
Satoshi Suzuki

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22EESatoshi Suzuki, Katsuhisa Furuta: Real number laplace transformation-based identification for first-order system including time-delay. ETFA 2008: 143-149
21EESatoshi Suzuki, Fumio Harashima: Analysis of machine operation skills using hand discrete movement. ETFA 2008: 156-163
20EESatoshi Suzuki, Yuichi Watanabe, Hiroshi Igarashi, Koichi Hidaka: Human skill elucidation based on gaze analysis for dynamic manipulation. SMC 2007: 2989-2994
19EESatoshi Suzuki, Toshimichi Saito: Synthesis of Desired Binary Cellular Automata Through the Genetic Algorithm. ICONIP (3) 2006: 738-745
18EESatoshi Suzuki, Keiichi Kurihara, Katsuhisa Furuta, Fumio Harashima: Assistance control on a haptic system for human adaptive mechatronics. Advanced Robotics 20(3): 323-348 (2006)
17EETeruyuki Shimura, Tomoyuki Asada, Satoshi Suzuki, Takeshi Miura, Jun Otsuji, Ryo Hattori, Yukio Miyazaki, Kazuya Yamamoto, Akira Inoue: A GSM/EDGE Dual-Mode, Triple-Band InGaP HBT MMIC Power Amplifier Module. IEICE Transactions 88-C(7): 1495-1501 (2005)
16EESatoshi Suzuki: Probabilistic Word Vector and Similarity Based on Dictionaries. CICLing 2003: 562-572
15EESatoshi Suzuki, Naonori Ueda: Adaptive clustering using modular learning architecture. Systems and Computers in Japan 34(2): 70-80 (2003)
14 Kazuhiro Otsuka, Tsutomu Horikoshi, Satoshi Suzuki, Haruhiko Kojima: Memory-Based Forecasting for Weather Image Patterns. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 330-336
13EESatoshi Suzuki, Hiroshi Ando: A modular network scheme for unsupervised 3D object recognition. Neurocomputing 31(1-4): 15-28 (2000)
12EEKazuhiro Otsuka, Tsutomu Horikoshi, Satoshi Suzuki, Haruhiko Kojima: Memory-Based Forecasting of Complex Natural Patterns by Retrieving Similar Image Sequences. ICIAP 1999: 874-
11EEHiroshi Ando, Satoshi Suzuki, Toshifumi Fujita: Unsupervised visual learning of three-dimensional objects using a modular network architecture. Neural Networks 12(7-8): 1037-1051 (1999)
10EEKazuhiro Otsuka, Tsutomu Horikoshi, Satoshi Suzuki: Image Sequence Retrieval for Forecasting Weather Radar Echo Pattern. MVA 1998: 238-241
9EEKazuhiro Otsuka, Tsutomu Horikoshi, Satoshi Suzuki: Image velocity estimation from trajectory surface in spatiotemporal space. CVPR 1997: 200-205
8EEAkio Doi, Satoshi Suzuki, Koji Koyamada, Shinji Sannakanishi: Vortex flow visualization using tetrahedral cell subdivision. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1997: 206-
7EESatoshi Suzuki, Hiroshi Ando: Unsupervised Classification of 3D Objects from 2D Views. NIPS 1994: 949-956
6EENaonori Ueda, Satoshi Suzuki: Learning Visual Models from Shape Contours Using Multiscale Convex/Concave Structure Matching. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(4): 337-352 (1993)
5 Satoshi Suzuki, Naonori Ueda, Jack Sklansky: Graph-Based Thinning for Binary Images. IJPRAI 7(5): 1009-1030 (1993)
4EEWeiming Yao, Tsutomu Horikoshi, Takayuki Yasuno, Satoshi Suzuki: Structure from Motion Using Coarse to Fine 3d Voting. MVA 1992: 313-316
3EESatoshi Suzuki, Toyomichi Yamada: MARIS: map recognition input system. Pattern Recognition 23(8): 919-933 (1990)
2EESatoshi Suzuki, Keiichi Abe: Binary picture thinning by an iterative parallel two-subcycle operation. Pattern Recognition 20(3): 297-307 (1987)
1EESatoshi Suzuki, Keiichi Abe: Topological structural analysis of digitized binary images by border following. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 30(1): 32-46 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Keiichi Abe [1] [2]
2Hiroshi Ando [7] [11] [13]
3Tomoyuki Asada [17]
4Akio Doi [8]
5Toshifumi Fujita [11]
6Katsuhisa Furuta [18] [22]
7Fumio Harashima [18] [21]
8Ryo Hattori [17]
9Koichi Hidaka [20]
10Tsutomu Horikoshi [4] [9] [10] [12] [14]
11Hiroshi Igarashi [20]
12Akira Inoue [17]
13Haruhiko Kojima [12] [14]
14Koji Koyamada [8]
15Keiichi Kurihara [18]
16Takeshi Miura [17]
17Yukio Miyazaki [17]
18Jun Otsuji [17]
19Kazuhiro Otsuka [9] [10] [12] [14]
20Toshimichi Saito [19]
21Shinji Sannakanishi [8]
22Teruyuki Shimura [17]
23Jack Sklansky [5]
24Naonori Ueda [5] [6] [15]
25Yuichi Watanabe [20]
26Toyomichi Yamada [3]
27Kazuya Yamamoto [17]
28Weiming Yao [4]
29Takayuki Yasuno [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)