CADUI 2004:
Madeira Island,
Robert J. K. Jacob, Quentin Limbourg, Jean Vanderdonckt (Eds.):
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV, Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces, January 14-16, 2004, Funchal, Portugal.
Kluwer 2005, ISBN 1-4020-3145-9 BibTeX
- Anke Dittmar, Peter Forbrig:
The Influence of Improved Task Models on Dialogues.
1-14 BibTeX
- Birgit Bomsdorf, Gerd Szwillus:
Task-Based Web Modelling: The Web Object Life Cycle Modelling Concept.
15-28 BibTeX
- Milene Selbach Silveira, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza:
Model-Based Design of Online Help Systems.
29-42 BibTeX
- Susana Montero, Camino Fernández, Juan Manuel Dodero, Ignacio Aedo, Paloma Díaz:
A Design Toolkit for Hypermedia Applications Based on Ariadne Development Method.
43-54 BibTeX
- Marco Winckler, Eric Barboni, Christelle Farenc, Philippe A. Palanque:
SWCEDITOR: a Model-Based Tool for Interactive Modelling of Web Navigation.
55-66 BibTeX
- Akihiko Urushihara, Satoshi Kanai, Takeshi Kishinami, Toyoaki Tomura:
Behaviour Modeller: The Systematic Generation of Statechart from Functional Relations and Scenarios for Prototyping User Interfaces.
67-80 BibTeX
- Jeremy Gow, Harold W. Thimbleby:
MAUI: An Interface Design Tool Based on Matrix Algebra.
81-94 BibTeX
- David Julien, Mikal Ziane, Zahia Guessoum:
GOLIATH: an Extensible Model-Based Environment to Develop User Interfaces.
95-104 BibTeX
- Quentin Limbourg, Jean Vanderdonckt:
Transformational Development of User Interfaces with Graph Transformations.
105-118 BibTeX
- Philip D. Gray, Iain McLeod, Steve Draper, Murray Crease, Richard Thomas:
A Distributed Usage Monitoring System.
119-130 BibTeX
- Elena García Barriocanal, Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán, León A. González, José Ramón Hilera:
Dialogue-Based Design of Web Usability Questionnaires Using Ontologies.
131-144 BibTeX
- Céline Mariage, Jean Vanderdonckt:
Creating Contextualised Usability Guides for Web Sites Design and Evaluation.
145-156 BibTeX
- Willem-Paul Brinkman, Reinder Haakma, Don Bouwhuis:
Usability Testing of Interaction Components: Taking the Message Exchange as a Measure of Usability.
157-168 BibTeX
- Thomas Tiedtke, Thomas Krach, Christian Märtin:
InFigura, An Integrated Design Tool. Exploiting Semantics and Patterns of Web Development.
169-182 BibTeX
- Iain McLeod, Huw Evans, Philip D. Gray, Rebecca Mancy:
Instrumenting Bytecode for the Production of Usage Data.
183-194 BibTeX
- Daniel Sinnig, Ashraf Gaffar, Daniel Reichart, Ahmed Seffah, Peter Forbrig:
Patterns in Model-Based Engineering.
195-208 BibTeX
- Pedro J. Molina, Hallvard Trætteberg:
Analysis and Design of Model-Based User Interfaces: An Approach to Refining Specifications towards Implementation.
209-220 BibTeX
- David Paquette, Kevin A. Schneider:
Interaction Templates for Constructing User Interfaces from Task Models.
221-232 BibTeX
- Christa M. Chewar, Edwin Bachetti, D. Scott McCrickard, John E. Booker:
Automating a Design Reuse Facility with Critical Parameters: Lessons Learned in Developing the LINK-UP System.
233-244 BibTeX
- Lirisnei Gomes de Sousa, Jair C. Leite:
XICL - An Extensible Mark-up Language for Developing User Interface and Components.
245-256 BibTeX
- Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx:
UIML.NET: an Open UIML Renderer for the .Net Framework.
257-268 BibTeX
- Stina Nylander, Markus Bylund, Annika Wærn:
The Ubiquitous Interactor - Device Independent Access to Mobile Services.
269-280 BibTeX
- Tim Clerckx, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx:
Generating Context-Sensitive Multiple Device Interfaces from Design.
281-294 BibTeX
- Philip D. Gray, Joy Goodman, James Macleod:
A Lightweight Experiment Management System for Handheld Computers.
295-306 BibTeX
- Laurence Nigay, Philippe Renevier, Jullien Bouchet, Laurence Pasqualetti:
Generic Interaction Techniques for Mobile Collaborative Mixed Systems.
307-320 BibTeX
- Murielle Florins, Daniela Gorski Trevisan, Jean Vanderdonckt:
The Continuity Property in Mixed Reality and Multiplatform Systems: a Comparative Study.
321-332 BibTeX
- Luís Carriço, Carlos Duarte, Rui Lopes, Miguel Rodrigues Fornari, Nuno Guimarães:
Building Rich User Interfaces for Digital Talking Books.
333-346 BibTeX
- James R. Glass, Eugene Weinstein, D. Scott Cyphers, Joseph Polifroni, Grace Chung, Mikio Nakano:
A Framework for Developing Conversational User Interfaces.
347-358 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:00:07 2009
by Michael Ley (