
Anne Etien

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8EECédric Dumoulin, Anne Etien: Morphing de métamodèles. L'OBJET 13(4): 33-53 (2007)
7 Anne Etien, Colette Rolland, Camille Salinesi: A meta-modelling approach to express change requirements. ICSOFT (2) 2006: 287-293
6EEAnne Etien, Colette Rolland: A Process for Generating Fitness Measures. CAiSE 2005: 277-292
5EEAnne Etien, Camille Salinesi: Managing Requirements in a Co-evolution Context. RE 2005: 125-134
4EEAnne Etien, Colette Rolland: Measuring the fitness relationship. Requir. Eng. 10(3): 184-197 (2005)
3EECamille Salinesi, Anne Etien, Iyad Zoukar: A Systematic Approach to Express IS Evolution Requirements Using Gap Modelling and Similarity Modelling Techniques. CAiSE 2004: 338-352
2EEColette Rolland, Camille Salinesi, Anne Etien: Eliciting gaps in requirements change. Requir. Eng. 9(1): 1-15 (2004)
1EECamille Salinesi, Anne Etien: Compliance Gaps: A Requirements Elicitation Approach in the Context of System Evolution. OOIS 2003: 71-82

Coauthor Index

1Cédric Dumoulin [8]
2Colette Rolland [2] [4] [6] [7]
3Camille Salinesi [1] [2] [3] [5] [7]
4Iyad Zoukar [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)