Heidi Schumann
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
64 | EE | Martin Luboschik, Heidrun Schumann: Illustrative halos in information visualization. AVI 2008: 384-387 |
63 | EE | Christian Tominski, Heidrun Schumann: Visualization of Gene Combinations. IV 2008: 120-126 |
62 | EE | Andrea Unger, Philipp Muigg, Helmut Doleisch, Heidrun Schumann: Visualizing Statistical Properties of Smoothly Brushed Data Subsets. IV 2008: 233-239 |
61 | EE | Christian Tominski, Georg Fuchs, Heidrun Schumann: Task-Driven Color Coding. IV 2008: 373-380 |
60 | EE | Conrad Thiede, Georg Fuchs, Heidrun Schumann: Smart Lenses. Smart Graphics 2008: 178-189 |
59 | EE | Kamran Ali, Knut Hartmann, Georg Fuchs, Heidrun Schumann: Adaptive Layout for Interactive Documents. Smart Graphics 2008: 247-254 |
58 | EE | Georg Fuchs, Mathias Holst, René Rosenbaum, Heidrun Schumann: 3D Mesh Exploration for Smart Visual Interfaces. VISUAL 2008: 80-91 |
57 | EE | Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Wolfgang Müller, Heidrun Schumann, Christian Tominski: Visual Methods for Analyzing Time-Oriented Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(1): 47-60 (2008) |
56 | EE | Martin Luboschik, Heidrun Schumann, Hilko Cords: Particle-based labeling: Fast point-feature labeling without obscuring other visual features. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1237-1244 (2008) |
2007 | ||
55 | Thomas Schulze, Bernhard Preim, Heidrun Schumann: Simulation und Visualisierung 2007 (SimVis 2007), 8-9 März 2007, Magdeburg SCS Publishing House e.V. 2007 | |
54 | Mathias Holst, Heidrun Schumann: Memory-efficient view-dependent level of detail of high-detailed meshes. GRAPP (GM/R) 2007: 323-326 | |
53 | EE | Martin Giersich, Peter Forbrig, Georg Fuchs, Thomas Kirste, Daniel Reichart, Heidrun Schumann: Towards an Integrated Approach for Task Modeling and Human Behavior Recognition. HCI (1) 2007: 1109-1118 |
52 | EE | Martin Luboschik, Heidrun Schumann: Explode to Explain - Illustrative Information Visualization. IV 2007: 301-307 |
51 | EE | René Rosenbaum, Heidrun Schumann: Chances and Limits of Progression in Visualization. SimVis 2007: 183-196 |
50 | EE | Andrea Unger, Susanne Biermann, Mathias John, Adelinde Uhrmacher, Heidrun Schumann: Visual support for modeling and simulation of cell biological systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 2378 |
49 | EE | Wolfgang Aigner, Alessio Bertone, Silvia Miksch, Christian Tominski, Heidrun Schumann: Towards a conceptual framework for visual analytics of time and time-oriented data. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 721-729 |
48 | EE | Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Wolfgang Müller, Heidrun Schumann, Christian Tominski: Visualizing time-oriented data - A systematic view. Computers & Graphics 31(3): 401-409 (2007) |
2006 | ||
47 | EE | Hans-Jörg Schulz, Thomas Nocke, Heidrun Schumann: A framework for visual data mining of structures. ACSC 2006: 157-166 |
46 | EE | Wolfgang Müller, Thomas Nocke, Heidrun Schumann: Enhancing the visualization process with principal component analysis to support the exploration of trends. APVIS 2006: 121-130 |
45 | Peter Forbrig, Georg Fuchs, Daniel Reichart, Heidrun Schumann: Ein Ansatz zur modellbasierten Entwicklung mobiler Benutzungsschnittstellen mit aufgabenorientierter Visualisierung. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2006: 138-145 | |
44 | Mathias Holst, Heidrun Schumann: Efficient rendering of high-detailed objects using a reduced multi-resolution hierarchy. GRAPP 2006: 3-10 | |
43 | EE | Hans-Jörg Schulz, Heidrun Schumann: Visualizing Graphs - A Generalized View. IV 2006: 166-173 |
42 | EE | Christian Tominski, James Abello, Frank van Ham, Heidrun Schumann: Fisheye Tree Views and Lenses for Graph Visualization. IV 2006: 17-24 |
41 | EE | Mike Sips, Jörn Schneidewind, Daniel A. Keim, Heidrun Schumann: Scalable Pixel-based Visual Interfaces: Challenges and Solutions. IV 2006: 32-38 |
40 | EE | Georg Fuchs, Martin Luboschik, Knut Hartmann, Kamran Ali, Thomas Strothotte, Heidrun Schumann: Adaptive Labeling for Interactive Mobile Information Systems. IV 2006: 453-459 |
39 | EE | René Rosenbaum, Heidrun Schumann: JPEG2000-based viewer guidance for mobile image browsing. MMM 2006 |
38 | EE | Susanne Lange, Thomas Nocke, Heidrun Schumann: Visualisierungsdesign - ein systematischer Überblick. SimVis 2006: 113-128 |
37 | EE | Henning Griethe, Heidrun Schumann: The Visualization of Uncertain Data: Methods and Problems. SimVis 2006: 143-156 |
36 | EE | Thomas Kirste, Heidi Schumann: Introduction. Computers & Graphics 30(5): 679-680 (2006) |
2005 | ||
35 | Nigel Davies, Thomas Kirste, Heidrun Schumann: Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence: The Challenge of Multimedia, 1.-4. May 2005 IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005 | |
34 | EE | Thomas Nocke, Stefan Schlechtweg, Heidrun Schumann: Icon-Based Visualization Using Mosaic Metaphors. IV 2005: 103-109 |
33 | EE | Christian Tominski, Petra Schulze-Wollgast, Heidrun Schumann: 3D Information Visualization for Time Dependent Data on Maps. IV 2005: 175-181 |
32 | EE | Nigel Davies, Thomas Kirste, Heidrun Schumann: 05181 Abstracts Collection -- Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence: The Challenge of Multimedia. Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2005 |
31 | EE | Georg Fuchs, Heidrun Schumann: Visualization in Multimodal User Interfaces of Mobile Applications. Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2005 |
30 | EE | Stefan Jeschke, Michael Wimmer, Heidrun Schumann, Werner Purgathofer: Automatic impostor placement for guaranteed frame rates and low memory requirements. SI3D 2005: 103-110 |
29 | Petra Schulze-Wollgast, Christian Tominski, Heidrun Schumann: Enhancing Visual Exploration by Appropriate Color Coding. WSCG (Full Papers) 2005: 203-210 | |
28 | Henning Griethe, Georg Fuchs, Heidrun Schumann: A Classification Scheme for Lens Techniques. WSCG (Short Papers) 2005: 89-92 | |
27 | EE | Geruta Kazakeviciute, Eugenijus Januskevicius, René Rosenbaum, Heidrun Schumann: Tamper-Proof Image Watermarking, Based on Existing Public Key Infrastructure. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 16(1): 75-92 (2005) |
2004 | ||
26 | EE | Matthias Kreuseler, Thomas Nocke, Heidrun Schumann: A History Mechanism for Visual Data Mining. INFOVIS 2004: 49-56 |
25 | EE | Christian Tominski, Heidrun Schumann: An Event-Based Approach to Visualization. IV 2004: 101-107 |
24 | EE | Georg Fuchs, Heidrun Schumann: Visualizing Abstract Data on Maps. IV 2004: 139-144 |
23 | EE | Christian Tominski, James Abello, Heidrun Schumann: Axes-based visualizations with radial layouts. SAC 2004: 1242-1247 |
22 | Stefan Schlechtweg, Petra Schulze-Wollgast, Heidrun Schumann: Visual Support for Keyword Search in Elektronic Documents. SimVis 2004: 215-226 | |
21 | Stefan Schlechtweg, Petra Schulze-Wollgast, Heidrun Schumann: Interactive Treemaps With Detail on Demand to Support Information Search in Documents. VisSym 2004: 121-128 | |
20 | EE | Adèrito Fernandes Marcos, Wolfgang Müller II, Heidi Schumann: Visual knowledge discovery. Computers & Graphics 28(3): 309-310 (2004) |
19 | EE | Heidrun Schumann, Wolfgang Müller: Informationsvisualisierung: Methoden und Perspektiven. it - Information Technology 46(3): 135-141 (2004) |
2003 | ||
18 | EE | Stefan Jeschke, Hermann Birkholz, Heidrun Schumann: A Procedural Model for Interactive Animation of Breaking Ocean Waves. WSCG 2003 |
17 | EE | Wolfgang Müller, Heidrun Schumann: Visualization for modeling and simulation: visualization methods for time-dependent data - an overview. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 737-745 |
16 | EE | Thomas Nocke, Heidrun Schumann, Uwe Böhm, Michael Flechsig: Next generation modeling I: information visualization supporting modelling and evaluation tasks for climate models. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 763-771 |
2002 | ||
15 | EE | Stefan Jeschke, Michael Wimmer, Heidrun Schumann: Layered Environment-Map Impostors for Arbitrary Scenes. Graphics Interface 2002: 1-8 |
14 | René Rosenbaum, Heidrun Schumann: Flexible, dynamic and compliant region of interest coding in JPEG2000. ICIP (3) 2002: 101-104 | |
13 | EE | Matthias Kreuseler, Heidrun Schumann: A Flexible Approach for Visual Data Mining. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 8(1): 39-51 (2002) |
2001 | ||
12 | EE | Uwe Rauschenbach, René Rosenbaum, Heidrun Schumann: A flexible polygon representation of multiple overlapping regions of interest for wavelet-based image coding. ICIP (3) 2001: 808-811 |
11 | EE | Thomas Kirste, Heidrun Schumann: Intelligent interactive assistance and mobile multimedia computing. Computers & Graphics 25(4): 551-553 (2001) |
10 | EE | Uwe Rauschenbach, Stefan Jeschke, Heidrun Schumann: General rectangular fisheye views for 2D graphics. Computers & Graphics 25(4): 609-617 (2001) |
2000 | ||
9 | EE | Matthias Kreuseler, Norma López, Heidrun Schumann: A Scalable Framework for Information Visualization. INFOVIS 2000: 27- |
8 | Katja Reinhardt, Heidrun Schumann: A flexible framework for the knowledge-based generation of multimedia presentations. IRMA Conference 2000: 183-187 | |
7 | EE | René Rosenbaum, Heidrun Schumann: A Steganographic Framework for Reference Colour Based Encoding and Cover Image Selection. ISW 2000: 30-43 |
6 | Uwe Rauschenbach, Holger Theisel, C. Perez Risquet, Heidrun Schumann: Vector Field Visualization on the Internet. SimVis 2000: 133-144 | |
5 | EE | Uwe Rauschenbach, Tino Weinkauf, Heidrun Schumann: Interactive Focus and Context Display of Large Raster Images. WSCG 2000 |
1999 | ||
4 | Heidrun Schumann: Visualisierung von Multiparameterdaten in Raum und Zeit -- eine Systematisierung. SimVis 1999: 377-396 | |
3 | EE | Matthias Kreuseler, Heidrun Schumann: Information visualization using a new Focus+Context Technique in combination with dynamic clustering of information space. Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation 1999: 1-5 |
2 | EE | Uwe Rauschenbach, Heidrun Schumann: Demand-driven image transmission with levels of detail and regions of interest. Computers & Graphics 23(6): 857-866 (1999) |
1998 | ||
1 | Heidrun Schumann, Thomas Kirste: Visualisierung multimedialer Informationen mit mobilen Computersystemen - das MOVI-Projekt. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 13(1): 38-42 (1998) |