
Selmin Nurcan

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27 Sophie Ebersold, Agnès Front, Philippe Lopistéguy, Selmin Nurcan, Xavier Franch, Ela Hunt, Remi Coletta: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Model Driven Information Systems Engineering: Enterprise, User and System Models (MoDISE-EUS'08) held in conjunction with the CAiSE'08 Conference, Montpellier, France, June 16-17, 2008 CEUR-WS.org 2008
26EEOumaima Saidani, Selmin Nurcan: Towards Situational Business Process Meta-Modelling. CAiSE Forum 2008: 93-96
25EESelmin Nurcan: A Survey on the Flexibility Requirements Related to Business Processes and Modeling Artifacts. HICSS 2008: 378
24 Kahina Bessai, Selmin Nurcan: Guider le choix d'un formalisme de modélisation de processus Démarche multicritère basée sur les patrons. INFORSID 2008
23EEOumaima Saidani, Selmin Nurcan: Meta-model Tailoring for Situation-aware Business Process Modelling. MoDISE-EUS 2008: 46-54
22EESelmin Nurcan, Bruno Claudepierre, Islem Gmati: Conceptual dependencies between two connected IT domains: Business/IS alignment and IT governance. RCIS 2008: 87-98
21 Islem Gmati, Selmin Nurcan: A Framework for Analyzing Business/Information System Alignment Requirements. ICEIS (3) 2007: 401-409
20 Bruno Claudepierre, Selmin Nurcan: A Framework for Analysing IT Governance Approaches. ICEIS (3) 2007: 512-516
19EEM. E. Fayad, Chia-Chu Chiang, Pablo Chacin, Srini Ramaswamy, Arturo J. Sánchez-Ruíz, Selmin Nurcan: The first international workshop on patterns languages: addressing challenges (PLAC 2007). OOPSLA Companion 2007: 743-745
18EEFeriel Daoudi, Selmin Nurcan: A benchmarking framework for methods to design flexible business processes. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(1): 51-63 (2007)
17EEOumaima Saidani, Selmin Nurcan: FORBAC: A Flexible Organisation and Role-Based Access Control Model for Secure Information Systems. ADVIS 2006: 364-376
16EEOumaima Saidani, Selmin Nurcan: A Role-Based Approach for Modeling Flexible Business Processes. BPMDS 2006
15EESelmin Nurcan, Marc-Henri Edme: Intention-driven modeling for flexible workflow applications. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 10(4): 363-377 (2005)
14EEJudith Barrios, Selmin Nurcan: Model Driven Architectures for Enterprise Information Systems. CAiSE 2004: 3-19
13 Selmin Nurcan: A Conceptual Framework for Intention Driven Flexible Workflow Modeling. CAiSE Workshops (2) 2004: 192-199
12 Selmin Nurcan, Colette Rolland: A multi-method for defining the organizational change. Information & Software Technology 45(2): 61-82 (2003)
11 Selmin Nurcan, Judith Barrios, Colette Rolland: Une méthode pour la définition de l'impact organisationnel du changement. INFORSID 2002: 1-16
10 Selmin Nurcan, Judith Barrios, Colette Rolland: Une méthode pour la définition de l'impact organisationnel du changement. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 7(4): 107-137 (2002)
9 Colette Rolland, Selmin Nurcan, Georges Grosz: A decision-making pattern for guiding the enterprise knowledge development process. Information & Software Technology 42(5): 313-331 (2000)
8EESelmin Nurcan, Georges Grosz, Carine Souveyet: Describing Business Processes with a Guided Use Case Approach. CAiSE 1998: 339-362
7 Colette Rolland, Pericles Loucopoulos, Georges Grosz, Selmin Nurcan: A Framework for Generic Patterns Dedicated to the Management of Change in the Electricity Supply Industry. DEXA Workshop 1998: 907-912
6EEColette Rolland, Selmin Nurcan, Georges Grosz: A Unified Framework for Modeling Cooperative Design Processes and Cooperative Business Processes. HICSS (5) 1998: 376-385
5 Colette Rolland, Georges Grosz, Selmin Nurcan, W. Yue, Christophe Gnaho: An electronic handbook for accessing domain specific generic patterns. Information Systems in the WWW Environment 1998: 89-111
4EESelmin Nurcan: Analysis and design of co-operative work processes: a framework. Information & Software Technology 40(3): 143-156 (1998)
3EESelmin Nurcan, Li Lei, Jacques Kouloumdjian: Integrating Database Technology and Logic Programming Paradigm. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1990: 341-349
2 Selmin Nurcan, Jacques Kouloumdjian, Lei Li: Integrating Database Technology and iogic Programming Paradigm. SEKE 1990: 147-152
1 Selmin Nurcan, Jacques Kouloumdjian, Li Lei: Un gestionnaire de connaissances reposant sur l'intégration de la programmation logique et des bases de donnés relationnelles. SPLT 1990: 105-

Coauthor Index

1Judith Barrios Albornoz (Judith Barrios) [10] [11] [14]
2Kahina Bessai [24]
3Pablo Chacin [19]
4Chia-Chu Chiang [19]
5Bruno Claudepierre [20] [22]
6Remi Coletta [27]
7Feriel Daoudi [18]
8Sophie Ebersold [27]
9Marc-Henri Edme [15]
10Mohamed Fayad (Mohamed E. Fayad, M. E. Fayad) [19]
11Xavier Franch [27]
12Agnès Front (Agnès Front-Conte, Agnès Conte) [27]
13Islem Gmati [21] [22]
14Christophe Gnaho [5]
15Georges Grosz [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
16Ela Hunt [27]
17Jacques Kouloumdjian [1] [2] [3]
18Li Lei [1] [3]
19Lei Li [2]
20Philippe Lopistéguy [27]
21Pericles Loucopoulos [7]
22Srini Ramaswamy [19]
23Colette Rolland [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12]
24Oumaima Saidani [16] [17] [23] [26]
25Arturo J. Sánchez-Ruíz [19]
26Carine Souveyet [8]
27W. Yue [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)