
Ron Oldfield

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7EERon Oldfield, Sarala Arunagiri, Patricia J. Teller, Seetharami R. Seelam, Maria Ruiz Varela, Rolf Riesen, Philip C. Roth: Modeling the Impact of Checkpoints on Next-Generation Systems. MSST 2007: 30-46
6EERon Oldfield, Patrick Widener, Arthur B. Maccabe, Lee Ward, Todd Kordenbrock: Efficient Data-Movement for Lightweight I/O. CLUSTER 2006
5EERon Oldfield, Lee Ward, Rolf Riesen, Arthur B. Maccabe, Patrick Widener, Todd Kordenbrock: Lightweight I/O for Scientific Applications. CLUSTER 2006
4EETodd Kordenbrock, Ron Oldfield, Jeffrey Young: Poster reception - Parallel I/O advancements in air quality modeling systems. SC 2006: 170
3EERon Oldfield, David Kotz: Improving Data Access for Computational Grid Applications. Cluster Computing 9(1): 79-99 (2006)
2EERon Oldfield, David Kotz: Armada: a parallel I/O framework for computational grids. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(4): 501-523 (2002)
1EERon Oldfield, David Kotz: Armada: A Parallel File System for Computational Grids. CCGRID 2001: 194-201

Coauthor Index

1Sarala Arunagiri [7]
2Todd Kordenbrock [4] [5] [6]
3David Kotz [1] [2] [3]
4Arthur B. Maccabe [5] [6]
5Rolf Riesen [5] [7]
6Philip C. Roth [7]
7Seetharami R. Seelam [7]
8Patricia J. Teller [7]
9Maria Ruiz Varela [7]
10Lee Ward [5] [6]
11Patrick Widener [5] [6]
12Jeffrey Young [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)