
Motoshi Saeki

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70EERyo Hasegawa, Motohiro Kitamura, Haruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: Extracting Conceptual Graphs from Japanese Documents for Software Requirements Modeling. APCCM 2009: 87-96
69EEMotoshi Saeki, Haruhiko Kaiya: Supporting the Elicitation of Requirements Compliant with Regulations. CAiSE 2008: 228-242
68EEShinpei Hayashi, Motoshi Saeki: Extracting Prehistories of Software Refactorings from Version Archives. LKR 2008: 82-89
67EEMotoshi Saeki, Haruhiko Kaiya: Security Requirements Elicitation Using Method Weaving and Common Criteria. MoDELS Workshops 2008: 185-196
66EEDaisuke Tanabe, Kohei Uno, Kinji Akemine, Takashi Yoshikawa, Haruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: Supporting Requirements Change Management in Goal Oriented Analysis. RE 2008: 3-12
65EESjaak Brinkkemper, Inge van de Weerd, Motoshi Saeki, Johan Versendaal: Process Improvement in Requirements Management: A Method Engineering Approach. REFSQ 2008: 6-22
64EEKazuma Yamamoto, Motoshi Saeki: Attributed Goal-Oriented Analysis Method for Selecting Alternatives of Software Requirements. IEICE Transactions 91-D(4): 921-932 (2008)
63EEShinpei Hayashi, Junya Katada, Ryota Sakamoto, Takashi Kobayashi, Motoshi Saeki: Design Pattern Detection by Using Meta Patterns. IEICE Transactions 91-D(4): 933-944 (2008)
62EETakeshi Obayashi, Shinpei Hayashi, Masayuki Shibaoka, Motoshi Saeki, Hiroyuki Ohta, Kengo Kinoshita: COXPRESdb: a database of coexpressed gene networks in mammals. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 77-82 (2008)
61EEMotoshi Saeki, Haruhiko Kaiya: Measuring Model Transformation in Model Driven Development. CAiSE Forum 2007
60EEKazuma Yamamoto, Motoshi Saeki: Using Attributed Goal Graphs for Software Component Selection: An Application of Goal-Oriented Analysis to Decision Making. ER (Tutorials, Posters, Panels & Industrial Contributions) 2007: 215-220
59EEMasayuki Shibaoka, Haruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: GOORE : Goal-Oriented and Ontology Driven Requirements Elicitation Method. ER Workshops 2007: 225-234
58 Motohiro Kitamura, Ryo Hasegawa, Haruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: An Integrated Tool for Supporting Ontology Driven Requirements Elicitation. ICSOFT (SE) 2007: 73-80
57 Junzo Kato, Motoshi Saeki, Atsushi Ohnishi, Haruhiko Kaiya, Shuichiro Yamamoto: Effects of Thesaurus in Requirements Elicitation. RCIS 2007: 385-394
56EETakeshi Obayashi, Kengo Kinoshita, Kenta Nakai, Masayuki Shibaoka, Shinpei Hayashi, Motoshi Saeki, Daisuke Shibata, Kazuki Saito, Hiroyuki Ohta: ATTED-II: a database of co-expressed genes and cis elements for identifying co-regulated gene groups in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 863-869 (2007)
55EEMotoshi Saeki: Configuration Management in a Method Engineering Context. CAiSE 2006: 384-398
54EEHaruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: Using Domain Ontology as Domain Knowledge for Requirements Elicitation. RE 2006: 186-195
53EETeruyoshi Zenmyo, Takashi Kobayashi, Motoshi Saeki: Supporting Application Framework Selection Based on Labeled Transition Systems. IEICE Transactions 89-D(4): 1378-1389 (2006)
52EETakafumi Oda, Motoshi Saeki: Meta-Modeling Based Version Control System for Software Diagrams. IEICE Transactions 89-D(4): 1390-1402 (2006)
51EEShinpei Hayashi, Motoshi Saeki, Masahito Kurihara: Supporting Refactoring Activities Using Histories of Program Modification. IEICE Transactions 89-D(4): 1403-1412 (2006)
50EEKazuya Oshiro, Kenji Watahiki, Motoshi Saeki: Integrating an Idea Generation Method into a Goal-Oriented Analysis Method for Requirements Elicitation. APSEC 2005: 113-121
49EEMotoshi Saeki, Takafumi Oda: A Conceptual Model of Version Control in Method Engineering Environment. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2005
48EETakafumi Oda, Motoshi Saeki: Generative Technique of Version Control Systems for Software Diagrams. ICSM 2005: 515-524
47EEHaruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: Ontology Based Requirements Analysis: Lightweight Semantic Processing Approach. QSIC 2005: 223-230
46EEHaruhiko Kaiya, Daisuke Shinbara, Jinichi Kawano, Motoshi Saeki: Improving the detection of requirements discordances among stakeholders. Requir. Eng. 10(4): 289-303 (2005)
45EEHaruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: Weaving Multiple Viewpoint Specifications in Goal Oriented Requirements Analysis. APSEC 2004: 418-427
44EETeruyoshi Zenmyo, Takashi Kobayashi, Motoshi Saeki: Automated Support for Framework Selection and Customization. ASE 2004: 68-77
43EEJunzo Kato, Morio Nagata, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Motoshi Saeki, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hisayuki Horai, Atsushi Ohnishi, Seiichi Komiya, Kenji Watahiki: PAORE: Package Oriented Requirements Elicitation. APSEC 2003: 17-
42EEMotoshi Saeki: Embedding Metrics into Information Systems Development Methods: An Application of Method Engineering Technique. CAiSE 2003: 374-389
41EEKazuya Oshiro, Kenji Watahiki, Motoshi Saeki: Goal-Oriented Idea Generation Method for Requirements Elicitation. RE 2003: 363-364
40 Colette Rolland, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Motoshi Saeki: Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, IFIP TC8 / WG8.1 Working Conference on Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, September 25-27, 2002, Kanazawa, Japan Kluwer 2002
39EEMotoshi Saeki: Role of Model Transformation in Method Engineering. CAiSE 2002: 626-642
38EEHaruhiko Kaiya, Hisayuki Horai, Motoshi Saeki: AGORA: Attributed Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis Method. RE 2002: 13-22
37EEKimiyuki Fukuzawa, Motoshi Saeki: Evaluating software architectures by coloured petrit nets. SEKE 2002: 263-270
36EEJunzo Kato, Seiichi Komiya, Motoshi Saeki, Atsushi Ohnishi, Morio Nagata, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Hisayuki Horai: A Model for Navigating Interview Processes in Requirements Elicitation. APSEC 2001: 141-148
35EESjaak Brinkkemper, Motoshi Saeki, Frank Harmsen: A Method Engineering Language for the Description of Systems Development Methods. CAiSE 2001: 473-476
34EEBedir Tekinerdogan, Motoshi Saeki, Gerson Sunyé, Pim van den Broek, Pavel Hruby: Automating Object-Oriented Software Development Methods. ECOOP Workshops 2001: 41-56
33EEKenji Watahiki, Motoshi Saeki: Scenario Patterns Based on Case Grammar Approach. RE 2001: 300-301
32EEMotoshi Saeki: Behavioral specification of GOF design patterns with LOTOS. APSEC 2000: 408-415
31EEMotoshi Saeki: Patterns and Aspects for Use Cases: Reuse Techniques for Use Case Descriptions. ICRE 2000: 62
30 Motoshi Saeki, Saeeiab Sureerat, Akihiro Tanaka: Supporting Distributed Individual Tasks in Cooperative Specification Development. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 10(3): 319-344 (2000)
29EETakashi Kobayashi, Motoshi Saeki: Software Development Based on Software Pattern Evolution. APSEC 1999: 18-
28EETakahiro Nakanishi, Motoshi Saeki: Using Multiple Graphs of Programs to Modify Specifications. APSEC 1999: 216-223
27EEMotoshi Saeki: Reusing Use Case Descriptions for Requirements Specification: Towards Use Case Patterns. APSEC 1999: 309-
26 Takashi Kobayashi, Motoshi Saeki: Pattern-Based Software Evolution. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 77
25 Motoshi Saeki: Comments on "An Autopoietic View of the Concept 'Information System'" by El-Sayed Abou-Zeid. ISCO 1999: 187-188
24EESjaak Brinkkemper, Motoshi Saeki, Frank Harmsen: Meta-Modelling Based Assembly Techniques for Situational Method Engineering. Inf. Syst. 24(3): 209-228 (1999)
23EEHarumi Watanabe, Hiroki Tokuoka, Wenxin Wu, Motoshi Saeki: A Technique for Analyzing and Testing Object-Oriented Software Using Colored Petri Nets. APSEC 1998: 182-
22EESaeeiab Sureerat, Motoshi Saeki: Integration of Software Analysis and Design Methods with Formal Description Techniques. APSEC 1998: 46-53
21EESjaak Brinkkemper, Motoshi Saeki, Frank Harmsen: Assembly Techniques for Method Engineering. CAiSE 1998: 381-400
20EEMotoshi Saeki: Formalizing Artifacts of Object-Oriented Analysis & Design. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 493-495
19EEMotoshi Saeki: A meta-model for method integration. Information & Software Technology 39(14-15): 925-932 (1998)
18EEHaruhiko Kaiya, Nobuyuki Miura, Go Anai, Tsuyoshi Ebata, Hiroki Nagaoka, Motoshi Saeki: Preliminary experiments of a computer system for face-to-face meetings. Systems and Computers in Japan 28(2): 21-32 (1997)
17EEMotoshi Saeki, Kinji Matsumura, Jun'ichi Shimoda, Haruhiko Kaiya: Structuring utterance records of requirements elicitation meetings based on speech act theory. ICRE 1996: 21-30
16EEMotoshi Saeki: Communication, Collaboration, and Cooperation in Software Development-How Should We Support Group Work in Software Development? APSEC 1995: 12-
15EENobuyuki Miura, Haruhiko Kaiya, Motoshi Saeki: Building the Structure of Specification Documents from Utterances of Requirements Elicitation Meetings. APSEC 1995: 64-
14 Motoshi Saeki, Saeeiab Sureerat, Kotaro Yoshida: Supporting Distributed Individual Work in Cooperative Specification Development. CISMOD 1995: 232-247
13EEMotoshi Saeki: Object-Oriented Meta Modelling. OOER 1995: 250-259
12EEMotoshi Saeki, Roger Duke: Guest Editor's Introduction. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 5(3): 325-326 (1995)
11 Motoshi Saeki, Kuo Wenyin: Specifying Software Specification & Design Methods CAiSE 1994: 353-366
10EESadahiro Isoda, Motoshi Saeki: Software Engineering in Asia. IEEE Software 11(6): 63-68 (1994)
9 Amarit Laorakpong, Motoshi Saeki: Object-Oriented Formal Specification Development using VDM. ISOTAS 1993: 529-543
8 Motoshi Saeki, Takeshi Hiroi, Takanori Ugai: Reflective Specification: Applying A Reflective Language to Formal Specification. IWSSD 1993: 204-213
7 Motoshi Saeki, Kazuhisa Iguchi, Kuo Wenyin, Masanori Shinohara: A Meta-Model for Representing Software Specification & Design Methods. Information System Development Process 1993: 149-166
6 Seiichi Komiya, Motoshi Saeki, Shinichi Honiden, Junzou Kato, Akira Ohmori, Hisayuki Horai, Shigeru Ohtsuki, Kazuhito Ohmaki: An Experimental Analysis for Classifying Specification Processes. SEKE 1993: 231-234
5 Naoki Yonezaki, Tapani Kinnula, Motoshi Saeki, Jan Ljungberg: TAP: A New Model for Software Process: Tasks-Agents-Products. SEKE 1993: 346-350
4 Motoshi Saeki, Kazuhisa Iguchi, Masanori Shinohara: Supporting Tool for Cooperative Specification Processes. SEKE 1993: 351-354
3 Hisayuki Horai, Motoshi Saeki, Hajime Enomoto: Integration Method for Specification Process. ICSI 1990: 605-614
2 Motoshi Saeki, Hisayuki Horai, Hajime Enomoto: Software Development Process from Natural Language Specification. ICSE 1989: 64-73
1 Naoki Yonezaki, Hajime Enomoto, Motoshi Saeki: Logical environments for natural language approach. ISPW 1985: 84-86

Coauthor Index

1Kinji Akemine [66]
2Go Anai [18]
3Sjaak Brinkkemper [21] [24] [35] [40] [65]
4Pim van den Broek (P. M. van den Broek) [34]
5Roger Duke [12]
6Tsuyoshi Ebata [18]
7Hajime Enomoto [1] [2] [3]
8Kimiyuki Fukuzawa [37]
9Frank Harmsen [21] [24] [35]
10Ryo Hasegawa [58] [70]
11Shinpei Hayashi [51] [56] [62] [63] [68]
12Takeshi Hiroi [8]
13Shinichi Honiden [6]
14Hisayuki Horai [2] [3] [6] [36] [38] [43]
15Pavel Hruby [34]
16Kazuhisa Iguchi [4] [7]
17Sadahiro Isoda [10]
18Haruhiko Kaiya [15] [17] [18] [38] [43] [45] [46] [47] [54] [57] [58] [59] [61] [66] [67] [69] [70]
19Junya Katada [63]
20Junzo Kato [36] [43] [57]
21Junzou Kato [6]
22Jinichi Kawano [46]
23Tapani Kinnula [5]
24Kengo Kinoshita [56] [62]
25Motohiro Kitamura [58] [70]
26Takashi Kobayashi [26] [29] [44] [53] [63]
27Seiichi Komiya [6] [36] [43]
28Masahito Kurihara [51]
29Amarit Laorakpong [9]
30Jan Ljungberg [5]
31Kinji Matsumura [17]
32Nobuyuki Miura [15] [18]
33Hiroki Nagaoka [18]
34Morio Nagata [36] [43]
35Kenta Nakai [56]
36Takahiro Nakanishi [28]
37Takeshi Obayashi [56] [62]
38Takafumi Oda [48] [49] [52]
39Kazuhito Ohmaki [6]
40Akira Ohmori [6]
41Atsushi Ohnishi [36] [43] [57]
42Hiroyuki Ohta [56] [62]
43Shigeru Ohtsuki [6]
44Kazuya Oshiro [41] [50]
45Colette Rolland [40]
46Kazuki Saito [56]
47Ryota Sakamoto [63]
48Masayuki Shibaoka [56] [59] [62]
49Daisuke Shibata [56]
50Jun'ichi Shimoda [17]
51Daisuke Shinbara [46]
52Masanori Shinohara [4] [7]
53Gerson Sunyé [34]
54Saeeiab Sureerat [14] [22] [30]
55Daisuke Tanabe [66]
56Akihiro Tanaka [30]
57Bedir Tekinerdogan [34]
58Hiroki Tokuoka [23]
59Takanori Ugai [8]
60Kohei Uno [66]
61Johan Versendaal [65]
62Kenji Watahiki [33] [41] [43] [50]
63Harumi Watanabe [23]
64Inge van de Weerd [65]
65Kuo Wenyin [7] [11]
66Wenxin Wu [23]
67Kazuma Yamamoto [60] [64]
68Shuichiro Yamamoto [36] [43] [57]
69Naoki Yonezaki [1] [5]
70Kotaro Yoshida [14]
71Takashi Yoshikawa [66]
72Teruyoshi Zenmyo [44] [53]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)