
Allen McPherson

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4EEJoe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Charles D. Hansen, Peter Shirley, Allen McPherson: A Model for Volume Lighting and Modeling. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(2): 150-162 (2003)
3EEJoe Kniss, Patrick S. McCormick, Allen McPherson, James P. Ahrens, James S. Painter, Alan Keahey, Charles D. Hansen: Interactive Texture-Based Volume Rendering for Large Data Sets. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(4): 52-61 (2001)
2 James P. Ahrens, Patrick S. McCormick, Allen McPherson, Jamie Painter: An Evolving Infrastructure to Support Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) Multi-Source Visualization and Data Analysis Needs. PPSC 1999
1EEAllen McPherson, Mathew Maltrud: POPTEX: interactive ocean model visualization using texture mapping hardware. IEEE Visualization 1998: 471-474

Coauthor Index

1James P. Ahrens [2] [3]
2Charles D. Hansen [3] [4]
3Alan Keahey [3]
4Joe Michael Kniss (Joe Kniss) [3] [4]
5Mathew Maltrud [1]
6Patrick S. McCormick [2] [3]
7James S. Painter [3]
8Jamie Painter [2]
9Simon Premoze [4]
10Peter Shirley [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)