WM 2005:
Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Andreas Dengel, Ralph Bergmann, Markus Nick, Thomas Roth-Berghofer (Eds.):
WM 2005: Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions, Contributions to the 3rd Conference Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions, April 10-13, 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
DFKI, Kaiserslautern 2005, ISBN 3-00-016020-5 BibTeX
Keynote Contributions
Intelligent Office Appliances (IOA 2005)
- Ansgar Bernardi, Björn Decker, Harald Holz, Dirk Muthig, Naoyuki Nomura:
1st Intelligent Office Appliances (IOA 2005): Knowledge Appliances in the Office of the Future.
33-34 BibTeX
- Alexander Greisle, Kai Juergens:
Towards Adaptive Work Environments.
35-38 BibTeX
- Leo Sauermann:
The Gnowsis Semantic Desktop for Information Integration.
39-42 BibTeX
- Heiko Maus, Harald Holz, Ansgar Bernardi, Oleg Rostanin:
Leveraging Passive Paper Piles to Active Objects in Personal Knowledge Spaces.
43-46 BibTeX
- Marcus Tiedemann:
Handling Subordinate Services in a Service-oriented Architecture.
47-50 BibTeX
- Thorsten Keuler, Theresa Lehner, Björn Decker, Dirk Muthig:
Efficient Implementation of Intelligent Office Appliances with Software Product Lines.
51-54 BibTeX
Learning Software Organizations (LSO 2005)
- Andreas Birk, Torgeir Dingsøyr:
Seventh International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LSO 2005).
55-56 BibTeX
- Kari Smolander, Päivi Ovaska, Pasi Juvonen:
Local Software Organizations with Global Customers: a Survival Quest.
57-61 BibTeX
- Björn Decker, Dirk Muthig:
A Community Based Approach for Organizing Software Product Line Evolution.
62-66 BibTeX
- Markus Nick, Christian Denger, Torsten Willrich:
Experience-based Support for Code Inspections.
67-71 BibTeX
- Gleison Santos, Mariano Montoni, Ana Regina Rocha, Sávio Figueiredo, Sômulo Mafra, Adriano Albuquerque, Benito Diaz Paret, Márcio Amaral:
Using a Software Development Environment with Knowledge Management to Support Deploying Software Processes in Small and Medium Size Companies.
72-76 BibTeX
- Guido Dedene, Monique Snoeck, Manu De Backer, Wilfried Lemahieu:
New generation E-Learning technology by Web Services.
77-81 BibTeX
- Kurt Schneider:
Software Process Improvement from a FLOW Perspective.
82-86 BibTeX
- Tor Erlend Fægri, Torgeir Dingsøyr, Maria Letizia Jaccheri, Patricia Lago, Hans van Vliet:
Exploring Communities of Practice for Product Family Engineering.
87-91 BibTeX
- Outi Salo:
Systematical Validation of Learning in Agile Software Development Environment.
92-96 BibTeX
- Karina Villela, Ana Regina Rocha, Guilherme Travassos:
On the Importance Attributed to Different Knowledge in Software Development Environments.
97-101 BibTeX
- Torgeir Dingsøyr, Finn Olav Bjørnson:
Using Open Space Technology as a Method to Share Domain Knowledge.
102-106 BibTeX
- Finn Olav Bjørnson, Tor Stålhane:
Harvesting Knowledge through a Method Framework in an Electronic Process Guide.
107-111 BibTeX
- Fred Frowin Fajtak:
Kick-off Workshops and Project Retrospectives: A Good Learning Software Organization Practice.
112-114 BibTeX
- Arnim Buch, Bernhard Humm:
Substance, People, and Tools - Knowledge Management at sd&m.
115-118 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Zuser, Thomas Grechenig:
Using Feedback for Supporting Software Team Improvement.
119-123 BibTeX
Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2005)
- Eric Ras, Martin Memmel, Stephan Weibelzahl:
First Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2005).
124-128 BibTeX
- Djilali Benmahamed, Jean-Louis Ermine, Pierre Tchounikine:
From MASK KM Methodology to Learning Activities Described with IMS - LD.
129-134 BibTeX
- Elisabeth Heinemann:
Use - Mention - Reflection: A Language-based Model for Teaching-Learning-Situations.
135-139 BibTeX
- Klaus P. Jantke, Aran Lunzer:
Search, Comparison and Evaluation in Exploratory E-Learning with Subjunctive Interfaces.
140-145 BibTeX
- Tobias Ley, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt, Dietrich Albert:
Competency Development in Knowledge Management and eLearning: Supporting Informal Workplace Learning.
146-151 BibTeX
- Francisco Milton Mendes Neto, Francisco Vilar Brasileiro:
Integrating Computer-Supported Learning and Knowledge Management through the Support of the Training Management Life Cycle.
152-155 BibTeX
- Lucia Pannese, Susanna Lenardon, Vito Nitti, Mauro Santalmasi, Valentina Festorazzi:
Competence Tracking and Automatic Training Design Simulation.
156-159 BibTeX
- Maria Cristina Pfeiffer Fernandes, Daniel Orlean, José Leme Lopes Neto, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
A Case Study: The Application of Methodologies and Competency Management Systems at the Software Engineering Laboratory in PUC-Rio.
160-165 BibTeX
- Christoph Richter, Heidrun Allert, Wolfgang Nejdl:
Minimal Activity Plans: Artifacts for Self-Organized Learning within Organizations.
166-169 BibTeX
- Andreas Schmidt:
Bridging the Gap between Knowledge Management and E-Learning with Context-Aware Corporate Learning.
170-175 BibTeX
- Felix Schmitz-Justen, Adalbert F. X. Wilhelm:
Forum-Based Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Transfer: Project Outline and First Results.
176-179 BibTeX
- Michael Yacci:
Automated Interactivity Design.
180-186 BibTeX
Peer-to-Peer and Agent Infrastructures for Knowledge Management (PAIKM 2005)
Knowledge Intensive Business Processes (KiBP 2005)
German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM 2005)
- Armin Stahl, Martin Schaaf, Ralph Traphöner:
Third German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM 2005).
245-246 BibTeX
- Virginia Dignum:
Experience Management in Communities of Practice.
247-252 BibTeX
- Thomas Gabel:
On the Use of Vocabulary Knowledge for Learning Similarity Measures.
253-258 BibTeX
- Mirjam Minor:
Introduction Strategy and Feedback from an Experience Management Project.
259-263 BibTeX
- Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Jörg Cassens, Frode Sørmo:
Goals and Kinds of Explanations in Case-Based Reasoning.
264-268 BibTeX
- Alexander Tartakovski, Martin Schaaf, Rainer Maximini:
Optimization Based Retrieval and Configuration of Temporary Life Insurance Policies.
269-274 BibTeX
- Olga Vorobieva, Rainer Schmidt:
CBR to Investigate Inefficacy Problems of Endocrine and Psychiatric Therapies.
275-280 BibTeX
- Rosina Weber, Ilya Waldstein, Amit Deshpande, Jason M. Proctor:
Integrated Approach to Detect Inconspicuous Content.
281-286 BibTeX
Knowledge Management in Medicine (KMM05)
- Marita Muscholl, Kerstin Maximini:
Workshop on Current Aspects of Knowledge Management in Medicine (KMM05).
287-288 BibTeX
- Christoph Bobrowski, Georg Kreymann:
Knowledge Management in Internal Medicine - Experience with Lotus Notes.
289-292 BibTeX
- Marita Muscholl:
The "Integrated Clinical Pathways"-Approach - Current Requirements to the Knowledge Management in Health Information Systems.
293-298 BibTeX
- Frank Puppe, Georg Buscher, Martin Atzmüller, Matthias Hüttig, Hans-Peter Buscher:
Clinical Experiences with a Knowledge-Based System in Sonography (SonoConsult).
299-304 BibTeX
- Stefan Jablonski, Christian Meiler, Sascha Müller, Rainer Lay:
Process Oriented Knowledge Management to Support Clinical Pathway Execution.
305-308 BibTeX
- Fábio Alexandrini, Mariana Kessler Bortoluzzi, Aldo von Wangenheim:
Improving Content Based Recovery on a Radiological Reports Database.
309-315 BibTeX
- Hooman Katirai, Ulrich Sax:
Unlocking the Value of Clinical Information: What you Need to do Now to Enjoy the Benefits in the Future.
316-322 BibTeX
- Olivier Curé:
Semi-automatic Data Migration in a Self-medication Knowledge-based System.
323-329 BibTeX
- Claus Eikemeier:
VETO! A Peer-to-Peer Paradigm Based Medical Knowledge Management System.
330-333 BibTeX
- Alexey Tsymbal, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Seppo Puuronen, Michael A. Shifrin, Irina Alexandrova:
Knowledge Discovery in Microbiology Data: Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance in Nosocomial Infections.
334-340 BibTeX
- Rainer Herrler, Oliver Kölbl, Frank Puppe:
Multiagentensimulation zur Prozessoptimierung in der Strahlentherapie.
341-344 BibTeX
Knowledge Management in International Professional Services Firms (KMIPSF 2005)
Knowledge Management for Distributed Agile Processes:
and Infrastructure (KMDAP 2005)
- Harald Holz, Heiko Maus, Naoyuki Nomura, Martin Schaaf:
Second Workshop on Knowledge Management for Distributed Agile Processes: Models, Techniques, and Infrastructure (KMDAP 2005).
365-366 BibTeX
- Reuven Karni, Maya Kaner:
Agile Knowledge-based Decision Making with Application to Project Management.
367-374 BibTeX
- Barbara Weber, Werner Wild:
Towards the Agile Management of Business Processes.
375-382 BibTeX
- Andrea Freßmann, Rainer Maximini, Thomas Sauer:
Towards Collaborative Agent-based Knowledge Support for Agile Projects.
383-388 BibTeX
- Marielba Zacarias, Artur Caetano, Helena Sofia Pinto, José M. Tribolet:
Modeling Contexts for Business Process Oriented Knowledge Support.
389-396 BibTeX
- Kurt D. Fenstermacher:
Revealed Processes in Knowledge Management.
397-400 BibTeX
- Oliver Thomas, Otmar Adam, Christian Seel:
A Fuzzy-based Approach to the Management of Agile Processes.
401-404 BibTeX
- Denis Avrilionis, Roy Phillips:
An IT infrastructure for Knowledge Management in Agile Environments.
405-410 BibTeX
- Björn Decker, Eric Ras, Jörg Rech, Bertin Klein, Christian Reuschling, Christian Höcht, Lars Kilian, Ralph Traphöner, Volker Haas:
A Framework for Agile Reuse in Software Engineering using Wiki Technology.
411-414 BibTeX
- Emilio Bellini, Gerardo Canfora, Aniello Cimitile, Félix García, Mario Piattini, Corrado Aaron Visaggio:
The Impact of Educational Background on Design Knowledge Sharing During Pair Programming: An Empirical Study.
415-422 BibTeX
- Stefania Bandini, Fabio Sartori:
Increasing Agility of Communities of Practice Exploiting Case-Based Reasoning.
423-426 BibTeX
Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (KMBI 2005)
Intelligent IT Tools for Knowledge Management Systems:
- Ulrich Reimer, York Sure, Andreas Eberhart, Hans-Peter Schnurr:
Workshop on Intelligent IT Tools for Knowledge Management Systems: Applicability, Usability, and Benefits (IKMTOOLS 2005).
449-450 BibTeX
- Birger Andersson, Ilia Bider, Erik Perjons:
Computerized Knowledge Management. What Is Needed to Motivate the User?
451-456 BibTeX
- Ernst Biesalski, Andreas Abecker:
Ansätze zum ontologiebasierten Human Resource Management.
457-462 BibTeX
- Karsten Böhm, Alexander Scherf:
Using Digital Communication Structures to Support Knowledge Management.
463-468 BibTeX
- Ji Suk Kim:
Domain-Specific Ontology Building for Semantic Web Using Data Mining.
469-474 BibTeX
- Astrid Jaime, Mickael Gardoni, Dominique Vinck, Joël Mosca:
Knowledge Management in Research Projects: An Approach through the Support to Bibliographical Research.
475-480 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Kienreich, Vedran Sabol, Tobias Ley, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt, Philipp Koronakis, Georg Droschl:
MagIR: Distributed Creation, Administration and Reutilization of Multimedia Presentation Content.
481-486 BibTeX
- Marc Ehrig, Steffen Staab, York Sure:
Supervised Learning of an Ontology Alignment Process.
487-492 BibTeX
- Joachim Warschat, Alexander Slama, Oliver Schumacher:
Ontologie-basiertes Innovationsmanagement.
493-498 BibTeX
- Salim Semy, Kevin Hetherington-Young, Steven Frey:
Ontology Engineering: An Application Perspective.
499-504 BibTeX
- Jianhan Zhu, Victoria S. Uren, Enrico Motta:
ESpotter: Adaptive Named Entity Recognition for Web Browsing.
505-510 BibTeX
Semantic Model Integration (SMI05)
Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics (WSPI 2005)
- Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Gregor Büchel, Bertin Klein:
Second International Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics (WSPI 2005).
533-534 BibTeX
- Wolf-Tilo Balke, Klaus Mainzer:
Knowledge Representation and the Embodied Mind: Towards a Philosophy and Technology of Personalized Informatics.
535-542 BibTeX
- Ingvar Johansson:
Qualities, Quantities, and the Endurant-Perdurant Distinction in Top-Level Ontologies.
543-550 BibTeX
- Zoran Majkic:
Intensional Logic and Epistemic Independency of Intelligent Database Agents.
551-554 BibTeX
- Uwe V. Riss:
Knowledge, Action, and Context: A Process View on Knowledge Management.
555-558 BibTeX
- Roland Kaschek:
Modelling Ontology Use for Information Systems.
559-562 BibTeX
- Gian Maria Greco, Gianluca Paronitti, Matteo Turilli, Luciano Floridi:
The Philosophy of Information: A Methodological Point of View.
563-570 BibTeX
- Violeta Damjanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Vladan Devedzic:
Semiotics for Ontologies and Knowledge Representation.
571-574 BibTeX
- Björn Niehaves, Karsten Klose, Ralf Knackstedt, Jörg Becker:
Epistemological Perspectives on IS-Development - A Consensus-Oriented Approach on Conceptual Modeling.
575-578 BibTeX
- Patrick Allo:
Being Informative.
579-586 BibTeX
- Muhammad A. Ahmad, Ankur Teredesai:
Domain Independent Integrated Multimedia Data Mining is a Frivolous Exercise: Classicism vs. Connectionism Debate Revisited.
587-594 BibTeX
- Francis Rousseaux, Thomas Bouaziz:
Collecting or Classifying?
595-598 BibTeX
- Bruno Zelic, Bernd Carsten Stahl:
The Influence of Realist Ontology on Technological Projects: The Case of Irish Electronic Voting.
599-602 BibTeX
- Ruth Hagengruber:
Mapping the Multitude. Categories in Representations.
603-610 BibTeX
Workshop on Information Just-in-Time (WIJIT2005)
Wissensmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (WMKMU 2005)
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:48:12 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)