
Isao Shimoyama

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14EEHiroto Tanaka, Kiyoshi Matsumoto, Isao Shimoyama: Design and performance of micromolded plastic butterfly wings on butterfly ornithopter. IROS 2008: 3095-3100
13EEKentaro Noda, Kiyoshi Matsumoto, Isao Shimoyama: Tactile sensor with standing piezoresistive cantilevers, covered with 2-layer skin type structures for texture detection of object surface. IROS 2008: 3953-3958
12EEKentaro Noda, Isao Shimoyama: A Shear Stress Sensing for Robot Hands -Orthogonal arrayed Piezoresistive Cantilevers standing in Elastic Material-. HAPTICS 2006: 9
11 Y. K. Lee, Isao Shimoyama: A Skeletal Framework Artificial Hand Actuated by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles. ICRA 1999: 926-931
10 Kazunori Hoshino, Fabrizio Mura, Hiroshi Morii, Keigo Suematsu, Isao Shimoyama: A Small-Sized Panoramic Scanning Visual Sensor Inspired by the Fly's Compound Eye. ICRA 1998: 1641-1646
9 Fabrizio Mura, Isao Shimoyama: Visual Guidance of a Small Mobile Robot using Active, Biologically-Inspired, Eye Movements. ICRA 1998: 1859-1864
8 Norihisa Miki, Isao Shimoyama: Analysis of the Flight Performance of Small Magnetic Rotating Wings for Use in Microrobots. ICRA 1998: 3065-3070
7EEHirofumi Miura, Takashi Yasuda, Isao Shimoyama: Insect-model based microrobot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 21(3): 317-322 (1997)
6EEIsao Shimoyama, George A. Bekey, Samesh W. Asaad: Control/communications group report. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 18(1-2): 7-11 (1996)
5 Raphael Holzer, Isao Shimoyama, Hirofumi Miura: Hybrid Electrostatic-Magnetic Microactuators. ICRA 1995: 2941-2946
4 Tadanobu Inoue, Kazuhiro Iwatani, Isao Shimoyama, Hirofumi Miura: Micromanipulation Using Magnetic Field. ICRA 1995: 679-684
3 Yayoi Kubo, Isao Shimoyama, Tomozuki Kaneda, Hirofumi Miura: Study on Wings of Flying Microrobots. ICRA 1994: 834-840
2 Kazuo Hosokawa, Isao Shimoyama, Hirofumi Miura: Dynamics of Self-Assembling Systems: Analogy with Chemical Kinetics. Artificial Life 1(4): 413-427 (1994)
1 Yayoi Kubo, Isao Shimoyama, Hirofumi Miura: Study of Insect-based Flying Microrobots. ICRA (2) 1993: 386-391

Coauthor Index

1Samesh W. Asaad [6]
2George A. Bekey [6]
3Raphael Holzer [5]
4Kazunori Hoshino [10]
5Kazuo Hosokawa [2]
6Tadanobu Inoue [4]
7Kazuhiro Iwatani [4]
8Tomozuki Kaneda [3]
9Yayoi Kubo [1] [3]
10Y. K. Lee [11]
11Kiyoshi Matsumoto [13] [14]
12Norihisa Miki [8]
13Hirofumi Miura [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
14Hiroshi Morii [10]
15Fabrizio Mura [9] [10]
16Kentaro Noda [12] [13]
17Keigo Suematsu [10]
18Hiroto Tanaka [14]
19Takashi Yasuda [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)