
Jack Sklansky

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36EEBrian Lofy, Jack Sklansky: Segmenting multisensor aerial images in class-scale space. Pattern Recognition 34(9): 1825-1839 (2001)
35EEMineichi Kudo, Petr Somol, Pavel Pudil, Masaru Shimbo, Jack Sklansky: Comparison of Classifier-Specific Feature Selection Algorithms. SSPR/SPR 2000: 677-686
34EEMineichi Kudo, Jack Sklansky: Comparison of algorithms that select features for pattern classifiers. Pattern Recognition 33(1): 25-41 (2000)
33EEJack Sklansky, E. Y. Tao, Chester Ornes, A. C. Disher: A Neurodatabase System for Mammographic Screening. CBMS 1998: 78-83
32 Mineichi Kudo, Jack Sklansky: Classifier-Independent Feature Selection For Two-Stage Feature Selection. SSPR/SPR 1998: 548-554
31 Chester Ornes, Jack Sklansky: A visual neural classifier. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 28(4): 620-625 (1998)
30EEChester Ornes, Jack Sklansky: A neural network that visualizes what it classifies. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(11-13): 1301-1306 (1997)
29 Jack Sklansky, Mark Vriesenga: Genetic Selection and Neural Modeling of Piecewise-Linear Classifiers. IJPRAI 10(5): 587-612 (1996)
28EEBing-Bing Chai, Tong Huang, Xinhua Zhuang, Yunxin Zhao, Jack Sklansky: Piecewise linear classifiers using binary tree structure and genetic algorithm. Pattern Recognition 29(11): 1905-1917 (1996)
27 R. Agarwal, Jack Sklansky: Estimating Optical Flow for Large Interframe Displacements. CAIP 1993: 403-411
26 Satoshi Suzuki, Naonori Ueda, Jack Sklansky: Graph-Based Thinning for Binary Images. IJPRAI 7(5): 1009-1030 (1993)
25EEDan Gutfinger, Jack Sklansky: Robust Classifiers by Mixed Adaptation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(6): 552-567 (1991)
24EEYoungtae Park, Jack Sklansky: Automated design of linear tree classifiers. Pattern Recognition 23(12): 1393-1412 (1990)
23 Wojciech W. Siedlecki, Jack Sklansky: Constrained Genetic Optimization via Dynarnic Reward-Penalty Balancing and Its Use in Pattern Recognition. ICGA 1989: 141-150
22EEWojciech W. Siedlecki, Jack Sklansky: A note on genetic algorithms for large-scale feature selection. Pattern Recognition Letters 10(5): 335-347 (1989)
21EEWojciech W. Siedlecki, Kinga Siedlecka, Jack Sklansky: An overview of mapping techniques for exploratory pattern analysis. Pattern Recognition 21(5): 411-429 (1988)
20EEWojciech W. Siedlecki, Kinga Siedlecka, Jack Sklansky: Experiments on mapping techniques for exploratory pattern analysis. Pattern Recognition 21(5): 431-438 (1988)
19EELeonard A. Ferrari, Jack Sklansky: A note on duhamel integrals and running average filters. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 29(3): 358-360 (1985)
18EEManabu Ichino, Jack Sklansky: The relative neighborhood graph for mixed feature variables. Pattern Recognition 18(2): 161-167 (1985)
17EELeonard A. Ferrari, Jack Sklansky: A fast recursive algorithm for binary-valued two-dimensional filters. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 26(3): 292-302 (1984)
16EELeonard A. Ferrari, P. V. Sankar, Jack Sklansky: Minimal rectangular partitions of digitized blobs. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 28(1): 58-71 (1984)
15 Leonard A. Ferrari, Jack Sklansky: A fast recursive algorithm for binary valued two-dimensional filters. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 22(2): 310 (1983)
14EEChul E. Kim, Jack Sklansky: Digital and cellular convexity. Pattern Recognition 15(5): 359-367 (1982)
13EEJack Sklansky, Victor Gonzalez: Fast polygonal approximation of digitized curves. Pattern Recognition 12(5): 327-331 (1980)
12 Jack Sklansky: On the Hough Technique for Curve Detection. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(10): 923-926 (1978)
11EEHarry Wechsler, Jack Sklansky: Finding the rib cage in chest radiographs. Pattern Recognition 9(1): 21-30 (1977)
10 Jack Sklansky, Luigi P. Cordella, Stefano Levialdi: Parallel Detection of Concavities in Cellular Blobs. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(2): 187-196 (1976)
9 Dana H. Ballard, Jack Sklansky: A Ladder-Structured Decision Tree for Recognizing Tumors in Chest Radiographs. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(5): 503-513 (1976)
8 Harry Wechsler, Jack Sklansky: Automatic Detection Of Rib Contours in Chest Radiographs. IJCAI 1975: 688-694
7 Caolyn Kimme, Dana Balard, Jack Sklansky: Finding Circles by an Array of Accumulators. Commun. ACM 18(2): 120-122 (1975)
6 Jack Sklansky, P. J. Najin: A Parallel Mechanism for Recognizing Silhouettes. IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 224-228
5EEJack Sklansky: Thresholded Convolutions Operations. J. ACM 17(1): 161-165 (1970)
4EEJack Sklansky: Recognition of convex blobs. Pattern Recognition 2(1): 3-10 (1970)
3 Jack Sklansky: Recognizing Convex Blobs. IJCAI 1969: 107-116
2 Jack Sklansky, N. J. Bershad: The Dynamics of Time-Varying Threshold Learning Information and Control 15(6): 455-486 (1969)
1EEJack Sklansky, M. Finkelstein: A Formalism for Program Translation. J. ACM 15(2): 165-175 (1968)

Coauthor Index

1R. Agarwal [27]
2Dana Balard [7]
3Dana H. Ballard [9]
4N. J. Bershad [2]
5Bing-Bing Chai [28]
6Luigi P. Cordella [10]
7A. C. Disher [33]
8Leonard A. Ferrari [15] [16] [17] [19]
9M. Finkelstein [1]
10Victor Gonzalez [13]
11Dan Gutfinger [25]
12Tong Huang [28]
13Manabu Ichino [18]
14Chul E. Kim [14]
15Caolyn Kimme [7]
16Mineichi Kudo [32] [34] [35]
17Stefano Levialdi (Stefano Levialdi Ghiron) [10]
18Brian Lofy [36]
19P. J. Najin [6]
20Chester Ornes [30] [31] [33]
21Youngtae Park [24]
22Pavel Pudil [35]
23P. V. Sankar [16]
24Masaru Shimbo [35]
25Kinga Siedlecka [20] [21]
26Wojciech W. Siedlecki [20] [21] [22] [23]
27Petr Somol [35]
28Satoshi Suzuki [26]
29E. Y. Tao [33]
30Naonori Ueda [26]
31Mark Vriesenga [29]
32Harry Wechsler [8] [11]
33Yunxin Zhao [28]
34Xinhua Zhuang [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)