
Laurence Nigay

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58EEGilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Laurence Nigay: Flower menus: a new type of marking menu with large menu breadth, within groups and efficient expert mode memorization. AVI 2008: 15-22
57EECéline Coutrix, Laurence Nigay: Balancing physical and digital properties in mixed objects. AVI 2008: 305-308
56EEMarcos Serrano, Laurence Nigay, Jean-Yves L. Lawson, Andrew Ramsay, Roderick Murray-Smith, Sebastian Denef: The openinterface framework: a tool for multimodal interaction. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3501-3506
55EEFrédéric Jourde, Yann Laurillau, Alberto L. Morán, Laurence Nigay: Towards Specifying Multimodal Collaborative User Interfaces: A Comparison of Collaboration Notations. DSV-IS 2008: 281-286
54EEMarcello Coiana, Alex Conconi, Laurence Nigay, Michael Ortega: Test-Bed for Multimodal Games on Mobile Devices. Fun and Games 2008: 75-87
53EEMarcos Serrano, David Juras, Laurence Nigay: A three-dimensional characterization space of software components for rapidly developing multimodal interfaces. ICMI 2008: 149-156
52EEDavid Juras, Laurence Nigay, Michael Ortega, Marcos Serrano: Multimodal slideshow: demonstration of the openinterface interaction development environment. ICMI 2008: 193-194
51EETat-Jun Chin, Yilun You, Céline Coutrix, Joo-Hwee Lim, Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Laurence Nigay: Snap2Play: A Mixed-Reality Game Based on Scene Identification. MMM 2008: 220-229
50EEYilun You, Tat-Jun Chin, Joo-Hwee Lim, Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Céline Coutrix, Laurence Nigay: Deploying and evaluating a mixed reality mobile treasure hunt: Snap2Play. Mobile HCI 2008: 335-338
49EEMarcos Serrano, David Juras, Michael Ortega, Laurence Nigay: OIDE: un outil pour la conception et le développement d'interfaces multimodales. UbiMob 2008: 91-92
48EEMeriam Horchani, Benjamin Caron, Laurence Nigay, Franck Panaget: Natural multimodal dialogue systems: a configurable dialogue and presentation strategies component. ICMI 2007: 291-298
47EEGilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Laurence Nigay: Wave Menus: Improving the Novice Mode of Hierarchical Marking Menus. INTERACT (1) 2007: 475-488
46EEMeriam Horchani, Laurence Nigay, Franck Panaget: A platform for output dialogic strategies in natural multimodal dialogue systems. IUI 2007: 206-215
45EEAlexis Clay, Nadine Couture, Laurence Nigay: Emotion capture based on body postures and movements CoRR abs/0710.0847: (2007)
44EECéline Coutrix, Laurence Nigay: Mixed reality: a model of mixed interaction. AVI 2006: 43-50
43EEGilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay, David Auber: NAVRNA: visualization - exploration - editing of RNA. AVI 2006: 504-507
42EEGilles Bailly, David Auber, Laurence Nigay: From Visualization to Manipulation of RNA Secondary and Tertiary Structures. IV 2006: 107-116
41EEMarcos Serrano, Laurence Nigay, Rachel Demumieux, Jérôme Descos, Patrick Losquin: Multimodal interaction on mobile phones: development and evaluation using ACICARE. Mobile HCI 2006: 129-136
40EEThierry Dutoit, Laurence Nigay, Michael Schnaider: Multimodal human-computer interfaces. Signal Processing 86(12): 3515-3517 (2006)
39 Laya Madani, Laurence Nigay, Ioannis Parissis: Testing the CARE Properties of Multimodal Applications by Means of a Synchronous Approach. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 181-186
38EELaya Madani, Catherine Oriat, Ioannis Parissis, Jullien Bouchet, Laurence Nigay: Synchronous Testing of Multimodal Systems: An Operational Profile-Based Approach. ISSRE 2005: 325-334
37 Laurence Nigay, Philippe Renevier, Jullien Bouchet, Laurence Pasqualetti: Generic Interaction Techniques for Mobile Collaborative Mixed Systems. CADUI 2004: 307-320
36EEJullien Bouchet, Laurence Nigay: ICARE: a component-based approach for the design and development of multimodal interfaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1325-1328
35EEChaouki Daassi, Laurence Nigay, Marie-Christine Fauvet: Visualization Process of Temporal Data. DEXA 2004: 914-924
34EEJullien Bouchet, Laurence Nigay, Thierry Ganille: ICARE software components for rapidly developing multimodal interfaces. ICMI 2004: 251-258
33 Laurence Nigay: Design space for multimodal interaction. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions 2004: 403-408
32EEChaouki Daassi, Laurence Nigay, Marie-Christine Fauvet: Composant logiciel vs physique pour interagir avec un espace de valeurs temporelles. IHM 2004: 53-60
31EELaurence Nigay, Benoit Mansoux, Jocelyne Troccaz: Abstract and Concrete Interaction with Mixed Reality Systems / The case of the mini screen, a new interaction device in Computer-Assisted Surgery. MIXER 2004
30EELaurence Nigay, Philippe Renevier, Jullien Bouchet, Laurence Pasqualetti: Generic Interaction Techniques For Mobile Collaborative Mixed Reality Systems. MIXER 2004
29EEEmmanuel Dubois, Philip D. Gray, Laurence Nigay: ASUR++: Supporting the design of mobile mixed systems. Interacting with Computers 15(4): 497-520 (2003)
28EEYann Laurillau, Laurence Nigay: Clover architecture for groupware. CSCW 2002: 236-245
27EEChaouki Daassi, Marie-Christine Fauvet, Laurence Nigay: Multiple Visual Representation of Temporal Data. DEXA 2002: 701-709
26EEYann Laurillau, Laurence Nigay: Le modèle d'architecture Clover pour les collecticiels. IHM 2002: 113-120
25EELaurence Nigay, Philip D. Gray: Architecture logicielle conceptuelle pour la capture de contexte. IHM 2002: 211-214
24EESylvain Daudé, Laurence Nigay: Processus et paramètres de conception de la sonification. IHM 2002: 255-258
23EEEmmanuel Dubois, Philip D. Gray, Laurence Nigay: ASUR++: A Design Notation for Mobile Mixed Systems. Mobile HCI 2002: 123-139
22EELaurence Nigay, P. Salembier, T. Marchand, Philippe Renevier, Laurence Pasqualetti: Mobile and Collaborative Augmented Reality: A Scenario Based Design Approach. Mobile HCI 2002: 241-255
21EEEmmanuel Dubois, Laurence Nigay, Jocelyne Troccaz: Assessing continuity and compatibility in augmented reality systems. Universal Access in the Information Society 1(4): 263-273 (2002)
20 Murray Reed Little, Laurence Nigay: Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, 8th IFIP International Conference, EHCI 2001, Toronto, Canada, May 11-13, 2001, Revised Papers Springer 2001
19EEEmmanuel Dubois, Laurence Nigay, Jocelyne Troccaz: Consistency in Augmented Reality Systems. EHCI 2001: 111-122
18EEPhilippe Renevier, Laurence Nigay: Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality: The Augmented Stroll. EHCI 2001: 299-316
17 Chaouki Daassi, Marlon Dumas, Marie-Christine Fauvet, Laurence Nigay, Pierre-Claude Scholl: Visual Exploration of Temporal Object Databases. BDA 2000
16EEFrédéric Vernier, Laurence Nigay: A Framework for the Combination and Characterization of Output Modalities. DSV-IS 2000: 35-50
15EEEmmanuel Dubois, Laurence Nigay: Augmented reality: which augmentation for which reality? Designing Augmented Reality Environments 2000: 165-166
14EEMarlon Dumas, Chaouki Daassi, Marie-Christine Fauvet, Laurence Nigay: Pointwise Temporal Object Database Browsing. Objects and Databases 2000: 170-184
13 T. C. Nicholas Graham, Leon Watts, Gaëlle Calvary, Joëlle Coutaz, Emmanuel Dubois, Laurence Nigay: A Dimension Space for the Design of Interactive Systems within their Physical Environments. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 406-416
12 Hilary Johnson, Laurence Nigay, Chris Roast: People and Computers XIII, Proceedings of HCI '98 Springer 1998
11EELaurence Nigay, Frédéric Vernier: Design method of interaction techniques for large information spaces. AVI 1998: 37-46
10 R. Spence, Stéphane Chatty, Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Kenneth P. Fishkin, Lorraine Johnston, Nicole de Koning, Shijian Lu, Laurence Nigay, Ricardo Orosco, Jean Scholtz: The Visualisation of Web Usage. EHCI 1998: 351-361
9 Gaëlle Calvary, Joëlle Coutaz, Laurence Nigay: From Single-User Architectural Design to PAC*: a Generic Software Architecture Model for CSCW. CHI 1997: 242-249
8EEPhilippe Mulhem, Laurence Nigay: Interactive Information Retrieval Systems: From User Centred Interface Design to Software Design. SIGIR 1996: 326-334
7 Laurence Nigay, Joëlle Coutaz: A Generic Platform for Addressing the Multimodal Challenge. CHI 1995: 98-105
6 Joëlle Coutaz, Laurence Nigay, Daniel Salber, Ann Blandford, Jon May, Richard M. Young: Four easy pieces for assessing the usability of multimodal interaction: the CARE properties. INTERACT 1995: 115-120
5 Joëlle Coutaz, Laurence Nigay, Daniel Salber: The MSM Framework: A Design Space for Multi-Sensori-Motor Systems. EWHCI 1993: 231-241
4EELaurence Nigay, Joëlle Coutaz: A design space for multimodal systems: concurrent processing and data fusion. INTERCHI 1993: 172-178
3 Gregory D. Abowd, Joëlle Coutaz, Laurence Nigay: Structuring the Space of Interactive System Properties. Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction 1992: 113-129
2 Arno P. J. Gourdol, Laurence Nigay, Daniel Salber, Joëlle Coutaz: Two Case Studies of Software Architecture for Multimodal Interactive Systems: VoicePaint and a Voice-enabled Graphical Notebook. Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction 1992: 271-284
1 Arno P. J. Gourdol, Laurence Nigay, Daniel Salber, Joëlle Coutaz: Multimodal Systems: Aspects of Events Fusion and a Taxonomy. IFIP Congress (1) 1992: 156-162

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [3]
2David Auber [42] [43]
3Gilles Bailly [42] [43] [47] [58]
4Ann Blandford [6]
5Jullien Bouchet [30] [34] [36] [37] [38]
6Gaëlle Calvary (Gaelle Calvary) [9] [13]
7Benjamin Caron [48]
8Stéphane Chatty [10]
9Jean-Pierre Chevallet [50] [51]
10Tat-Jun Chin [50] [51]
11Henrik Bærbak Christensen [10]
12Alexis Clay [45]
13Marcello Coiana [54]
14Alex Conconi [54]
15Joëlle Coutaz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [13]
16Céline Coutrix [44] [50] [51] [57]
17Nadine Couture [45]
18Chaouki Daassi [14] [17] [27] [32] [35]
19Sylvain Daudé [24]
20Rachel Demumieux [41]
21Sebastian Denef [56]
22Jérôme Descos [41]
23Emmanuel Dubois [13] [15] [19] [21] [23] [29]
24Marlon Dumas [14] [17]
25Thierry Dutoit [40]
26Marie-Christine Fauvet [14] [17] [27] [32] [35]
27Kenneth P. Fishkin [10]
28Thierry Ganille [34]
29Arno P. J. Gourdol [1] [2]
30T. C. Nicholas Graham [13]
31Philip D. Gray [23] [25] [29]
32Meriam Horchani [46] [48]
33Hilary Johnson [12]
34Lorraine Johnston [10]
35Frédéric Jourde [55]
36David Juras [49] [52] [53]
37Nicole de Koning [10]
38Yann Laurillau [26] [28] [55]
39Jean-Yves L. Lawson [56]
40Eric Lecolinet [47] [58]
41Joo-Hwee Lim [50] [51]
42Murray Reed Little [20]
43Patrick Losquin [41]
44Shijian Lu [10]
45Laya Madani [38] [39]
46Benoit Mansoux [31]
47T. Marchand [22]
48Jon May [6]
49Alberto L. Morán [55]
50Philippe Mulhem [8]
51Roderick Murray-Smith [56]
52Catherine Oriat [38]
53Ricardo Orosco [10]
54Michael Ortega-Binderberger (Michael Ortega) [49] [52] [54]
55Franck Panaget [46] [48]
56Ioannis Parissis [38] [39]
57Laurence Pasqualetti [22] [30] [37]
58Andrew Ramsay [56]
59Philippe Renevier [18] [22] [30] [37]
60Chris Roast (Chris R. Roast) [12]
61Daniel Salber [1] [2] [5] [6]
62P. Salembier [22]
63Michael Schnaider [40]
64Pierre-Claude Scholl [17]
65Jean Scholtz [10]
66Marcos Serrano [41] [49] [52] [53] [56]
67R. Spence [10]
68Jocelyne Troccaz [19] [21] [31]
69Frédéric Vernier [11] [16]
70Leon Watts [13]
71Yilun You [50] [51]
72Richard M. Young [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)