
Philippe Rostaing

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6EEJonathan Letessier, Baptiste Vrigneau, Philippe Rostaing, Gilles Burel: New Closed-Form of the Largest Eigenvalue PDF for Max-SNR MIMO System Performances. IEICE Transactions 91-A(7): 1791-1796 (2008)
5EEBaptiste Vrigneau, Jonathan Letessier, Philippe Rostaing, Ludovic Collin, Gilles Burel: Theoretical Results about MIMO Minimal Distance Precoder and Performances Comparison. IEICE Transactions 91-B(3): 821-828 (2008)
4EEJean-Noël Provost, Christophe Collet, Philippe Rostaing, Patrick Pérez, Patrick Bouthemy: Hierarchical Markovian segmentation of multispectral images for the reconstruction of water depth maps. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 93(2): 155-174 (2004)
3EEPhilippe Rostaing, O. Berder, Gilles Burel, Ludovic Collin: Minimum BER diagonal precoder for MIMO digital transmissions. Signal Processing 82(10): 1477-1480 (2002)
2 Christophe Collet, Jean-Noël Provost, Philippe Rostaing, Patrick Pérez, Patrick Bouthemy: Spot Satellite Data Analysis for Bathymetric Mapping. ICIP 2000
1 Philippe Rostaing, Jean-Noël Provost, Christophe Collet: Unsupervised Multispectral Image Segmentation Using Generalized Gaussian Noise Model. EMMCVPR 1999: 142-156

Coauthor Index

1O. Berder [3]
2Patrick Bouthemy [2] [4]
3Gilles Burel [3] [5] [6]
4Christophe Collet [1] [2] [4]
5Ludovic Collin [3] [5]
6Jonathan Letessier [5] [6]
7Patrick Pérez [2] [4]
8Jean-Noël Provost [1] [2] [4]
9Baptiste Vrigneau [5] [6]

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