
Hiroshi Ando

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11EEHiroshi Ando, Yuichi Sakano, Hirosh Ashida: Human Evaluation of Visual and Haptic Interaction. HCI (8) 2007: 12-20
10EENoriko Suzuki, Ichiro Umata, Tatsuya Kitamura, Hiroshi Ando, Naomi Inoue: Toward Adaptive Interaction - The Effect of Ambient Sounds in an Ultra-Realistic Communication System. HCI (9) 2007: 185-194
9EEShigeru Mukaida, Hiroshi Ando: Extraction and Manipulation of Wrinkles and Spots for Facial Image Synthesis. FGR 2004: 749-754
8EEKeisuke Korekado, Takashi Morie, Osamu Nomura, Hiroshi Ando, Teppei Nakano, Masakazu Matsugu, Atsushi Iwata: A VLSI convolutional neural network for image recognition using merged/mixed analog-digital architecture. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 15(3-4): 173-179 (2004)
7EEKeisuke Korekado, Takashi Morie, Osamu Nomura, Hiroshi Ando, Teppei Nakano, Masakazu Matsugu, Atsushi Iwata: A Convolutional Neural Network VLSI for Image Recognition Using Merged/Mixed Analog-Digital Architecture. KES 2003: 169-176
6EESatoshi Suzuki, Hiroshi Ando: A modular network scheme for unsupervised 3D object recognition. Neurocomputing 31(1-4): 15-28 (2000)
5EEHiroshi Ando, Satoshi Suzuki, Toshifumi Fujita: Unsupervised visual learning of three-dimensional objects using a modular network architecture. Neural Networks 12(7-8): 1037-1051 (1999)
4 Hiroshi Ando, Takashi Morie, Makoto Nagata, Atsushi Iwata: Oscillator Networks for Image Segmentation and Their Circuits Using Pulse Modulation Method. ICONIP 1998: 586-589
3 Toshifumi Fujita, Hiroshi Ando: Image Segmentation for 3D Object Recognition Using Bidirectional Networks. ICANN 1997: 943-948
2 Hiroshi Ando: 3D Object Recognition Using Bidirectional Modular Networks. ACCV 1995: 467-475
1EESatoshi Suzuki, Hiroshi Ando: Unsupervised Classification of 3D Objects from 2D Views. NIPS 1994: 949-956

Coauthor Index

1Hirosh Ashida [11]
2Toshifumi Fujita [3] [5]
3Naomi Inoue [10]
4Atsushi Iwata [4] [7] [8]
5Tatsuya Kitamura [10]
6Keisuke Korekado [7] [8]
7Masakazu Matsugu [7] [8]
8Takashi Morie [4] [7] [8]
9Shigeru Mukaida [9]
10Makoto Nagata [4]
11Teppei Nakano [7] [8]
12Osamu Nomura [7] [8]
13Yuichi Sakano [11]
14Noriko Suzuki [10]
15Satoshi Suzuki [1] [5] [6]
16Ichiro Umata [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)