
Roberto Sánchez

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4 Roberto Sánchez, Avelino J. Gonzalez: Improved Situation Interpretation Metrics in Context-Based Reasoning Simulations. FLAIRS Conference 2004
3EEFrancisco Ocegueda, Roberto Sánchez, Félix F. Ramos: Tlachtli: A Framework for Soccer Agents Based on GeDa-3D. ISSADS 2004: 118-124
2 Roberto Sánchez, Ursula Pieper, Nebojsa Mirkovic, Paul I. W. de Bakker, Edward Wittenstein, Andrej Sali: MODBASE, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 250-253 (2000)
1 Roberto Sánchez: ModBase: A database of comparative protein structure models. Bioinformatics 15(12): 1060-1061 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Paul I. W. de Bakker [2]
2Félix F. Ramos Corchado (Félix F. Ramos) [3]
3Avelino J. Gonzalez [4]
4Nebojsa Mirkovic [2]
5Francisco Ocegueda [3]
6Ursula Pieper [2]
7Andrej Sali [2]
8Edward Wittenstein [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)