
Jean-Yves Lingat

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7EEJean-Yves Lingat, Colette Rolland: PROQUEL: a PROgramming QUEry Language. DBPL 1989: 281-295
6 Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland, Jean-Yves Lingat: Temporal Management in an Extended relational DBMS. BNCOD 1988: 87-123
5 Colette Rolland, Corine Cauvet, Philippe Nobecourt, C. Proix, P. Collignon, Jean-Yves Lingat, Carine Souveyet: The Rubis System. Computerized Assistance During the Information Systems Life Cycle 1988: 193-239
4EEJean-Yves Lingat, Pierre Colignon, Colette Rolland: Rapid Application Prototyping the PROQUEL Language. VLDB 1988: 206-217
3 Jean-Yves Lingat, Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland: Gestion de la dynamique des données dans un SGBD relationnel. BDA 1987: 205-228
2EEJean-Yves Lingat, Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland: Behaviour Management in Database Applications. VLDB 1987: 185-196
1 Corine Cauvet, Jean-Yves Lingat, Philippe Nobecourt, Colette Rolland: RUBIS: Une interface d'aide à la gestion des aspects dynamiques d'une base de données relationelle. BDA 1986: 171-188

Coauthor Index

1Corine Cauvet [1] [5]
2Pierre Colignon [4]
3P. Collignon [5]
4Philippe Nobecourt [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
5C. Proix [5]
6Colette Rolland [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Carine Souveyet [5]

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