
László Monostori

Laszlo Monostori

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24EEZsolt Kemény, Elisabeta Ilie Zudor, Marcell Szathmari, László Monostori: A low-cost perspective in identifier-based services of supply chains. ETFA 2008: 1338-1345
23EEAndrás Pfeiffer, Botond Kádár, László Monostori, D. Karnok: Simulation as one of the core technologies for digital enterprises: assessment of hybrid rescheduling methods. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 21(2): 206-214 (2008)
22 Balázs Csanád Csáji, László Monostori: Adaptive Sampling Based Large-Scale Stochastic Resource Control. AAAI 2006
21EELászló Monostori, Kanji Ueda: Design of complex adaptive systems: Introduction. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(3): 223-225 (2006)
20EEBalázs Csanád Csáji, László Monostori, Botond Kádár: Reinforcement learning in a distributed market-based production control system. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(3): 279-288 (2006)
19EEBalázs Csanád Csáji, László Monostori: Stochastic Reactive Production Scheduling by Multi-agent Based Asynchronous Approximate Dynamic Programming. CEEMAS 2005: 388-397
18EEBotond Kádár, András Pfeiffer, László Monostori: Building Agent-Based Systems in a Discrete-Event Simulation Environment. CEEMAS 2005: 595-599
17EELaszlo Monostori: Engineering Intelligent Systems, Introduction. Appl. Intell. 21(2): 115-116 (2004)
16EEBalázs Csanád Csáji, Botond Kádár, László Monostori: Improving Multi-agent Based Scheduling by Neurodynamic Programming. HoloMAS 2003: 110-123
15EEElisabeta Ilie Zudor, Laszlo Monostori: An Agent-Based Approach for Production Control Incorporating Environmental and Life-Cycle Issues, together with Sensitivity Analysis. IEA/AIE 2002: 157-167
14EEZsolt János Viharos, Laszlo Monostori, T. Vincze: Training and Application of Artificial Neural Networks with Incomplete Data. IEA/AIE 2002: 649-659
13 Sergio Cavalieri, Marco Garetti, Marco Macchi, Alessandro Campi, Francesca Collina, Alberto Colorni, Ignazio Locatelli, Tiziana Longeri, Gregor von Cieminski, Jens Lopitzsch, Maria di Mascolo, Yannick Frein, Botond Kádár, László Monostori, Elisabeta Ilie Zudor, Alberto Meroni, Nicoletta Santambrogio: Virtual Institute for the Modelling of Industrial Manufacturing Systems: Integration of on-line and 'face-to-face' learning in an international platform for teaching and research. TelE-Learning 2002: 153-159
12 Laszlo Monostori, József Váncza, Moonis Ali: Engineering of Intelligent Systems, 14th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2001, Budapest, Hungary, June 4-7, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
11EEPéter Stefán, Laszlo Monostori: On the Relationship between Learning Capability and the Boltzmann-Formula. IEA/AIE 2001: 227-236
10EEBotond Kádár, László Monostori: Approaches to Increase the Performance of Agent-Based Production Systems. IEA/AIE 2001: 612-621
9EEElisabeta Ilie Zudor, Laszlo Monostori: Agent-Based Support for Handling Environmental and Life-Cycle Issues. IEA/AIE 2001: 812-820
8EEZsolt János Viharos, Laszlo Monostori: Optimisation of Process Chains and Production Plants by Using a Hybrid-, AI-, and Simulation-Based Approach. IEA/AIE 2001: 827-835
7 Elisabeta Ilie Zudor, Laszlo Monostori: Modeling and Management of Production Networks. PROLAMAT 2001: 60-71
6 Zsolt János Viharos, Laszlo Monostori: Automatic Input-Output Configuration and Generation of ANN-based Process Models and Their Application in Machining. IEA/AIE 1999: 659-668
5 László Monostori, Botond Kádár: Agent Based Architectures for Mastering Changes and Disturbances in Manufacturing. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 755-764
4 Laszlo Monostori, József Hornyák, Csaba Egresits, Zsolt János Viharos: Soft Computing and Hybrid AI Approaches to Intelligent Manufacturing. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 765-774
3 S. Markos, Laszlo Monostori, J. Nacsa, G. Szöllõsi: Monitoring of the Milling Process through Neural Network and Fuzzy Techniques. KNOWHSEM 1993: 239-250
2 Laszlo Monostori, Achim Bothe: Convergence Behaviour of Connectionist Models in Large Scale Diagnostic Problems. IEA/AIE 1992: 113-122
1 P. Bartal, Laszlo Monostori: Vibration Monitoring: A Pattern Recognition Approach. IAS 1986: 123-128

Coauthor Index

1Moonis Ali [12]
2P. Bartal [1]
3Achim Bothe [2]
4Alessandro Campi [13]
5Sergio Cavalieri [13]
6Gregor von Cieminski [13]
7Francesca Collina [13]
8Alberto Colorni [13]
9Balázs Csanád Csáji [16] [19] [20] [22]
10Csaba Egresits [4]
11Yannick Frein [13]
12Marco Garetti [13]
13József Hornyák [4]
14Botond Kádár [5] [10] [13] [16] [18] [20] [23]
15D. Karnok [23]
16Zsolt Kemény [24]
17Ignazio Locatelli [13]
18Tiziana Longeri [13]
19Jens Lopitzsch [13]
20Marco Macchi [13]
21S. Markos [3]
22Maria di Mascolo [13]
23Alberto Meroni [13]
24J. Nacsa [3]
25András Pfeiffer [18] [23]
26Nicoletta Santambrogio [13]
27Péter Stefán [11]
28Marcell Szathmari [24]
29G. Szöllõsi [3]
30Kanji Ueda [21]
31József Váncza [12]
32Zsolt János Viharos [4] [6] [8] [14]
33T. Vincze [14]
34Elisabeta Ilie Zudor [7] [9] [13] [15] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)