
Pierre Tchounikine

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27EEPatrice Moguel, Pierre Tchounikine, André Tricot: Supporting Learners' Organization in Collective Challenges. EC-TEL 2008: 290-303
26EEPatrice Moguel, Pierre Tchounikine, André Tricot: Analyzing Learners' Self-organization in Terms of Co-construction, Co-operation and Co-ordination. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 743-745
25 Pierre Tchounikine: Learners' Self-Organization as a First-Class Concern for CSCL Macro-Scripts. AIED 2007: 656-658
24EEPierre Tchounikine: Directions to Acknowledge Learners' Self-organization in CSCL Macro-scripts. CRIWG 2007: 247-254
23EEPablo Reyes, Pierre Tchounikine: Structural Awareness for Collaborative Learning Environments. Education for the 21st Century 2006: 175-184
22EENeil Taurisson, Pierre Tchounikine: Cowos: A Model of Collective Work Situations to Support Modelling and Simulation Based Approaches of Work Organisation Learning. ICALT 2006: 383-387
21EEMarie-Laure Betbeder, Philippe Cottier, Colin T. Schmidt, Pierre Tchounikine: Dialogue in context, towards a referential approach in collective learning. AI Soc. 20(3): 314-330 (2006)
20EEBruno Richard, Pierre Tchounikine: Assisting Analysts in the Construction of Model Based Tracking Recommender Systems. Web Intelligence 2005: 688-691
19 Djilali Benmahamed, Jean-Louis Ermine, Pierre Tchounikine: From MASK KM Methodology to Learning Activities Described with IMS - LD. Wissensmanagement 2005: 129-134
18EEDjilali Benmahamed, Jean-Louis Ermine, Pierre Tchounikine: From MASK Knowledge Management Methodology to Learning Activities Described with IMS - LD. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 165-175
17 Dorothée Rasseneur, Pierre Jacoboni, Pierre Tchounikine: Using and Enhancing a Normalized IMS-LD Description to Support Learners in their Appropriation of a Distance-Learning Curriculum. ICALT 2004
16EEPablo Reyes, Pierre Tchounikine: Redefining the Turn-Taking Notion in Mediated Communication of Virtual Learning Communities. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 295-304
15EENeil Taurisson, Pierre Tchounikine: Supporting a Learner Community with Software Agents. Educational Technology & Society 7(2): 82-91 (2004)
14EEBruno Richard, Pierre Tchounikine: Enhancing the adaptivity of an existing Website with an epiphyte recommender system. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 10(1): 31-52 (2004)
13EEMarie-Laure Betbeder, Pierre Tchounikine: Symba: A Tailorable Framework to Support Collective Activities in a Learning Context. CRIWG 2003: 90-98
12EENeil Taurisson, Pierre Tchounikine: Introducing Software Agents to Support a Web-based Collective Activity. IAT 2003: 570-575
11EEDorothée Rasseneur, Pierre Jacoboni, Pierre Tchounikine: An Approach to Distance Learning Curriculum Appropriation. ICALT 2003: 234-238
10EENeil Taurisson, Pierre Tchounikine: Mixing Human and Software Agents: A Case Study. ICALT 2003: 239-
9EEMarie-Laure Betbeder, Pierre Tchounikine: Structuring Collective Activities with Tasks and Plans. ICALT 2003: 432-433
8EEBruno Richard, Pierre Tchounikine, Pierre Jacoboni: An Architecture to Support Navigation and Propose Tips within a Dedicated Website. Web Intelligence 2003: 278-284
7EEDorothée Rasseneur, Pierre Jacoboni, Pierre Tchounikine: Enhancing a Web-Based Distance-Learning Curriculum with Dedicated Tools. Web Intelligence 2003: 285-291
6 Eric Bataille, Mourad Oussalah, Pierre Tchounikine: Relations sémantiques pour l'ingénierie documentaire. INFORSID 2002: 89-105
5EEChristophe Choquet, Frédéric Danna, Pierre Tchounikine, Francky Trichet: Modelling the Knowledge-Based Components of a Learning Environment within the Task/Method Paradigm. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 56-65
4 Chantal Reynaud, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Pierre Tchounikine, Francky Trichet: The Notion of Role in Conceptual Modeling. EKAW 1997: 221-236
3 Christophe Choquet, Pierre Tchounikine, Francky Trichet: Training Strategies and Knowledge Acquisition: Using the same Reflective Tools for Different Purposes. EPIA 1997: 119-130
2 Francky Trichet, Pierre Tchounikine: Structured Expanations as a Support to Model Problem-Solving in a Task-Method Paradigm. SCAI 1997: 131-142
1 Pierre Tchounikine, Christophe Choquet: Fault diagnosis expert system for robots: a knowledge level prototyping experience. SEKE 1995: 268-274

Coauthor Index

1Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles [4]
2Eric Bataille [6]
3Djilali Benmahamed [18] [19]
4Marie-Laure Betbeder [9] [13] [21]
5Christophe Choquet [1] [3] [5]
6Philippe Cottier [21]
7Frédéric Danna [5]
8Jean-Louis Ermine [18] [19]
9Pierre Jacoboni [7] [8] [11] [17]
10Patrice Moguel [26] [27]
11Mourad Chabane Oussalah (Chabane Oussalah, Mourad Oussalah) [6]
12Dorothée Rasseneur [7] [11] [17]
13Pablo Reyes [16] [23]
14Chantal Reynaud [4]
15Bruno Richard [8] [14] [20]
16Colin T. Schmidt [21]
17Neil Taurisson [10] [12] [15] [22]
18Francky Trichet [2] [3] [4] [5]
19André Tricot [26] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)