2007 | ||
18 | EE | Libusha Kelly, Rachel Karchin, Andrej Sali: Protein Interactions and Disease Phenotypes in the ABC Transporter Superfamily. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2007: 51-63 |
17 | EE | Marc A. Martí-Renom, Ursula Pieper, Mallur S. Madhusudhan, Andrea Rossi, Narayanan Eswar, Fred P. Davis, Fátima Al-Shahrour, Joaquín Dopazo, Andrej Sali: DBAli tools: mining the protein structure space. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Web-Server-Issue): 393-397 (2007) |
2006 | ||
16 | EE | Ursula Pieper, Narayanan Eswar, Fred P. Davis, Hannes Braberg, Mallur S. Madhusudhan, Andrea Rossi, Marc A. Martí-Renom, Rachel Karchin, Ben M. Webb, David Eramian, Min-Yi Shen, Libusha Kelly, Francisco Melo, Andrej Sali: MODBASE: a database of annotated comparative protein structure models and associated resources. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 291-295 (2006) |
2005 | ||
15 | EE | Rachel Karchin, Libusha Kelly, Andrej Sali: Improving Functional Annotation of Non-Synonomous SNPs with Information Theory. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005 |
14 | EE | Rachel Karchin, Mark Diekhans, Libusha Kelly, Daryl J. Thomas, Ursula Pieper, Narayanan Eswar, David Haussler, Andrej Sali: LS-SNP: large-scale annotation of coding non-synonymous SNPs based on multiple information sources. Bioinformatics 21(12): 2814-2820 (2005) |
13 | EE | Fred P. Davis, Andrej Sali: PIBASE: a comprehensive database of structurally defined protein interfaces. Bioinformatics 21(9): 1901-1907 (2005) |
2004 | ||
12 | Ursula Pieper, Narayanan Eswar, Hannes Braberg, Mallur S. Madhusudhan, Fred P. Davis, Ashley C. Stuart, Nebojsa Mirkovic, Andrea Rossi, Marc A. Martí-Renom, András Fiser, Ben M. Webb, Daniel M. Greenblatt, Conrad C. Huang, Thomas E. Ferrin, Andrej Sali: MODBASE, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models, and associated resources. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 217-222 (2004) | |
2003 | ||
11 | Valentin A. Ilyin, Ursula Pieper, Ashley C. Stuart, Marc A. Martí-Renom, Linda McMahan, Andrej Sali: ModView, visualization of multiple protein sequences and structures. Bioinformatics 19(1): 165-166 (2003) | |
10 | András Fiser, Andrej Sali: ModLoop: automated modeling of loops in protein structures. Bioinformatics 19(18): 2500-2501 (2003) | |
9 | Ingrid Y. Y. Koh, Volker A. Eyrich, Marc A. Martí-Renom, Dariusz Przybylski, Mallur S. Madhusudhan, Narayanan Eswar, Osvaldo Graña, Florencio Pazos, Alfonso Valencia, Andrej Sali, Burkhard Rost: EVA: evaluation of protein structure prediction servers. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3311-3315 (2003) | |
8 | Narayanan Eswar, Bino John, Nebojsa Mirkovic, András Fiser, Valentin A. Ilyin, Ursula Pieper, Ashley C. Stuart, Marc A. Martí-Renom, Mallur S. Madhusudhan, Bozidar Yerkovich, Andrej Sali: Tools for comparative protein structure modeling and analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3375-3380 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
7 | Ashley C. Stuart, Valentin A. Ilyin, Andrej Sali: LigBase: a database of families of aligned ligand binding sites in known protein sequences and structures. Bioinformatics 18(1): 200-201 (2002) | |
6 | Ursula Pieper, Narayanan Eswar, Ashley C. Stuart, Valentin A. Ilyin, Andrej Sali: MODBASE, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models. Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 255-259 (2002) | |
2001 | ||
5 | Mark Borodovsky, Eugene V. Koonin, Chris Burge, James W. Fickett, John Logsdon, Andrej Sali, Gary D. Stormo, Igor B. Zhulin: The Third Georgia Tech-Emory International Conference on Bioinformatics: In Silico Biology; Bioinformatics After Human Genome (November 15-18, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). Bioinformatics 17(10): 859-861 (2001) | |
4 | Volker A. Eyrich, Marc A. Martí-Renom, Dariusz Przybylski, Mallur S. Madhusudhan, András Fiser, Florencio Pazos, Alfonso Valencia, Andrej Sali, Burkhard Rost: EVA: continuous automatic evaluation of protein structure prediction servers. Bioinformatics 17(12): 1242-1243 (2001) | |
3 | Marc A. Martí-Renom, Valentin A. Ilyin, Andrej Sali: DBAli: a database of protein structure alignments. Bioinformatics 17(8): 746-747 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
2 | Roberto Sánchez, Ursula Pieper, Nebojsa Mirkovic, Paul I. W. de Bakker, Edward Wittenstein, Andrej Sali: MODBASE, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 250-253 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
1 | Chris Burge, Andrej Sali, Mark Borodovsky: The Second Georgia Tech International Conference on Bioinformatics: Sequence, Structure and Function (November 11-14, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). Bioinformatics 15(11): 865-866 (1999) |