10. EKAW 1997:
Sant Feliu de Guixols,
Enric Plaza, V. Richard Benjamins (Eds.):
Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management, 10th European Workshop, EKAW'97, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain, October 15-18, 1997, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1319 Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-63592-0 BibTeX
editor = {Enric Plaza and
V. Richard Benjamins},
title = {Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management, 10th European
Workshop, EKAW'97, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain, October
15-18, 1997, Proceedings},
booktitle = {EKAW},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1319},
year = {1997},
isbn = {3-540-63592-0},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Long Papers
- Ghassan Beydoun, Achim G. Hoffmann:
Acquisition of Search Knowledge.
1-16 BibTeX
- Pascal Beys, Maarten van Someren:
A Systematic Approach to the Functionality of Problem-Solving Methods.
17-32 BibTeX
- Pim Borst, Hans Akkermans:
An Ontology Approach to Product Disassembly.
33-48 BibTeX
- Robin Boswell, Susan Craw, Ray Rowe:
Knowledge Refinement for a Design System.
49-64 BibTeX
- Frank Cornelissen, Catholijn M. Jonker, Jan Treur:
Compositional Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems: A Case Study for Diagnostic Reasoning.
65-80 BibTeX
- Stefan Decker, Manfred Daniel, Michael Erdmann, Rudi Studer:
An Enterprise reference Scheme for Integrating Model Based Knowledge Engineering and Enterprise Modelling.
81-96 BibTeX
- Dieter Fensel:
The Tower-of-Adapter Method for Developing and Reusing Problem-Solving Methods.
97-112 BibTeX
- Dieter Fensel, Enrico Motta, Stefan Decker, Zdenek Zdráhal:
Using Ontologies for Defining Tasks, Problem-Solving Methods and their Mappings.
113-128 BibTeX
- Udo Hahn, Klemens Schnattinger:
An Empirical Evaluation of a System for Text Knowledge Acquisition.
129-144 BibTeX
- Dean M. Jones, Ray Paton:
Acquisition of Conceptual Structure in Scientific Theories.
145-158 BibTeX
- Rodrigo Martínez-Béjar, V. Richard Benjamins, Fernando Martín-Rubio:
Designing Operators for Constructing Domain Knowledge Ontologies.
159-173 BibTeX
- Rainer Perkuhn:
Reuse of Problem-Solving Methods and Family Resemblances.
174-189 BibTeX
- Christine Pierret-Golbreich, Xavier Talon:
Specification of Flexible Knowledge-Based Systems.
190-204 BibTeX
- Anita Pos, Hans Akkermans, Remco Straatman:
Problem Solving for Redesign.
205-220 BibTeX
- Chantal Reynaud, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Pierre Tchounikine, Francky Trichet:
The Notion of Role in Conceptual Modeling.
221-236 BibTeX
- Debbie Richards, Paul Compton:
Knowledge Acquisition First, Modelling Later.
237-252 BibTeX
- Benjamin D. Smith, Kanna Rajan, Nicola Muscettola:
Knowledge Acquisition for the Onboard Planner of an Autonomous Spacecraft.
253-268 BibTeX
- Bidjan Tschaitschian, Andreas Abecker, Franz Schmalhofer:
Information Tuning with KARAT: Capitalizing on Existing Documents.
269-284 BibTeX
- Sean Wallis, Gerry Nelson:
Syntactic Parsing as a Knowledge Acquisition Problem.
285-300 BibTeX
- Gian Piero Zarri, Saliha Azzam:
Building Up and Making Use of Corporate Knowledge Repositories.
301-316 BibTeX
Short Papers
- Frances M. T. Brazier, Pascal van Eck, Jan Treur:
Modelling Competitive Co-operation of Agents in a Compositional Multi-Agent Framework.
317-322 BibTeX
- Frances M. T. Brazier, Niek J. E. Wijngaards:
An Instrument for a Purpose Driven Comparison of Modelling Frameworks.
323-328 BibTeX
- Timo Breidenstein, Isabelle Bournaud, Francis Wolinski:
Knowledge Discovery in Rule Bases.
329-334 BibTeX
- Veerle M. H. Coupé, Linda C. van der Gaag:
Supporting Probability Elicitation by Sensitivity Analysis.
335-340 BibTeX
- Jean-Marc Gabriel:
Towards More Collaboration Between Machine Learning Systems and their Users.
341-346 BibTeX
- Daniela Garcia:
COATIS, an NLP System to Locate Expressions of Actions Connected by Causality Links.
347-352 BibTeX
- Stefan Kaspar, Achim G. Hoffmann:
Using Knowledge Acquisition to Build Spoken Language Systems.
353-358 BibTeX
- Laurent Maillet-Contoz, Jean Sallantin:
An Assistant for a Design Project: Application to the Design of a Mixed Hardware/Software Architecture.
359-364 BibTeX
- Luc Poittevin:
REVINOS: An Interactive Revision Tool Based on the Concept of Situation.
365-370 BibTeX
- Remco Straatman:
371-377 BibTeX
- Luis Talavera, Ulises Cortés:
Exploiting Inductive Bias Shift in Knowledge Acquisition from Ill-Structured Domains.
377-382 BibTeX
Invited Paper
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:09:12 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)