
Mark Borodovsky

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19EEMark Borodovsky: Decoding Novel Genomes: From Microbiomes to the Eukaryota. BIBE 2007: 3
18EEMark Borodovsky: Invited Talk: Ab Initio Gene Finding Engines: What Is Under the Hood. ISBRA 2007: 577
17EEZafer Aydin, Yucel Altunbasak, Mark Borodovsky: Protein secondary structure prediction for a single-sequence using hidden semi-Markov models. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 178 (2006)
16EEAlexander Yu. Mitrophanov, Mark Borodovsky: Statistical significance in biological sequence analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics 7(1): 2-24 (2006)
15EESeoung Bum Kim, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Mark Borodovsky: Multiple testing in large-scale contingency tables: inferring patterns of pair-wise amino acid association in beta-sheets. IJBRA 2(2): 193-217 (2006)
14EESvetlana Ekisheva, Mark Borodovsky: Probabilistic models for biological sequences: selection and Maximum Likelihood estimation. IJBRA 2(3): 305-324 (2006)
13EEJin Hong, Dong Hyun Jeong, Christopher D. Shaw, William Ribarsky, Mark Borodovsky, Chang Geun Song: GVis: A Scalable Visualization Framework for Genomic Data. EuroVis 2005: 191-198
12EEMark Borodovsky, Andrey Rzhetsky, Dmitrij Frishman: The Fifth Georgia Tech - Oak Ridge National Laboratory International Conference in Bioinformatics: in silico Biology, Computational Genomics and Evolutionary Biology. Bioinformatics 21(S3): 1 (2005)
11EEJohn Besemer, Mark Borodovsky: GeneMark: web software for gene finding in prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 451-454 (2005)
10EERajeev K. Azad, Mark Borodovsky: Effects of choice of DNA sequence model structure on gene identification accuracy. Bioinformatics 20(7): 993-1005 (2004)
9 Rajeev K. Azad, Mark Borodovsky: Probabilistic methods of identifying genes in prokaryotic genomes: Connections to the HMM theory. Briefings in Bioinformatics 5(2): 118-130 (2004)
8 Mark Borodovsky, Eugene V. Koonin, Chris Burge, James W. Fickett, John Logsdon, Andrej Sali, Gary D. Stormo, Igor B. Zhulin: The Third Georgia Tech-Emory International Conference on Bioinformatics: In Silico Biology; Bioinformatics After Human Genome (November 15-18, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). Bioinformatics 17(10): 859-861 (2001)
7 Chris Burge, Andrej Sali, Mark Borodovsky: The Second Georgia Tech International Conference on Bioinformatics: Sequence, Structure and Function (November 11-14, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). Bioinformatics 15(11): 865-866 (1999)
6 Anton M. Shmatkov, Arik A. Melikyan, Felix L. Chernousko, Mark Borodovsky: Finding prokaryotic genes by the `frame-by-frame' algorithm: targeting gene starts and overlapping genes. Bioinformatics 15(11): 874-886 (1999)
5 James D. McIninch, William S. Hayes, Mark Borodovsky: Applications of GeneMark in Multispecies Environments. ISMB 1996: 165-175
4EEJürgen Kleffe, Klaus Hermann, Mark Borodovsky: Statistical Analysis of Genemark Performance by Cross-validation. Computers & Chemistry 20(1): 123-133 (1996)
3EEMark Borodovsky, Anatoly Peresetsky: Deriving Non-homogeneous DNA Markov Chain Models by Cluster Analysis Algorithm Minimizing Multiple Alignment Entropy. Computers & Chemistry 18(3): 259-267 (1994)
2EEMark Borodovsky, James D. McIninch: GENMARK: Parallel Gene Recognition for Both DNA Strands. Computers & Chemistry 17(2): 123-133 (1993)
1 Jürgen Kleffe, Mark Borodovsky: First and second moment of counts of words in random texts generated by Markov chains. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 8(5): 433-441 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Yucel Altunbasak [17]
2Zafer Aydin [17]
3Rajeev K. Azad [9] [10]
4John Besemer [11]
5Chris Burge [7] [8]
6Felix L. Chernousko [6]
7Svetlana Ekisheva [14]
8James W. Fickett [8]
9Dmitrij Frishman [12]
10William S. Hayes [5]
11Klaus Hermann [4]
12Jin Hong [13]
13Dong Hyun Jeong [13]
14Seoung Bum Kim [15]
15Jürgen Kleffe [1] [4]
16Eugene V. Koonin [8]
17John Logsdon [8]
18James D. McIninch [2] [5]
19Arik A. Melikyan [6]
20Alexander Yu. Mitrophanov [16]
21Anatoly Peresetsky [3]
22William Ribarsky [13]
23Andrey Rzhetsky [12]
24Andrej Sali [7] [8]
25Chris Shaw (Christopher D. Shaw) [13]
26Anton M. Shmatkov [6]
27Chang Geun Song [13]
28Gary D. Stormo [8]
29Kwok-Leung Tsui [15]
30Igor B. Zhulin [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)