
Arnab Sinha

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7EEArnab Sinha, Pallab Dasgupta, Bhaskar Pal, Sayantan Das, Prasenjit Basu, P. P. Chakrabarti: Design intent coverage revisited. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 14(1): (2009)
6EEAnvesh Komuravelli, Arnab Sinha, Arijit Bishnu: Connectivity Preserving Voxel Transformation. IWCIA 2008: 1-12
5EEBhaskar Pal, Ansuman Banerjee, Arnab Sinha, Pallab Dasgupta: Accelerating Assertion Coverage With Adaptive Testbenches. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(5): 967-972 (2008)
4EEAnupam Chattopadhyay, Arnab Sinha, Diandian Zhang, Rainer Leupers, Gerd Ascheid, Heinrich Meyr: Integrated Verification Approach during ADL-Driven Processor Design. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2006: 110-118
3EEArnab Sinha, George Barbastathis: Resonant holography. Inf. Sci. 149(1-3): 13-19 (2003)
2 Arnab Sinha, George Barbastathis: Resonant Holography. JCIS 2002: 1349-1352
1EEWenhai Liu, Demetri Psaltis, George Barbastathis, Arnab Sinha: Real-time hyperspectral imaging with volume holographic optical elements. ICIP (2) 2001: 1049-1052

Coauthor Index

1Gerd Ascheid [4]
2Ansuman Banerjee [5]
3George Barbastathis [1] [2] [3]
4Prasenjit Basu [7]
5Arijit Bishnu [6]
6P. P. Chakrabarti (Partha Pratim Chakrabarti) [7]
7Anupam Chattopadhyay [4]
8Sayantan Das [7]
9Pallab Dasgupta [5] [7]
10Anvesh Komuravelli [6]
11Rainer Leupers [4]
12Wenhai Liu [1]
13Heinrich Meyr [4]
14Bhaskar Pal [5] [7]
15Demetri Psaltis [1]
16Diandian Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)