
Byung Kyu Choi

Byung-Kyu Choi

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15EENeelesh Bansod, Ashish Malgi, Byung Kyu Choi, Jean Mayo: MuON: Epidemic based mutual anonymity in unstructured P2P networks. Computer Networks 52(5): 915-934 (2008)
14EEJames Lembke, Byung Kyu Choi: Edge-limited scalable QoS flow set-up. J. Network and Computer Applications 31(3): 317-337 (2008)
13EEJin Sun, Paul J. Weber, Byung Kyu Choi, Roger M. Kieckhafer: DIMPLE: DynamIc Membership ProtocoL for epidemic protocols. BROADNETS 2007: 433-442
12EEJames Lembke, Byung Kyu Choi: Sink Tree-Based Bandwidth Allocation for Scalable QoS Flow Set-Up. ICOIN 2006: 521-531
11EEEric Simonton, Byung Kyu Choi, Steven Seidel: Using Gossip for Dynamic Resource Discovery. ICPP 2006: 319-328
10 Sangig Rho, Byung-Kyu Choi, Riccardo Bettati: Design Real-Time Java Remote Method Invocation: A Server-Centric Approach. IASTED PDCS 2005: 269-276
9EENeelesh Bansod, Ashish Malgi, Byung Kyu Choi, Jean Mayo: MuON: Epidemic Based Mutual Anonymity. ICNP 2005: 99-109
8 Ashish Malgi, Neelesh Bansod, Byung Kyu Choi: STRING: Efficient Implementation of Strongly Migrating Mobile Agents in Java. ISCA PDCS 2005: 314-321
7EEByung-Kyu Choi, Sangig Rho, Riccardo Bettati: Fast Software Component Migration for Applications Survivability in Distributed Real-Time Systems. ISORC 2004: 269-276
6EEByung-Kyu Choi, Sangig Rho, Riccardo Bettati: Dynamic Resource Discovery for Applications Survivability in Distributed Real-Time Systems. IPDPS 2003: 122
5 Byung-Kyu Choi, Dong Xuan, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao, Chengzhi Li: Utilization-Based Admission Control for Scalable Real-Time Communication. Real-Time Systems 24(2): 171-202 (2003)
4EEByung-Kyu Choi, Riccardo Bettati: Endpoint Admission Control: Network Based Approach. ICDCS 2001: 227-235
3EEByung-Kyu Choi, Dong Xuan, Chengzhi Li, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao: Scalable QoS Guaranteed Communication Services for Real-Time Applications. ICDCS 2000: 180-187
2EEByung-Kyu Choi, Riccardo Bettati: Efficient resource management for hard real-time communication over differentiated services architectures. RTCSA 2000: 119-126
1EEByung-Kyu Choi, Riccardo Bettati: Bandwidth Reservation for Real Time Traffic in Wireless Mobile Environment. RTCSA 1999: 388-

Coauthor Index

1Neelesh Bansod [8] [9] [15]
2Riccardo Bettati [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10]
3Roger M. Kieckhafer [13]
4James Lembke [12] [14]
5Chengzhi Li [3] [5]
6Ashish Malgi [8] [9] [15]
7Jean Mayo [9] [15]
8Sangig Rho [6] [7] [10]
9Steven Seidel [11]
10Eric Simonton [11]
11Jin Sun [13]
12Paul J. Weber [13]
13Dong Xuan [3] [5]
14Wei Zhao [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)