2007 |
7 | EE | Thomas Nocke,
Michael Flechsig,
Uwe Böhm:
Visual exploration and evaluation of climate-related simulation data.
Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 703-711 |
2006 |
6 | EE | Hans-Jörg Schulz,
Thomas Nocke,
Heidrun Schumann:
A framework for visual data mining of structures.
ACSC 2006: 157-166 |
5 | EE | Wolfgang Müller,
Thomas Nocke,
Heidrun Schumann:
Enhancing the visualization process with principal component analysis to support the exploration of trends.
APVIS 2006: 121-130 |
4 | EE | Susanne Lange,
Thomas Nocke,
Heidrun Schumann:
Visualisierungsdesign - ein systematischer Überblick.
SimVis 2006: 113-128 |
2005 |
3 | EE | Thomas Nocke,
Stefan Schlechtweg,
Heidrun Schumann:
Icon-Based Visualization Using Mosaic Metaphors.
IV 2005: 103-109 |
2004 |
2 | EE | Matthias Kreuseler,
Thomas Nocke,
Heidrun Schumann:
A History Mechanism for Visual Data Mining.
INFOVIS 2004: 49-56 |
2003 |
1 | EE | Thomas Nocke,
Heidrun Schumann,
Uwe Böhm,
Michael Flechsig:
Next generation modeling I: information visualization supporting modelling and evaluation tasks for climate models.
Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 763-771 |