
Shaun Cooper

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8EERajaa S. Shindi, Shaun Cooper: Evaluate the performance changes of processor simulator benchmarks When context switches are incorporated. SIGAda 2006: 9-14
7EERam Srinivasan, Jeanine Cook, Shaun Cooper: Fast, Accurate Microarchitecture Simulation Using Statistical Phase Detection. ISPASS 2005: 147-156
6EEShaun Cooper, Michael D. Hirschhorn: Results of Hurwitz type for three squares. Discrete Mathematics 274(1-3): 9-24 (2004)
5EEPierre Barrucand, Shaun Cooper, Michael D. Hirschhorn: Relations between squares and triangles. Discrete Mathematics 248(1-3): 245-247 (2002)
4EEShaun Cooper, Shayne Waldron: The Diagonalisation of the Multivariate Bernstein Operator. Journal of Approximation Theory 117(1): 103-131 (2002)
3EEGoetz Graefe, Ross Bunker, Shaun Cooper: Hash Joins and Hash Teams in Microsoft SQL Server. VLDB 1998: 86-97
2EEShaun Cooper, Patricia J. Teller: Configuring a large LAN for TCP/IP, Appletalk, and IPX. LCN 1995: 264-
1 Bishop Brock, Shaun Cooper, William Pierce: Analogical Reasoning and Proof Discovery. CADE 1988: 454-468

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Barrucand [5]
2Bishop Brock [1]
3Ross Bunker [3]
4Jeanine Cook [7]
5Goetz Graefe [3]
6Michael D. Hirschhorn [5] [6]
7William Pierce [1]
8Rajaa S. Shindi [8]
9Ram Srinivasan [7]
10Patricia J. Teller [2]
11Shayne Waldron [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)