
Jörg Seyfried

Joerg Seyfried

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8EEMarc Szymanski, Tobias Breitling, Jörg Seyfried, Heinz Wörn: Distributed Shortest-Path Finding by a Micro-robot Swarm. ANTS Workshop 2006: 404-411
7EEPietro Valdastri, Paolo Corradi, Arianna Menciassi, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim, Jörg Seyfried, Paolo Dario: Micromanipulation, communication and swarm intelligence issues in a swarm microrobotic platform. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(10): 789-804 (2006)
6EERamon Estaña, Marc Szymanski, Natalie Bender, Jörg Seyfried: Towards a Real Micro Robotic Swarm. ANTS Workshop 2004: 406-413
5EEJörg Seyfried, Marc Szymanski, Natalie Bender, Ramon Estaña, Michael Thiel, Heinz Wörn: The I-SWARM Project: Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation. Swarm Robotics 2004: 70-83
4 Sergej Fatikow, Airat Faizullin, Joerg Seyfried: Planning of a Microassembly Task in a Flexible Microrobot Cell. ICRA 2000: 1121-1126
3EESergej Fatikow, Jörg Seyfried, Stephan Fahlbusch, A. Buerkle, F. Schmoeckel: A Flexible Microrobot-Based Microassembly Station. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 27(1-2): 135-169 (2000)
2 Sergej Fatikow, Joerg Seyfried, Airat Faizullin: Computer Aided Planning System of a Flexible Microrobot-Based Microassembly Station. EUROCAST 1999: 414-434
1 Thomas Laengle, Joerg Seyfried, Ulrich Rembold: Distributed Control of Microrobots for Different Applications. Intelligent Robots 1996: 322-339

Coauthor Index

1Natalie Bender [5] [6]
2Tobias Breitling [8]
3A. Buerkle [3]
4Paolo Corradi [7]
5Karl Crailsheim [7]
6Paolo Dario [7]
7Ramon Estaña [5] [6]
8Stephan Fahlbusch [3]
9Airat Faizullin [2] [4]
10Sergej Fatikow [2] [3] [4]
11Thomas Längle (Thomas Laengle) [1]
12Arianna Menciassi [7]
13Ulrich Rembold [1]
14Thomas Schmickl [7]
15F. Schmoeckel [3]
16Marc Szymanski [5] [6] [8]
17Michael Thiel [5]
18Pietro Valdastri [7]
19Heinz Wörn [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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