
Igor B. Zhulin

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6EEBhanu Rekapalli, Christian Halloy, Igor B. Zhulin: HSP-HMMER: a tool for protein domain identification on a large scale. SAC 2009: 766-770
5EEIgor B. Zhulin: Reconstructing Signal Transduction from Raw Genomic Data. BIBE 2007: 1456
4EEKirill Borziak, Igor B. Zhulin: FIST: a sensory domain for diverse signal transduction pathways in prokaryotes and ubiquitin signaling in eukaryotes. Bioinformatics 23(19): 2518-2521 (2007)
3EELuke E. Ulrich, Igor B. Zhulin: MiST: a microbial signal transduction database. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 386-390 (2007)
2EELuke E. Ulrich, Igor B. Zhulin: Four-helix bundle: a ubiquitous sensory module in prokaryotic signal transduction. Bioinformatics 21(S3): 48 (2005)
1 Mark Borodovsky, Eugene V. Koonin, Chris Burge, James W. Fickett, John Logsdon, Andrej Sali, Gary D. Stormo, Igor B. Zhulin: The Third Georgia Tech-Emory International Conference on Bioinformatics: In Silico Biology; Bioinformatics After Human Genome (November 15-18, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). Bioinformatics 17(10): 859-861 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Mark Borodovsky [1]
2Kirill Borziak [4]
3Chris Burge [1]
4James W. Fickett [1]
5Christian Halloy [6]
6Eugene V. Koonin [1]
7John Logsdon [1]
8Bhanu Rekapalli [6]
9Andrej Sali [1]
10Gary D. Stormo [1]
11Luke E. Ulrich [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)