
Thomas Schmickl

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11EEHeiko Hamann, Heinz Wörn, Karl Crailsheim, Thomas Schmickl: Spatial macroscopic models of a bio-inspired robotic swarm algorithm. IROS 2008: 1415-1420
10EEThomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim: An Individual-Based Model of Task Selection in Honeybees. SAB 2008: 383-392
9EEThomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim: Trophallaxis within a robotic swarm: bio-inspired communication among robots in a swarm. Auton. Robots 25(1-2): 171-188 (2008)
8EERonald Thenius, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim: Optimisation of a honeybee-colony's energetics via social learning based on queuing delays. Connect. Sci. 20(2&3): 193-210 (2008)
7EEThomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim: Bubbleworld.Evo: Artificial Evolution of Behavioral Decisions in a Simulated Predator-Prey Ecosystem. SAB 2006: 594-605
6EERonald Thenius, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim: Economic Optimisation in Honeybees: Adaptive Behaviour of a Superorganism. SAB 2006: 725-737
5EEThomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim: A Navigation Algorithm for Swarm Robotics Inspired by Slime Mold Aggregation. Swarm Robotics 2006: 1-13
4EEThomas Schmickl, Christoph Möslinger, Karl Crailsheim: Collective Perception in a Robot Swarm. Swarm Robotics 2006: 144-157
3EEPietro Valdastri, Paolo Corradi, Arianna Menciassi, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim, Jörg Seyfried, Paolo Dario: Micromanipulation, communication and swarm intelligence issues in a swarm microrobotic platform. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(10): 789-804 (2006)
2EERonald Thenius, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim: The "Dance or Work" Problem: Why Do not all Honeybees Dance with Maximum Intensity. CEEMAS 2005: 246-255
1EEThomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Karl Crailsheim: Simulating swarm intelligence in honey bees: foraging in differently fluctuating environments. GECCO 2005: 273-274

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Corradi [3]
2Karl Crailsheim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Paolo Dario [3]
4Heiko Hamann [11]
5Arianna Menciassi [3]
6Christoph Möslinger [4]
7Jörg Seyfried (Joerg Seyfried) [3]
8Ronald Thenius [1] [2] [6] [8]
9Pietro Valdastri [3]
10Heinz Wörn [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)