2008 |
51 | | Il-Yeol Song,
Mario Piattini,
Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen,
Sven Hartmann,
Fabio Grandi,
Juan Trujillo,
Andreas L. Opdahl,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maria Chiara Caschera,
Colette Rolland,
Carson Woo,
Camille Salinesi,
Esteban Zimányi,
Christophe Claramunt,
Flavius Frasincar,
Geert-Jan Houben,
Philippe Thiran:
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Challenges and Opportunities, ER 2008 Workshops CMLSA, ECDM, FP-UML, M2AS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, WISM, Barcelona Spain, October 20-23, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
50 | EE | Maria Chiara Caschera,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Ambiguity detection in multimodal systems.
AVI 2008: 331-334 |
49 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maria Chiara Caschera:
Preface to M2AS 2008.
ER Workshops 2008: 154 |
48 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Irina Kondratova,
Arianna D'Ulizia,
Patrizia Grifoni:
MONET 2008 PC Co-chairs' Message.
OTM Workshops 2008: 479 |
47 | EE | Maria Chiara Caschera,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Personal Sphere Information, Histories and Social Interaction between People on the Internet.
OTM Workshops 2008: 480-488 |
46 | EE | Arianna D'Ulizia,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Toward the Development of an Integrative Framework for Multimodal Dialogue Processing.
OTM Workshops 2008: 509-518 |
45 | EE | Danilo Avola,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Stefano Paolozzi:
A Framework for Designing and Recognizing Sketch-Based Libraries for Pervasive Systems.
UNISCON 2008: 405-416 |
44 | EE | Maria Chiara Caschera,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
SIM: A dynamic multidimensional visualization method for social networks.
PsychNology Journal 6(3): 291-320 (2008) |
2007 |
43 | EE | Arianna D'Ulizia,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
A Semantic and Structural Similarity Approach to Personalize Location-Based Services.
DNIS 2007: 33-47 |
42 | EE | Arianna D'Ulizia,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Approximate Queries by Relaxing Structural Constraints in GIS.
ER Workshops 2007: 398-408 |
41 | EE | Danilo Avola,
Maria Chiara Caschera,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Ambiguities in Sketch-Based Interfaces.
HICSS 2007: 290 |
40 | EE | Danilo Avola,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Formalizing Recognition of Sketching Styles in Human Centered Systems.
KES (2) 2007: 369-376 |
39 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Stefano Paolozzi:
Multimodal Sentence Similarity in Human-Computer Interaction Systems.
KES (2) 2007: 403-410 |
38 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Maurizio Rafanelli,
Arianna D'Ulizia:
MONET 2007 PC Co-chairs' Message.
OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 335 |
37 | EE | Arianna D'Ulizia,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
A Hybrid Grammar-Based Approach to Multimodal Languages Specification.
OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 367-376 |
36 | EE | Maria Chiara Caschera,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
An Approach for Managing Ambiguities in Multimodal Interaction.
OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 387-397 |
35 | EE | Arianna D'Ulizia,
Fernando Ferri,
Anna Formica,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
Structural similarity in geographical queries to improve query answering.
SAC 2007: 19-23 |
34 | | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Stefano Paolozzi:
An Approach to Multimodal Input Interpretation in Human-Computer Interaction.
SEKE 2007: 664-669 |
33 | | Danilo Avola,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Sketch Style Recognition in Human Computer Interaction.
SEKE 2007: 670-675 |
32 | EE | Maria Chiara Caschera,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Multimodal interaction systems: information and time features.
IJWGS 3(1): 82-99 (2007) |
2006 |
31 | EE | Arianna D'Ulizia,
Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
Relaxing Constraints on GeoPQL Operators to Improve Query Answering.
DEXA 2006: 728-737 |
30 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Maurizio Rafanelli,
Arianna D'Ulizia:
MONET 2006 PC Co-chairs' Message.
OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 873 |
29 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Anna Formica,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
Query Approximation by Semantic Similarity in GeoPQL.
OTM Workshops (2) 2006: 1670-1680 |
28 | EE | Arianna D'Ulizia,
Fernando Ferri:
Formalization of Multimodal Languages in Pervasive Computing Paradigm.
SITIS 2006: 126-136 |
2005 |
27 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
The Sketch Recognition and Query Interpretation by GSQL, aGeographical Sketch Query Language.
CIT 2005: 34-38 |
26 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
Querying by Sketch Geographical Databases and Ambiguities.
DEXA 2005: 524-533 |
25 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Anna Formica,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
Evaluating Semantic Similarity Using GML in Geographic Information Systems.
OTM Workshops 2005: 1009-1019 |
24 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
A Pictorial Human Computer Interaction to Query Geographical Data.
Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2005: 317-327 |
23 | | Fernando Ferri,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
Syntactical and Semantical Correctness of Pictorial Queries for GIS.
Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications 2005: 671-676 |
22 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
GeoPQL: A Geographical Pictorial Query Language That Resolves Ambiguities in Query Interpretation.
J. Data Semantics III: 50-80 (2005) |
2004 |
21 | | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web.
CAiSE Workshops (1) 2004: 92-105 |
20 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
XPQL: A Pictorial Language for Querying Geographic Data.
DEXA 2004: 925-935 |
2003 |
19 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Vectorization of Graphical Components in Sketch-Based Interfaces.
DNIS 2003: 231-244 |
18 | | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
GeoSQL: A Sketch-Based Query Language for Geographical Data.
iiWAS 2003 |
2002 |
17 | EE | Francesco Barbera,
Fernando Ferri,
Fabrizio L. Ricci,
Pier Angelo Sottile:
A Proposal for a Distributed XML Healthcare Record.
DNIS 2002: 161-172 |
16 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Elaheh Pourabbas,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
The syntactic and semantic correctness of pictorial configurations to query geographic databases by PQL.
SAC 2002: 432-437 |
15 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Marco Padula:
Using Shape to Index and Query Web Document Contents.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 13(4): 355-373 (2002) |
2001 |
14 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Marco Padula,
Amanda Reggiori:
Working Documents Automatic Generation Using an Adaptive Editor.
ITCC 2001: 426- |
13 | | Fernando Ferri,
Elaheh Pourabbas,
Maurizio Rafanelli,
Fabrizio L. Ricci:
Linking Geographic and Multidimensional Databases by Functional Attributes.
SEBD 2001: 185-199 |
2000 |
12 | | Fernando Ferri,
Cristina Ghiselli,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Marco Padula:
Toward a Retrieval of HTML Documents using a Semantic Approach.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1571-1574 |
11 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni:
Searching Information in Large and Complex Distributed Information Systems: Balance Between Implicit and Explicit Acquisition of the User Model.
ITCC 2000: 380-384 |
10 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Elaheh Pourabbas,
Maurizio Rafanelli,
Fabrizio L. Ricci:
Extending Geographic Databases for a Query Language to Support Queries Involving Statistical Data.
SSDBM 2000: 220-230 |
1999 |
9 | | Fernando Ferri,
Fernanda Massari,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
A Pictorial Query Language for Geographic Features in an Object-Oriented Environment.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 10(6): 641-671 (1999) |
1997 |
8 | | M. De Rossi,
Fernando Ferri,
Fabrizio L. Ricci:
Design of a Visual Query Language for Hospital Information Systems.
DEXA Workshop 1997: 306-311 |
1996 |
7 | EE | Fabrizio Di Loreto,
Fernando Ferri,
Fernanda Massari,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
A pictorial query language for geographical databases.
AVI 1996: 233-244 |
6 | EE | Fernando Ferri,
Fabrizio L. Ricci,
Fabrizio Consorti,
Domenico M. Pisanelli:
An object-oriented information model for a patient definition and management system.
SAC 1996: 50-57 |
5 | | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Fabrizio L. Ricci:
An Object-Oriented Model for a Visual Information System of Patient Folders.
VISUAL 1996: 92-116 |
1995 |
4 | | Fabrizio Di Loreto,
Fernando Ferri,
Fernanda Massari,
Maurizio Rafanelli:
A Visual Object-Oriented Query Language for Geographic Information Systems
DEXA 1995: 103-113 |
1994 |
3 | | Fernando Ferri,
R. Minarelli Della Valle,
Domenico M. Pisanelli,
Fabrizio L. Ricci,
F. Tittarelli:
A Multimedia Patient Folder Management System as an Active Tool Supporting Physician's Activity.
Applied Informatics 1994: 167-170 |
1992 |
2 | EE | Maurizio Rafanelli,
Fernando Ferri:
VIDDEL: an object-oriented VIsual Data DEfinition Language for statistical data.
SSDBM 1992: 18-28 |
1991 |
1 | | Fernando Ferri,
Patrizia Grifoni,
Leonardo Meo-Evoli,
Fabrizio L. Ricci:
ADAMS: an Aggregate Data Management System with Multip Interaction Techniques.
DEXA 1991: 419-424 |