
Sobei H. Oda

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6EENariaki Nishino, Sobei H. Oda, Kanji Ueda: A study on decision-making and institutional design in recycling system: An analysis of the market for collecting used units. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(8): 20-31 (2007)
5 Yohei Kaneko, Nariaki Nishino, Sobei H. Oda, Kanji Ueda: Analysis of Purchase Decision Making: Network Externalities and Asymmetric Information. IAS 2006: 515-522
4EEKazuhito Ogawa, Tetsuya Kawamura, Tatsuya Kikutani, Sobei H. Oda: Difficulty of Cooperation in Iterated Multi-Prisoner's Dilemma Situation-experimental Evidence. JCIS 2006
3EENicholas Feltovich, Atsushi Iwasaki, Sobei H. Oda: Payoff levels, loss avoidance, and equilibrium selection in the Stag Hunt: an experimental study. Negotiation and Market Engineering 2006
2EEAtsushi Iwasaki, Sobei H. Oda, Kanji Ueda: Simulating a N-person Multi-stage Game for Making a State. SEAL 1998: 309-316
1EESobei H. Oda, Kouhei Iyori, Miura Ken, Kanji Ueda: The Application of Cellular Automata to the Consumer's Theory: Simulating a Duopolistic Market. SEAL 1998: 454-461

Coauthor Index

1Nicholas Feltovich [3]
2Atsushi Iwasaki [2] [3]
3Kouhei Iyori [1]
4Yohei Kaneko [5]
5Tetsuya Kawamura [4]
6Miura Ken [1]
7Tatsuya Kikutani [4]
8Nariaki Nishino [5] [6]
9Kazuhito Ogawa [4]
10Kanji Ueda [1] [2] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)