
Michela Taufer

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29EEJoseph E. Davis, Adnan Ozsoy, Sandeep Patel, Michela Taufer: Towards Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Graphics Processors. BICoB 2009: 176-186
28EETrilce Estrada, Olac Fuentes, Michela Taufer: A distributed evolutionary method to design scheduling policies for volunteer computing. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2008: 313-322
27EEMichela Taufer, Thamar Solorio, Abel Licon, David Mireles, Ming-Ying Leung: On the Effectiveness of Rebuilding RNA Secondary Structures from Sequence Chunks. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
26EEMichela Taufer, Ming-Ying Leung, Thamar Solorio, Abel Licon, David Mireles, Roberto Araiza, Kyle L. Johnson: RNAVLab: A virtual laboratory for studying RNA secondary structures based on grid computing technology. Parallel Computing 34(11): 661-680 (2008)
25EEMichela Taufer, Andre Kerstens, Trilce Estrada, David A. Flores, Richard Zamudio, Patricia J. Teller, R. Armen, Charles L. Brooks III: Moving Volunteer Computing towards Knowledge-Constructed, Dynamically-Adaptive Modeling and Scheduling. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
24EEMichela Taufer, Ming-Ying Leung, Kyle L. Johnson, Abel Licon: RNAVLab: A unified environment for computational RNA structure analysis based on grid computing technology. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
23EERichard Zamudio, Daniel Catarino, Michela Taufer, Brent Stearn, Karan Bhatia: Topaz: Extending Firefox to Accommodate the GridFTP Protocol. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
22EEMichela Taufer, Andre Kerstens, Trilce Estrada, David A. Flores, Patricia J. Teller: SimBA: A Discrete Event Simulator for Performance Prediction of Volunteer Computing Projects. PADS 2007: 189-197
21EEGuillermo A. Lopez, Michela Taufer, Patricia J. Teller: Evaluation of IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic compliance across a wide range of heterogeneous computers. Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2007: 1-4
20EEMaria Gabriel Aguilera, Patricia J. Teller, Michela Taufer, F. Wolf: A systematic multi-step methodology for performance analysis of communication traces of distributed applications based on hierarchical clustering. IPDPS 2006
19EETrilce Estrada, Abel Licon, Michela Taufer: compPknots: A Framework for Parallel Prediction and Comparison of RNA Secondary Structures with Pseudoknots. ISPA Workshops 2006: 677-686
18EEDavid A. Flores, Trilce Estrada, Michela Taufer, Patricia J. Teller, Andre Kerstens: Poster reception - SimBA: a discrete event simulator for performance prediction of volunteer computing projects. SC 2006: 168
17EETrilce Estrada, David A. Flores, Michela Taufer, Patricia J. Teller, Andre Kerstens, David P. Anderson: The Effectiveness of Threshold-Based Scheduling Policies in BOINC Projects. e-Science 2006: 88
16EEMichela Taufer, Chahm An, Andreas Kerstens, Charles L. Brooks III: Predictor@Home: A "Protein Structure Prediction Supercomputer' Based on Global Computing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(8): 786-796 (2006)
15EEMichela Taufer, David P. Anderson, Pietro Cicotti, Charles L. Brooks III: Homogeneous Redundancy: a Technique to Ensure Integrity of Molecular Simulation Results Using Public Computing. IPDPS 2005
14EEMichela Taufer, Chahm An, Andreas Kerstens, Charles L. Brooks III: Predictor@Home: A "Protein Structure Prediction Supercomputer" Based on Public-Resource Computing. IPDPS 2005
13EEMichela Taufer, Patricia J. Teller, David P. Anderson, Charles L. Brooks III: Metrics for Effective Resource Management in Global Computing Environments. e-Science 2005: 204-211
12EEMichela Taufer, Michael Crowley, Daniel J. Price, Andrew A. Chien, Charles L. Brooks III: Study of a highly accurate and fast protein-ligand docking method based on molecular dynamics. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 17(14): 1627-1641 (2005)
11EEPietro Cicotti, Michela Taufer, Andrew A. Chien: DGMonitor: A Performance Monitoring Tool for Sandbox-Based Desktop Grid Platforms. The Journal of Supercomputing 34(2): 113-133 (2005)
10EEDerrick Kondo, Michela Taufer, Charles L. Brooks III, Henri Casanova, Andrew A. Chien: Characterizing and Evaluating Desktop Grids: An Empirical Study. IPDPS 2004
9EEPietro Cicotti, Michela Taufer, Andrew A. Chien: DGMonitor: A Performance Monitoring Tool for Sandbox-Based Desktop Grid Platforms. IPDPS 2004
8EEMichela Taufer, Michael Crowley, Daniel J. Price, Andrew A. Chien, Charles L. Brooks III: Study of a Highly Accurate and Fast Protein-Ligand Docking Algorithm Based on Molecular Dynamics. IPDPS 2004
7EEBennet Uk, Michela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Giovanni Settanni, Andrea Cavalli, Amedeo Caflisch: Combining Task- and Data Parallelism to Speed up Protein Folding on a Desktop Grid Platform. CCGRID 2003: 240-
6EEMichela Taufer, Thomas Stricker: A Performance Monitor Based on Virtual Global Time for Clusters of PCs. CLUSTER 2003: 64-72
5EEBennet Uk, Michela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Giovanni Settanni, Andrea Cavalli: Implementation and Characterization of Protein Folding on a Desktop Computational Grid - Is CHARMM a Suitable Candidate for the United Devices MetaProcessor? IPDPS 2003: 50
4EEMichela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Gerard Roos, Peter Güntert: On the Migration of the Scientific Code Dyana from SMPs to Clusters of PCs and on to the Grid. CCGRID 2002: 93-101
3EEMichela Taufer, Egon Perathoner, Andrea Cavalli, Amedeo Caflisch, Thomas Stricker: Performance Characterization of a Molecular Dynamics Code on PC Clusters: Is There Any Easy Parallelism in CHARMM?. IPDPS 2002
2EEMichela Taufer, Thomas Stricker, Roger Weber: Scalability and resource usage of an OLAP benchmark on clusters of PCs. SPAA 2002: 83-94
1 Peter Arbenz, Martin Billeter, Peter Güntert, Peter Luginbühl, Michela Taufer, Urs von Matt: Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Cray Clusters using the SCIDDLE-PVM environment. PVM 1996: 142-149

Coauthor Index

1Maria Gabriel Aguilera [20]
2Chahm An [14] [16]
3David P. Anderson [13] [15] [17]
4Roberto Araiza [26]
5Peter Arbenz [1]
6R. Armen [25]
7Karan Bhatia [23]
8Martin Billeter [1]
9Charles L. Brooks III [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [25]
10Amedeo Caflisch [3] [7]
11Henri Casanova [10]
12Daniel Catarino [23]
13Andrea Cavalli [3] [5] [7]
14Andrew A. Chien [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
15Pietro Cicotti [9] [11] [15]
16Michael Crowley [8] [12]
17Joseph E. Davis [29]
18Trilce Estrada [17] [18] [19] [22] [25] [28]
19David A. Flores [17] [18] [22] [25]
20Olac Fuentes [28]
21Peter Güntert [1] [4]
22Kyle L. Johnson [24] [26]
23Andre Kerstens [17] [18] [22] [25]
24Andreas Kerstens [14] [16]
25Derrick Kondo [10]
26Ming-Ying Leung [24] [26] [27]
27Abel Licon [19] [24] [26] [27]
28Guillermo A. Lopez [21]
29Peter Luginbühl [1]
30Urs von Matt [1]
31David Mireles [26] [27]
32Adnan Ozsoy [29]
33Sandeep Patel [29]
34Egon Perathoner [3]
35Daniel J. Price [8] [12]
36Gerard Roos [4]
37Giovanni Settanni [5] [7]
38Thamar Solorio [26] [27]
39Brent Stearn [23]
40Thomas Stricker [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
41Patricia J. Teller [13] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [25]
42Bennet Uk [5] [7]
43Roger Weber [2]
44F. Wolf [20]
45Richard Zamudio [23] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)