
Colette Rolland

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131EECamille Salinesi, Colette Rolland, Raúl Mazo: VMWare: Tool Support for Automatic Verification of Structural and Semantic Correctness in Product Line Models. VaMoS 2009: 173-176
130 Barbara Paech, Colette Rolland: Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 14th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2008, Montpellier, France, June 16-17, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
129 Il-Yeol Song, Mario Piattini, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Sven Hartmann, Fabio Grandi, Juan Trujillo, Andreas L. Opdahl, Fernando Ferri, Patrizia Grifoni, Maria Chiara Caschera, Colette Rolland, Carson Woo, Camille Salinesi, Esteban Zimányi, Christophe Claramunt, Flavius Frasincar, Geert-Jan Houben, Philippe Thiran: Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Challenges and Opportunities, ER 2008 Workshops CMLSA, ECDM, FP-UML, M2AS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, WISM, Barcelona Spain, October 20-23, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
128EEColette Rolland, Eric S. K. Yu, Jian Yang, Lin Liu: Message from the REFS 2008 Workshop Organizers. COMPSAC 2008: 599
127EEColette Rolland, Eric S. K. Yu, Jian Yang, Lin Liu: REFS 2008 Workshop Organization. COMPSAC 2008: 600
126EEColette Rolland: Towards Engineering Purposeful Systems: A Requirements Engineering Perspective. DEXA 2008: 1-4
125EEColette Rolland, Carson Woo, Camille Salinesi: Preface to RIGiM 2008. ER Workshops 2008: 248
124EEColette Rolland: Method Engineering: Towards Methods as Services. ICSP 2008: 10-11
123 Colette Rolland: An intentional view of change. INFORSID 2008
122EEAdrian Iacovelli, Carine Souveyet, Colette Rolland: Method as a Service (MaaS). RCIS 2008: 371-380
121EEBarbara Paech, Colette Rolland: REFSQ'08 International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. REFSQ 2008: 1-5
120EEColette Rolland, Carine Souveyet, Naoufel Kraïem: An intentional view of service-oriented computing. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 13(1): 107-137 (2008)
119 Colette Rolland, Oscar Pastor, Jean-Louis Cavarero: Éditorial. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 13(1): 7-8 (2008)
118 Colette Rolland, Pedro F. Campos: Proceedings of the CAiSE*06 Doctoral Consortium DC@CAISE '06, Luxemburg, June 5-9, 2006 CEUR-WS.org 2007
117 Colette Rolland, Oscar Pastor, Jean-Louis Cavarero: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS 2007, Ouarzazate, Morocco, April 23-26, 2007 RCIS 2007
116 Jean-Luc Hainaut, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Markus Kirchberg, Michela Bertolotto, Mathias Brochhausen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Samira Si-Said Cherfi, Martin Doerr, Hyoil Han, Sven Hartmann, Jeffrey Parsons, Geert Poels, Colette Rolland, Juan Trujillo, Eric S. K. Yu, Esteban Zimányi: Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations and Applications, ER 2007 Workshops CMLSA, FP-UML, ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM,SeCoGIS, Auckland, New Zealand, November 5-9, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
115EEColette Rolland, Rim Samia Kaabi, Naoufel Kraïem: On ISOA: Intentional Services Oriented Architecture. CAiSE 2007: 158-172
114EEColette Rolland, Rim Samia Kaabi: An Intentional Perspective to Service Modeling and Discovery. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 455-460
113EEColette Rolland, Eric S. K. Yu: Preface to RIGiM 2007. ER Workshops 2007: 223
112EEColette Rolland: Method Engineering: Trends and Challenges. Situational Method Engineering 2007: 6
111EEColette Rolland, Pedro F. Campos: Preface. CAiSE (Doctoral Consortium) 2006
110EEColette Rolland: From Conceptual Modeling to Requirements Engineering. ER 2006: 5-11
109 Anne Etien, Colette Rolland, Camille Salinesi: A meta-modelling approach to express change requirements. ICSOFT (2) 2006: 287-293
108EERoel Wieringa, Neil A. M. Maiden, Nancy R. Mead, Colette Rolland: Requirements engineering paper classification and evaluation criteria: a proposal and a discussion. Requir. Eng. 11(1): 102-107 (2006)
107EEAnne Etien, Colette Rolland: A Process for Generating Fitness Measures. CAiSE 2005: 277-292
106EEJolita Ralyté, Neil A. M. Maiden, Colette Rolland, Rébecca Deneckère: Map-driven Modular Method Re-engineering: Improving the RESCUE Requirements Process. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2005
105EEJolita Ralyté, Neil A. M. Maiden, Colette Rolland, Rébecca Deneckère: Applying Modular Method Engineering to Validate and Extend the RESCUE Requirements Process. ER 2005: 209-224
104EEPnina Soffer, Colette Rolland: Combining Intention-Oriented and State-Based Process Modeling. ER 2005: 47-62
103 Colette Rolland: Modelling Multi-Facetted Purposes of Artefacts. SoMeT 2005: 3-17
102 Jolita Ralyté, Colette Rolland, Mohamed Ben Ayed: An Approach for Evolution-Driven Method Engineering. Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies 2005: 80-101
101EEAnne Etien, Colette Rolland: Measuring the fitness relationship. Requir. Eng. 10(3): 184-197 (2005)
100EESondes Bennasri, Carine Souveyet, Colette Rolland: Modelling Variability in Requirements with Maps. ADVIS 2004: 523-532
99EEJolita Ralyté, Colette Rolland, Rébecca Deneckère: Towards a Meta-tool for Change-Centric Method Engineering: A Typology of Generic Operators. CAiSE 2004: 202-218
98 Jamil Dimassi, Carine Souveyet, Colette Rolland: The Concept and Implementation of the Market Place E-Utilities*COM. ICEIS (1) 2004: 337-347
97EERim Samia Kaabi, Carine Souveyet, Colette Rolland: Eliciting service composition in a goal driven manner. ICSOC 2004: 308-315
96 Iyad Zoukar, Camille Salinesi, Colette Rolland: Evolution du système d'information par l'implantation d'un PGI - systématiser le matching entre le système et l'organisation. INFORSID 2004: 59-75
95EEMohamed Ben Ayed, Jolita Ralyté, Colette Rolland: Constructing the Lyee method with a method engineering approach. Knowl.-Based Syst. 17(5-6): 239-248 (2004)
94EEColette Rolland, Camille Salinesi, Anne Etien: Eliciting gaps in requirements change. Requir. Eng. 9(1): 1-15 (2004)
93EECamille Salinesi, Colette Rolland: Fitting Business Models to System Functionality Exploring the Fitness Relationship. CAiSE 2003: 647-664
92EEJolita Ralyté, Rébecca Deneckère, Colette Rolland: Towards a Generic Model for Situational Method Engineering. CAiSE 2003: 95-110
91 Selmin Nurcan, Colette Rolland: A multi-method for defining the organizational change. Information & Software Technology 45(2): 61-82 (2003)
90EEColette Rolland, Carine Souveyet, Mohamed Ben Ayed: Guiding Lyee user requirements capture. Knowl.-Based Syst. 16(7-8): 351-359 (2003)
89 Colette Rolland, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Motoshi Saeki: Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, IFIP TC8 / WG8.1 Working Conference on Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, September 25-27, 2002, Kanazawa, Japan Kluwer 2002
88 Zohra Bellahsene, Dilip Patel, Colette Rolland: Object-Oriented. Information Systems, 8th International Conference, OOIS 2002, Montpellier, France, September 2-5, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
87 Selmin Nurcan, Judith Barrios, Colette Rolland: Une méthode pour la définition de l'impact organisationnel du changement. INFORSID 2002: 1-16
86 Colette Rolland: L'E-Lyee: coupling L'Ecritoire and LyeeALL. Information & Software Technology 44(3): 185-194 (2002)
85 Selmin Nurcan, Judith Barrios, Colette Rolland: Une méthode pour la définition de l'impact organisationnel du changement. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 7(4): 107-137 (2002)
84EEJolita Ralyté, Colette Rolland: An Assembly Process Model for Method Engineering. CAiSE 2001: 267-283
83EEJolita Ralyté, Colette Rolland: An Approach for Method Reengineering. ER 2001: 471-484
82 Thanh Loan Le, Colette Rolland: Functional matching in COTS-based development context. INFORSID 2001: 87-110
81EEColette Rolland, Naveen Prakash: Matching ERP System Functionality to Customer Requirements. RE 2001: 66-75
80EEColette Rolland, Janis Stirna, Nikos Prekas, Pericles Loucopoulos, Anne Persson, Georges Grosz: Evaluating a Pattern Approach as an Aid for the Development of Organisational Knowledge: An Empirical Study. CAiSE 2000: 176-191
79 Colette Rolland, Naveen Prakash: From conceptual modelling to requirements engineering. Ann. Software Eng. 10: 151-176 (2000)
78 Colette Rolland, Selmin Nurcan, Georges Grosz: A decision-making pattern for guiding the enterprise knowledge development process. Information & Software Technology 42(5): 313-331 (2000)
77EEColette Rolland, Naveen Prakash: Bridging the Gap Between Organisational Needs and ERP Functionality. Requir. Eng. 5(3): 180-193 (2000)
76EEJolita Ralyté, Colette Rolland, Véronique Plihon: Method Enhancement with Scenario Based Techniques. CAiSE 1999: 103-118
75EENikos Prekas, Pericles Loucopoulos, Colette Rolland, Georges Grosz, Farida Semmak, Danny Brash: Developing Patterns as a Mechanism for Assisting the Management of Knowledge in the Context of Conducting Organisational Change. DEXA 1999: 110-122
74EECamille Ben Achour, Colette Rolland, Carine Souveyet, Neil A. M. Maiden: Guiding Use Case Authoring: Results of an Empirical Study. RE 1999: 36-43
73EEColette Rolland, Georges Grosz, Régis Kla: Experience with Goal-Scenario Coupling in Requirements Engineering. RE 1999: 74-
72EEColette Rolland: Requirements engineering for COTS based systems. Information & Software Technology 41(14): 985-990 (1999)
71 Colette Rolland, Franck Barbier: Editorial. L'OBJET 5(1): (1999)
70EEColette Rolland, Naveen Prakash, A. Benjamen: A Multi-Model View of Process Modelling. Requir. Eng. 4(4): 169-187 (1999)
69 Colette Rolland, Yu Chen, Meiqi Fang: Information Systems in the WWW Environment, IFIP TC8/WG8.1 Working Conference on Information Systems in the WWW Environment, 15-17 July 1998, Beijing, China Chapman & Hall 1998
68EEColette Rolland: A Comprehensive View of Process Engineering. CAiSE 1998: 1-24
67EEColette Rolland, Véronique Plihon, Jolita Ralyté: Specifying the Reuse Context of Scenario Method Chunks. CAiSE 1998: 191-218
66 Colette Rolland, Pericles Loucopoulos, Georges Grosz, Selmin Nurcan: A Framework for Generic Patterns Dedicated to the Management of Change in the Electricity Supply Industry. DEXA Workshop 1998: 907-912
65 Samira Si-Said, Colette Rolland: Formalising Guidance for the Crews Goal-Scenario Approach to Requirements Engineering. EJC 1998: 172-190
64EEColette Rolland, Selmin Nurcan, Georges Grosz: A Unified Framework for Modeling Cooperative Design Processes and Cooperative Business Processes. HICSS (5) 1998: 376-385
63 Colette Rolland, Georges Grosz, Selmin Nurcan, W. Yue, Christophe Gnaho: An electronic handbook for accessing domain specific generic patterns. Information Systems in the WWW Environment 1998: 89-111
62EEColette Rolland, Camille Ben Achour: Guiding the Construction of Textual Use Case Specifications. Data Knowl. Eng. 25(1-2): 125-160 (1998)
61EEColette Rolland, Carine Souveyet, Camille Ben Achour: Guiding Goal Modeling Using Scenarios. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(12): 1055-1071 (1998)
60 Zaia Alimazighi, Colette Rolland: Conceptual Modeling: an approach based on analysis. Networking and Information Systems 1(4-5): 547-586 (1998)
59EEVéronique Plihon, Colette Rolland: Genericity in method construction. APSEC 1997: 302-311
58 Samira Si-Said, Colette Rolland: Guidance for Requirements Engineering Processes. DEXA 1997: 643-652
57 Véronique Plihon, Colette Rolland: Using a Generic Approach to Support the Construction of Methods. DEXA 1997: 663-672
56 Zaia Alimazighi, Colette Rolland: Génération d'objets par une analyse couplant les formulaires et scénarios. INFORSID 1997: 387-406
55 Georges Grosz, Colette Rolland, S. Schwer, Carine Souveyet, Véronique Plihon, Samira Si-Said, Camille Ben Achour, Christophe Gnaho: Modelling and Engineering the Requirements Engineering Process: An Overview of the NATURE Approach. Requir. Eng. 2(3): 115-131 (1997)
54 Samira Si-Said, Colette Rolland, Georges Grosz: MENTOR: A Computer Aided Requirements Engineering Environment. CAiSE 1996: 22-43
53EEColette Rolland, Véronique Plihon: Using Generic Method Chunks to Generate Process Models Fragments. ICRE 1996: 173-181
52 Colette Rolland: Understanding and guiding requirements engineering processes. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 429-436
51 Georges Grosz, Samira Si-Said, Colette Rolland: MENTOR: un environnement pour l'ingénierie des méthodes et des besoins. INFORSID 1996: 33-51
50 Colette Rolland: Challenges in Object Oriented Modelling: From Conceptual Modelling to Requirements Engineering. OOIS 1996: 3-
49EEM. Bari, P. Gabrini, Colette Rolland, Kacem Zeroual: Active Information Systems, From Object-Oriented Design to Ada 95. TRI-Ada 1996: 115-124
48 Véronique Plihon, Colette Rolland: Modelling Ways-of-Working CAiSE 1995: 126-139
47EEColette Rolland, Carine Souveyet, Mario Moreno: An Approach for Defining Ways-of-Working. Inf. Syst. 20(4): 337-359 (1995)
46 Mario Moreno, Colette Rolland, Carine Souveyet: A Generic Approach to Support a Way-of-Working Definition CAiSE 1994: 367-379
45 Colette Rolland, Naveen Prakash: Tracing the Evolution of Artifacts. DEXA 1994: 420-432
44 Matthias Jarke, Klaus Pohl, Colette Rolland, Jean-Roch Schmitt: Experience-based method evaluation and improvement: A process modelling approach. Methods and Associated Tools for the Information Systems Life Cycle 1994: 1-27
43 Colette Rolland: A contextual approach for the requirements engineering process. SEKE 1994: 28-35
42 Colette Rolland: Introduction. Inf. Syst. 19(3): 197 (1994)
41 Naveen Prakash, Colette Rolland, Barbara Pernici: Information System Development Process, Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Information System Development Process, Como, Italy, 1-3 September, 1993 North-Holland 1993
40 Colette Rolland, François Bodart, Corine Cauvet: Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE'93, Paris, France, June 8-11, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993
39 Colette Rolland, Naveen Prakash: Reusable Process Chunks. DEXA 1993: 655-666
38 Matthias Jarke, Klaus Pohl, Stephan Jacobs, Janis A. Bubenko Jr., Petia Assenova, Peter Holm, Benkt Wangler, Colette Rolland, Véronique Plihon, Jean-Roch Schmitt, Alistair G. Sutcliffe, Sara Jones, Neil A. M. Maiden, David Till, Yannis Vassiliou, Panos Constantopoulos, George Spanoudakis: Requirements Engineering: An Integrated View of Representation, Process, and Domain. ESEC 1993: 100-114
37 Georges Grosz, Colette Rolland: Representing the Knowledge used during the Requirement Engineering Activity with Generic Structures. ISMIS 1993: 486-495
36 Sai Peck Lee, Colette Rolland: Integration of the Tool (AWB) Supporting the O* Method in the PCTE-Based Software Engineering Environment. ISOTAS 1993: 408-423
35 Eckhard D. Falkenberg, Colette Rolland, El-Sayed Nasr-El-Dein El-Sayed: Information System Concepts: Improving the Understanding, Proceedings of the IFIP TC8/WG8.1 Working Conference on Information System Concepts: Improving the Understanding, Alexandria, Egypt, 13-15 April 1992 North-Holland 1992
34 Colette Rolland, C. Proix: A Natural Language Approach for Requirements Engineering. CAiSE 1992: 257-277
33 Corine Cauvet, Colette Rolland: Object-Oriented Conceptual Modelling. CISMOD 1992: 0-
32 Colette Rolland, Corine Cauvet: Modélisation conceptuelle orientée objet. BDA 1991: 299-
31 Corine Cauvet, C. Proix, Colette Rolland: ALECSI: An Expert System for Requirements Engineering. CAiSE 1991: 31-49
30 Carine Souveyet, Colette Rolland: Correction of Conceptual Schemas. CAiSE 1990: 152-174
29 Georges Grosz, Colette Rolland: Using Artificial Inteligence Techniques to Formalize the Information System Design Process. DEXA 1990: 374-380
28EEJean-Yves Lingat, Colette Rolland: PROQUEL: a PROgramming QUEry Language. DBPL 1989: 281-295
27EEBarbara Pernici, Federico Barbic, Maria Grazia Fugini, Roberto Maiocchi, J. R. Rames, Colette Rolland: C-TODOS: An Automatic Tool for Office System Conceptual Design. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 7(4): 378-419 (1989)
26 Colette Rolland, François Bodart, Michel Léonard: Temporal Aspects in Information Systems, Proceedings of the IFIP TC 8/WG 8.1 Working Conference on Temporal Aspects in Information Systems, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 13-15 May, 1987 North-Holland / Elsevier 1988
25 Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland, Jean-Yves Lingat: Temporal Management in an Extended relational DBMS. BNCOD 1988: 87-123
24 Colette Rolland, Corine Cauvet, Philippe Nobecourt, C. Proix, P. Collignon, Jean-Yves Lingat, Carine Souveyet: The Rubis System. Computerized Assistance During the Information Systems Life Cycle 1988: 193-239
23 Corine Cauvet, C. Proix, Colette Rolland: Information Systems Design: An Expert System Approach. DS-3 1988: 51-78
22EECorine Cauvet, C. Proix, Colette Rolland: Information System Design: An Expert System Approach. EDBT 1988: 113-133
21EEJean-Yves Lingat, Pierre Colignon, Colette Rolland: Rapid Application Prototyping the PROQUEL Language. VLDB 1988: 206-217
20 Jean-Yves Lingat, Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland: Gestion de la dynamique des données dans un SGBD relationnel. BDA 1987: 205-228
19 Masud Rahgozar, Colette Rolland: A Proposal for Optimization of Distributed Concurrency Control. ICPP 1987: 93-96
18 Corine Cauvet, C. Proix, Colette Rolland: A Knowledge Base for an Information System Design Tool. ISMIS 1987: 56-63
17EEJean-Yves Lingat, Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland: Behaviour Management in Database Applications. VLDB 1987: 185-196
16 Patrick Bosc, Mokrane Bouzeghoub, Claude Chrisment, André Flory, Geneviève Jomier, Serge Miranda, Colette Rolland, Stefano Spaccapietra: Interfaces bases de données avancées: quelles recherches pour quelles interfaces? BDA 1986: 151-170
15 Corine Cauvet, Jean-Yves Lingat, Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland: RUBIS: Une interface d'aide à la gestion des aspects dynamiques d'une base de données relationelle. BDA 1986: 171-188
14 C. Proix, Colette Rolland: A Knowledge Base for Information System Design. DS-2 1986: 293-306
13 Colette Rolland, C. Proix: An Expert System Approach to Information System Design. IFIP Congress 1986: 241-250
12EEColette Rolland: Intelligent interface for data base design (abstract only). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1985: 417
11 B. Flores, Colette Rolland: OICSI: Un outil intelligent pour aider à la conception des systèmes d'information. BDA 1985
10EEColette Rolland: Database Dynamics. DATA BASE 14(3): 32-43 (1983)
9 Colette Rolland, Christian Richard: Transactions Modeling in Distributed Environments. DDB 1982: 197-216
8 Colette Rolland, M. Vitali: Transactions Modelling In Distributed Environments. ICDCS 1982: 2-6
7 Christian Richard, Colette Rolland: Achieving Data Base Integrity by Distributed Processing of Data Dynamics. JCDKB 1982: 41-59
6EEColette Rolland, Christian Richard: Transaction Modeling. SIGMOD Conference 1982: 265-275
5EEColette Rolland, Christian Richard: Distributed Processing of Data Dynamics. SIGMOD Record 12(3): 67-85 (1982)
4EEColette Rolland: A methodology for information system design. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 583-589
3 Colette Rolland, Christian Richard: Dynamics in Information System Design and Management. GI Jahrestagung 1980: 196-212
2EEColette Rolland, S. Leifert, Christian Richard: Tools for Information System Dynamics Management. VLDB 1979: 251-261
1EEOdile Foucaut, Colette Rolland: Concepts for Design of an Information System Conceptual Schema and its Utilization in the REMORA Project. VLDB 1978: 342-350

Coauthor Index

1Camille Ben Achour [55] [61] [62] [74]
2Judith Barrios Albornoz (Judith Barrios) [85] [87]
3Zaia Alimazighi [56] [60]
4Petia Assenova [38]
5Mohamed Ben Ayed [90] [95] [102]
6Federico Barbic [27]
7Franck Barbier [71]
8M. Bari [49]
9Zohra Bellahsene [88]
10A. Benjamen [70]
11Sondes Bennasri [100]
12Michela Bertolotto [116]
13François Bodart [26] [40]
14Patrick Bosc [16]
15Mokrane Bouzeghoub [16]
16Danny Brash [75]
17Sjaak Brinkkemper [89]
18Mathias Brochhausen [116]
19Janis A. Bubenko Jr. [38]
20Pedro F. Campos [111] [118]
21Maria Chiara Caschera [129]
22Corine Cauvet [15] [18] [22] [23] [24] [31] [32] [33] [40]
23Jean-Louis Cavarero [117] [119]
24Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen [116] [129]
25Yu Chen [69]
26Samira Si-Said Cherfi [116]
27Claude Chrisment [16]
28Christophe Claramunt [129]
29Pierre Colignon [21]
30P. Collignon [24]
31Panos Constantopoulos [38]
32Rébecca Deneckère [92] [99] [105] [106]
33Jamil Dimassi [98]
34Martin Doerr [116]
35El-Sayed Nasr-El-Dein El-Sayed [35]
36Anne Etien [94] [101] [107] [109]
37Eckhard D. Falkenberg [35]
38Meiqi Fang [69]
39Fernando Ferri [129]
40B. Flores [11]
41André Flory [16]
42Odile Foucaut [1]
43Flavius Frasincar [129]
44Maria Grazia Fugini (Mariagrazia Fugini) [27]
45P. Gabrini [49]
46Christophe Gnaho [55] [63]
47Fabio Grandi [129]
48Patrizia Grifoni [129]
49Georges Grosz [29] [37] [51] [54] [55] [63] [64] [66] [73] [75] [78] [80]
50Jean-Luc Hainaut [116]
51Hyoil Han [116]
52Sven Hartmann [116] [129]
53Peter Holm [38]
54Geert-Jan Houben [129]
55Adrian Iacovelli [122]
56Stephan Jacobs [38]
57Matthias Jarke [38] [44]
58Geneviève Jomier [16]
59Sara Jones [38]
60Rim Samia Kaabi [97] [114] [115]
61Markus Kirchberg [116]
62Régis Kla [73]
63Naoufel Kraïem [115] [120]
64Thanh Loan Le [82]
65Sai Peck Lee [36]
66S. Leifert [2]
67Michel Léonard [26]
68Jean-Yves Lingat [15] [17] [20] [21] [24] [25] [28]
69Lin Liu [127] [128]
70Pericles Loucopoulos [66] [75] [80]
71Neil A. M. Maiden [38] [74] [105] [106] [108]
72Roberto Maiocchi [27]
73Raúl Mazo [131]
74Nancy R. Mead [108]
75Serge Miranda [16]
76Mario Moreno [46] [47]
77Philippe Nobecourt [15] [17] [20] [24] [25]
78Selmin Nurcan [63] [64] [66] [78] [85] [87] [91]
79Andreas L. Opdahl [129]
80Barbara Paech [121] [130]
81Jeffrey Parsons [116]
82Oscar Pastor [117] [119]
83Dilip Patel [88]
84Barbara Pernici [27] [41]
85Anne Persson [80]
86Mario Piattini [129]
87Véronique Plihon [38] [48] [53] [55] [57] [59] [67] [76]
88Geert Poels [116]
89Klaus Pohl [38] [44]
90Naveen Prakash [39] [41] [45] [70] [77] [79] [81]
91Nikos Prekas [75] [80]
92C. Proix [13] [14] [18] [22] [23] [24] [31] [34]
93Masud Rahgozar [19]
94Jolita Ralyté [67] [76] [83] [84] [92] [95] [99] [102] [105] [106]
95J. R. Rames [27]
96Christian Richard [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [9]
97Elke A. Rundensteiner [116]
98Motoshi Saeki [89]
99Camille Salinesi [93] [94] [96] [109] [125] [129] [131]
100Jean-Roch Schmitt [38] [44]
101S. Schwer [55]
102Farida Semmak [75]
103Samira Si-Said [51] [54] [55] [58] [65]
104Pnina Soffer [104]
105Il-Yeol Song [129]
106Carine Souveyet [24] [30] [46] [47] [55] [61] [74] [90] [97] [98] [100] [120] [122]
107Stefano Spaccapietra [16]
108George Spanoudakis [38]
109Janis Stirna [80]
110Alistair G. Sutcliffe [38]
111Philippe Thiran (Ph. Thiran) [129]
112David Till [38]
113Juan Trujillo [116] [129]
114Yannis Vassiliou [38]
115M. Vitali [8]
116Benkt Wangler [38]
117Roel Wieringa [108]
118Carson C. Woo (Carson Woo) [125] [129]
119Jian Yang [127] [128]
120Eric S. K. Yu [113] [116] [127] [128]
121W. Yue [63]
122Kacem Zeroual [49]
123Esteban Zimányi [116] [129]
124Iyad Zoukar [96]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)