
Stephane Régnier

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14EEGuillaume Millet, Anatole Lécuyer, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, D. Sinan Haliyo, Stephane Régnier: Improving Perception and Understanding of Nanoscale Phenomena Using Haptics and Visual Analogy. EuroHaptics 2008: 847-856
13EEAhlem Abbaci, D. Sinan Haliyo, Stephane Régnier: DNA as Building Block for Self-Assembly of Micro-components. ICQNM 2008: 28-33
12EEHui Xie, Julien Vitard, D. Sinan Haliyo, Stephane Régnier: Calibration and nonlinearity compensation for force application in AFM based nanomanipulation. IROS 2008: 4024-4029
11EEEmir Vela, Cecile Pacoret, Sylvain Bouchigny, Stephane Régnier, Klaus Rink, Arvid Bergander: Non-contact mesoscale manipulation using laser induced convection flows. IROS 2008: 913-918
10EEBruno Daunay, Alain Micaelli, Stephane Régnier: 6 DOF haptic feedback for molecular docking using wave variables. ICRA 2007: 840-845
9EEBruno Daunay, Alain Micaelli, Stephane Régnier: Energy-field reconstruction for haptic-based molecular docking using energy minimization processes. IROS 2007: 2704-2709
8EEJérôme Darmont, Christophe Fromantin, Stephane Régnier, Le Gruenwald, Michel Schneider: Dynamic Clustering in Object-Oriented Databases: An Advocacy for Simplicity CoRR abs/0705.0281: (2007)
7EEMehdi Boukallel, Maxime Girot, Stephane Régnier: In Situ Autonomous Biomechanical Characterization. EUROS 2006: 39-50
6EEMaxime Girot, Mehdi Boukallel, Stephane Régnier: Modeling Soft Contact Mechanism of Biological Cells Using an Atomic Force Bio-Microscope. IROS 2006: 1831-1836
5EEMehdi Boukallel, Maxime Girot, Stephane Régnier: Haptic Rendering of Biological Elastic Properties based on Biomechanical Characterization. IROS 2006: 959-964
4EEFabien Dionnet, D. Sinan Haliyo, Stephane Régnier: Autonomous Micromanipulation using a New Strategy of Accurate Release by Rolling. ICRA 2004: 5019-5024
3 D. Sinan Haliyo, Yves Rollot, Stephane Régnier: Manipulation of Micro-Objects using Adhesion Forces and Dynamical Effects. ICRA 2002: 1949-1954
2EED. Sinan Haliyo, Stephane Régnier, Philippe Bidaud: Manipulation of Micro-objects Using Adhesion Forces and Dynamical Effects. ISER 2002: 382-391
1EEJérôme Darmont, Christophe Fromantin, Stephane Régnier, Le Gruenwald, Michel Schneider: Dynamic Clustering in Object-Oriented Databases: An Advocacy for Simplicity. Objects and Databases 2000: 71-85

Coauthor Index

1Ahlem Abbaci [13]
2Arvid Bergander [11]
3Philippe Bidaud [2]
4Sylvain Bouchigny [11]
5Mehdi Boukallel [5] [6] [7]
6Jean-Marie Burkhardt [14]
7Jérôme Darmont [1] [8]
8Bruno Daunay [9] [10]
9Fabien Dionnet [4]
10Christophe Fromantin [1] [8]
11Maxime Girot [5] [6] [7]
12Le Gruenwald [1] [8]
13D. Sinan Haliyo [2] [3] [4] [12] [13] [14]
14Anatole Lécuyer [14]
15Alain Micaelli [9] [10]
16Guillaume Millet [14]
17Cecile Pacoret [11]
18Klaus Rink [11]
19Yves Rollot [3]
20Michel Schneider [1] [8]
21Emir Vela [11]
22Julien Vitard [12]
23Hui Xie [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)