaka [21] [27]
28Masaru Uchiyama [11]
29J. Vaario [2]
30Kazuaki Yamada [14]
31Toshiyuki Yasuda [22] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)